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时间:2021-08-24 14:53:38 来源:东星资源网




  In this crisp autumn season, we finally ushered in the traditional festival of the Chinese nation - the Mid Autumn Festival. The Mid Autumn Festival is a good day to get together with family, eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon. This year's Mid Autumn Festival, our family will spend it in the small garden on the roof.

  In the afternoon, my mother and I went to buy moon cakes and dinner ingredients. Where's dad? Ha ha, he wants to stay at home and clean up. My mother and I went home after buying ingredients, and my father cleaned up. Our whole family cooked a big dinner together.

  Gradually, in the evening, our family happily sat in the small garden, enjoying the moon while eating a big meal. I smiled at the smiling faces of my family. At this time, the moon is like a big jade plate. At first, the moon was as bright as water. After a while, the moon was gradually covered by a group of dark clouds and became faint. Finally, the moon broke free from the dark clou...

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标签: 中秋节 英语 作文


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