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时间:2021-08-26 09:56:02 来源:东星资源网




  In the twinkling of an eye, I was in grade three, and a new teacher's day came. I still remember Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Yang, Mr. Ma and so on.

  Back in the past, when I was in grade one, I saw a crowd of people - teachers, students and parents. There were people everywhere. Only she - my head teacher, Miss Wang, was different. She led us into the classroom with a class number plate in her hand. She has a wealth of knowledge. Her class was lively and conquered us from her heart.

  Mr. Zhao likes to laugh. His voice is thin and gentle. It sounds as good as birds. When Miss Zhao called my name, my voice was thin and gentle, just like my mother called me home for dinner. I stood up and answered her question with a smile. The teacher also smiled. She nodded kindly at me and let me sit down. I feel warm all over. What a good teacher!

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标签: 学生 教师节 英语作文


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