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1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

重点在于回答“how well”,可以是“very well”“,know my neighbor inside out”或“know nothing about them”。其实在都市中生活,对自己的邻居不了解、不熟悉完全正常。但是如果 生活在乡村,邻里关系可能就很重要。

2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

重点在于频率“how often”,可以是“very often”,也可以是“rarely”或“never”。考生还可 以进一步讲看到自己的邻居干什么,或自己看到他们后有什么反应,说什么话,做什么事。

3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?



小毛病,别人可能就难以接受,也可能是对社 区事务的争论而引发的矛盾等。总之只要涉及到利益纠纷,就有矛盾。

4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?

俗话说的好 ,“远水解不了近渴”(While the grass grows, the horse starves.) 邻居在紧急时刻还 是能助一臂之力的,例如火警、抢劫、盗窃等等......



1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

well, rarely, meet, encounter, come across with, be acquainted with, stranger, amicable, hospitable.

2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

everyday, in the morning, at night, once in a while, from time to time, frequently, bump into, run into.

3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?

trouble, quarrel, fight, dispute, conflict, interest, selfish, public space, communal space.

4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?

While the grass grows, the horse starves; Slow remedy cannot meet an emergency; urgency, lend a hand, come handy, aid, assist, watch over, look after.



1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

Honestly, I don’t know them well. I guess this is just part of the urban life. Look, I get up at 7 or before 7 every morning to commute to work and come back late every night. You know, it’s a city

thing, work, stress, transportation, traffic jam and stuff. And once I get home, I always can’t wait to hit my pillow. So how could I possibly have any free time to care to know who they really are or even to socialize with them? It’ll be all good to me as long as they’re not terrorists or some homicide fugitives.

Well, I can’t say I know my neighbors very well, but I guess I do know something about them, like where they’re from and what they do for a living.

2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

Though I can’t help bumping into them from time to time, we never really talked. You know, it’s like you just don’t feel like talking to a stranger unless he/she first speaks to you. And I guess he thinks the same about me.

I guess it’s quite often. I keep running into them either before work or after work. That’s when we all stand in the hallway waiting for the elevator to come. Then we would talk about just this and that, some small talks.

3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?

Well, I’ve never had any problems with my neighbors or maybe just not yet. But I’ve heard people talk about it from time to time. And it seems to me that people complain about the noise their neighbors make quite a lot. Apart from that, I just can’t think of anything else right now. The biggest problem a lot of people have with their neighbors is the public space in the hallway. Look, I have a neighbor who puts his motorbike in there. Not only does his motorbike make the whole place look bad, but also it’s unsafe in case of emergency, say fire or earthquake. I really hate it.

4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?

It’s not really easy for neighbors to help each other if they’re not acquainted well. That I mean small help, but I guess neighbors can really come in handy in case of emergency. That’s all I have now in mind at the moment.

There are quite a lot of things neighbors can do to help each other from moving some furniture to looking after child, from car sharing to property watching. Anyway, nothing comes handy like communal help when you really need it. So everyone should start socializing with their neighbors if not more often.



Describe a time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey.

调查的内容可以五花八门,多种多样,例如消费倾向调查、服务满意度调查等等 ;调查的形式 也可以是多种多样,街边调查、网上调查等等。自己成为调查对象也可能完全是因为偶然,随 机的,没有特定性,也可能是因为自己代表了一个特定人群。自己参与调查的感受可以兴奋, 也可以冷漠,总之尽量避免自己不会的英文表达,尽量展示优点,避开缺点。



Describe a time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey.

consumers’ preference, customers’ satisfaction, paper-based, internet-based, interview, face- to-face, duration, length, participate, operate, representative sample, random selection, present opinion, biased view, prejudice against, summarize.

Describe a time when you were asked to your opinion in a questionnaire or survey.

One time there was a student of mine who asked me to give opinions on consumers’ choice of healthy food. In the beginning, I tried to politely decline his request, but he was quite persistent and kept bugging until I finally gave up and agreed to fill out his questionnaire. I asked him, Why meThis is a customer satisfaction survey I’m going to talk about. Once I had dinner in a restaurant

with my friends. After we paid our bill, a manager-looking guy came to us, smiled and said, “Would you mind kindly giving us a feedback on our food and service that we may improve in the future?”“Why, I wouldn’t mind, but what perks would you give us?”I thought to myself. Before I could spell out my mind, the manager spoke and said,“As gratitude, we would give you this 100-dollar coupon.”Well, what could I say now? So I said his food was good and service was superb that he didn’t need to worry about improving or anything. Blah, blah, blah. Having said this, I felt very good, because I felt I was really treated like god. I hope every other restaurants or business firms could learn from this restaurant and pay due attention to their customers’opinions.

”He smiled and said nothing. It’s not until recently did he tell me that it was actually not a survey on any food preference, but actually a psychological test on how people would react to persistent request. Hell, I felt like I’ve been tricked. But, anyway, when he pushed me the questionnaire, I at least patiently answered all the questions, what is my definition of healthy food, how often I eat healthy food and stuff. I just wish I would never come across with anything like this any more. It makes me feel like I’ve been used and hoodwinked.



