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时间:2017-03-11 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


和没有太大区别,资料准备上与的区别就是:提供美国亲属的邀请函和信息来往记录以下是邀请函的要点:抬头:Letter of Invitation兹邀请以下人士来美探亲。下面详细列出被邀请人:姓名、年龄、性别、国籍、护照号码、单位和职务,和邀请人关系。行程安排:X年X月X日至X年X月X日,从。。。至。。。。停留。。。天费用承担:自付或邀请方付。为了保证的成功率,美国邀请方最好可以提供以下材料:一、美国亲属或朋友的邀请函,或证明了参加旅游团或会议的信件.(邀请函要包括美方亲友的全名,地址,联系电话,被邀请人的姓名及与美方亲属的关系,预计访问时间长短和一份关于有谁负担旅行费用的声明);二、提供美国亲属的经济担保能力的文件:比如证明(复印件无效);三、美方亲友的身份证明:美国亲友就职单位或雇主提供的材料,证明其职务、雇佣期限和每月的收入,亲友提供的近期纳税证明,护照和签证复印件、绿卡复印件;四、美国亲友签署的经济担保书,即I—134表格,此种证明由统一印发,担保(原文来自:wWW.DxF5.com 东 星资源网:父母来美国签证邀请函)人签字后,还必须经过当地的公证机构给予证明。百校夏老师专业办理,从预约填表准备材料到面签培训全方位全程的指导为您顺利拿到保驾护航。


Your name Mailing address USA Date US Consulate General Shanghai Consular Section 1038 Nanjiang West Road Westgate Mall (MeiLongZhen)- 8th floor Shanghai, P. R. China Dear Visa officer: My name is (your name). I am (your parent’s names)’s daughter (or son). I am writing to invite my parents to visit us in USA in ( your scheduled time). My parents have been US for ( ) times and each time they returned to China on time. I want to invite them to join us again this summer (or your scheduled time) so that they can spend some time with their grand children. Beside, summer is the best season in Chicago (or give another reason). My parents will stay with me at the above address and I will cover their expenses including the round trip air fare, room and board, and the travel expenses during their visit. Please find attached supporting documents including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copy of my passport Copy of my permanent resident card (front and back) My recent three months’ pay check stubs Bank statements Form I-134 (affidavit of Support)I have purchased round trip airline tickets for them. They will leave Shanghai (or your city) on (date) (UA836 or your actual flight number) and return to China on (date) (UA835 or your actual flight number) (please see the attached confirmation letter from United Airline or your actual airline). I will guaranty that they will not unlawfully stay in the US after the trip. Your help in issuing B2 visa for them would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further question. I can be reached by phone (your home phone): or email (your email address)Best regards,Your name and signature
标签:美国旅游签证邀请函 美国访友签证邀请函 父母来美国签证邀请函