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时间:2017-05-23 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




Describe a restaurant or café. You should say:

Where it is.

What it looks like.

What kinds of services are provided?

What kind of food you like there.

Why you like it.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.

1. Of all the restaurants I could tell you about, the Smiling Dragon restaurant is probably the one that I would like to talk about the most.

2. The reason for my latest visit there has to do with the fact that I wanted to introduce my foreign English teacher to some Chinese dishes.

3. The Smiling Dragon is well known for its seafood dishes. I would mention the bakes fish and fresh squid.

I always enjoy a visit the Smiling Dragon for a number of reasons. Please allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

4. Firstly, the food is of a good quality and well prepared. For example, they prepare only fresh fish, which they purchase at the fish market in Dalian.

5. Secondly, the waiting staff is always friendly, polite, and helpful. What I mean to say is that they will advise you on any specials on offer, and they tend to any need you may have swiftly and efficiently.

6. Thirdly, the restaurant is always spotlessly clean. Therefore, I never feel embarrassed to invite my family, friends, or foreigners to join me there for a meal.

7. Lastly, it is situated conveniently near the university, in a respectable neighborhood. That means that I am able to take my girlfriend there after dark, without fearing that we will be in danger on our way there and back.

以上就是小编给大家整理的“ 雅思 口语范文之你最喜欢的饭店”,仅供大家在 雅思考试 前参考学习,只要在雅思考试前进行了充分的准备,就会在雅思考试中取得满意的分数的。希望可以帮助到大家,更多 雅思阅读 考试,雅思报名, 雅思培训 等相关信息尽在 小马 过河雅思频道,欢迎点击咨询。

篇二:雅思口语part2新题思路详解范文:Describe a kind of food

雅思口语part2新题思路详解范文:Describe a kind of food


Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first time.

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how you felt about it


第一次尝试的食物: 巴基斯坦食物



品尝后的感受:菜肴非常诱人,让人胃口大开。有一种神奇的力量,能让人忘记忧伤,重新振作。Sample answer:

Last month I tried the Pakistani(巴基斯坦) food for the first time in a restaurant with my friends, and among all the dishes, I like the Biryani(咖喱炒饭) best. The restaurant is located near our university, and it is famous for the Pakistani food. At first, I’m not sure I will like it or not, but since every day the restaurant is packed with people, so I went there to have a try.

To my surprise, the food there was so delicious that I thought it was unmatched(无敌的) for flavor(风味). It tasted a little spicy, but suited my taste very well. The dishes were flavored with exotic (异国风味)herbs (芳草)and spices. I had been to many countries in this world and tried many things, but I had never tasted any other delicious food like this. Pakistani food soon became my favorite food.

I remember that at that time I just failed the exam, and I felt so frustrated that I didn’t want to eat anything. But the Pakistani food was so tempting that as soon as I saw it, I started feeling hungry. It was so mouth-watering and scrumptious (美味的)that I ate it in high quantity. I think Pakistani food has a magic power that can help me forget sadness and cheer up again.


篇三:深度解析雅思口语part 3的实质


深度解析雅思口语part 3的实质

它的本质是一个discussion(讨论),多数时候Part 3的问题与Part 2所考卡片的话题有关,但有的题目也可能会离开( deviate from)卡片的话题o其实这部分和Part 1 的深层区别就是更加“博爱”:Part 1的多数题是关于

“you/your life”,而Part 3的多数题目则是关于“people“society”或者“your country”,甚至“the world/global issues”。下面来让我们看一下“深度解析 雅思 口语part 3的实质 ”



☆会用到很多表示逻辑关系的连接词。不过大家尽可以放心的是:本书已经为您总;结出了 雅思口语 乃至海外日常口语里所需的全部常用连接词,详见Day 40

☆要求考生的答案比Part 1要正式一些,无论从用词还是从内容都会比口试前两部;分更formal

☆The good news is: There's no need for you to make it as formal as a job. interview。毕竟Part 3还是考口语水平,所以答案也不必过难,Part 3考题与雅思作文题的难度相比还是有很大差距的o更具体的Part 3详情请见本书Day 9。

所以,如果说Part 1是和考官聊天(chat),那么在Part 3,你的任务就是论述好你的观点( state your case)。

比如《剑8》test 2的Part 2卡片话题是restaurant,相应的Part 3就出现了下列问题:

◆Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants?

◆Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a cheap restaurant - would you agree?

◆Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future, or will there be less choice?

再比如,近期的一个常考话题是a piece of electronic equipment,相应的Part 3就出

◆ What kinds of machine are used for housework in(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:restaurant雅思) modern homes in your country?

◆ How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?

◆ Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?

标签:雅思 restaurant restaurant的读音 restaurant的音标