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时间:2021-08-28 09:16:50 来源:东星资源网




  The Mid Autumn Festival is perhaps the most deeply branded festival of the Chinese nation.

  From the beautiful works of Qin Feng and Han spirit, Tang Qing and song Yue, literati and poets, to today's family reunion, family celebration and Mid Autumn Festival, walking in the historical time and space, dense for thousands of years, it brings people endless dream imagination, beautiful and warm. I have had countless dreams that the house is small and can collect the moon; Dream of Chang'e's quiet face and cold skirt; I dreamed of snuggling up in my mother's arms, gathering relatives and spending the Mid Autumn Festival... Every Mid Autumn Festival, our family goes to my grandfather's house to spend this beautiful festival. This year is no exception. The family get together, talk and laugh, and tell each other about the interesting things they have encountered in the past six months, which is very warm. After dinner, my siste...

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标签: 初中生 中秋节 英语作文


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