1. What kinds of organization want to find out about people’s opinions?

很多组织会在乎顾客的想法和员工的想法,当然其中主要是企业,因为顾客的选择和员工的去 留直接关系他们的兴衰存亡。

2. Do you think that questionnaires or surveys are good ways of finding out people’s opinions?

可以认为好,也可以认为不好,考生可以选择任意一方面作答。好可能因为成本低廉,不好也 可能因为效果不理想或结果不具有借鉴性或代表性。

3. What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions?

当自己忙着去做某事时被人打扰肯定不会乐意,所以“忙”、“有事”常常是大家最常用的借口。 有时也可能是因为涉及隐私,或涉及敏感内容而不便透露。

4. Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons?

考生完全可以说自己没有思路,因为对于这个问题本身,大量的教育专家就有很多不同的观点, 有些观点甚至可能完全相反,大家莫衷一是。当然,这个做法本身有优点,也有缺点,考生可 以在这里简单概述,在之后的问题中再详细作答。

5. What would the advantages for schools be if they asked students their opinions?

优点当然是可以为学生按需设计课程,学生想学什么就可以学什么,甚至可以挑老师,学生学 习起来就更加有主动性和积极性,同时学校也可以更好地为学生服务,满足学生的多项需求。

6. Would there be any disadvantages in asking students’ opinions?

缺点是学生可能会有不切实际的意见、想法,但是学校既然征求意见却不能实施,反而会导致 学生的不满情绪。同时,如果学校积极回应学生意见的话,可能又面临大幅变革的局面,不仅 可能会有较高的改革成本,也可能会产生难以预计的结果。



1. What kinds of organization want to find out about people’s opinions?

customer, client, staff, enterprise, care about, be concerned about, be interested in, feedback, improve, renovate.

2. Do you think that questionnaires or surveys are good ways of finding out people’s opinions?

Yes: low cost, cheap, affordable, easy to plan/operate.?No: ineffective, not representative, false information, slow response, difficult to digitize/process.




摘要: 剑桥雅思分为1-9个系列,其中剑桥雅思8受到广大烤鸭的关注,对于想要提高雅思口语的烤鸭来说,剑桥雅思8口语对于备考雅思是很重要的。今天小编带来剑桥雅思8口语答案Test4Part1,好好看看。

剑桥 雅思 8口语答案Test4Part1



1. How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]

这是个很生活化的问题,考生可以根据个人情况来阐述看电视的时间。有的考生学习工作繁忙, 空闲时间很少,看电视的频率自然就低 ;有的考生时间相对充裕,常以电视节目为资讯来源或 消遣方式,看电视的频率自然就高。

2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]




3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]

广告,尤其是节目关键时刻的广告,往往令人无奈甚至讨厌,因此很多人不喜欢广告。有时有 些广告具有欺骗、夸大、暴力或血腥的内容,不适合所有人群观看。当然也有艺术造诣较高, 内容丰富有趣的广告,这些广告在电视上出现就不会引起人们的过度反感。

4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]





2. 考生可在回答中使用的实用词汇

1. How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]

very often, frequently, rarely, seldom, from time to time, once in a while, spare time, weekend, holiday, TV show/program, selective, for fun, relax.

2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]

vary from people to people, news channel, documentary channel, entertainment channel, movie channel, music channel, opera channel, channel surfing, fix on, get updated.

3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]

ad, commercial, promote, advertise, propagate, spread, hate, dislike, be disgusted, nasty, odious, misleading, deceiving, bluff, violence, discretion advised, artistic, content rich, inspiring.

4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]

contents of the TV programs, properly censored, administrative authority, violent, sexually explicit, vulgar, general public, appreciate, aesthetic.



1. How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]

Well, quite often. Look, people call me couch potato, because I sit in couch, watch TV and eat potato chips. Watching TV is a big part in my life. It gives me a lot of fun and makes me enjoy my life.

No, I seldom watch TV, because I believe watching TV is no different from slow suicide. It’s just a waste of my precious time. I must live very single minute to the fullest.

2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]

Like I said, I love watching TV programs, all kinds of them, so there is no particular channel I would fix on. Sometimes I just enjoy channel surfing for no reason.

Well, I would only watch news channels. I believe they’re the only channels worth watching, because I can get updated of the latest happenings in China and around the world.

3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]

No. I totally hate it. It makes me sick. Think about it, how could you like it when they insert ads in your favorite TV show? It’s totally unacceptable. Plus most of the ads either are misleading or appear to exaggerate the effects of their product. They just want to get money out of your pocket. They are mercenary profiteers. Anyway, I don’t like advertisements.

Well, I’d like to say yes, because there are some ads that are truly artistic and with high aesthetic values, but the rest are just full of misleading and exaggerated information, even violent or sexually explicit contents to appeal to people’s eyes. So my final verdict is“no”.

4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]

Well, I guess yes. Most TV programs in China are generally“good”, so to speak, since the TV and Radio Administrative Authority really does their job of“censoring”the unwanted contents. So don’t worry. You would have to go overseas to watch those“bad”TV programs, like CNN and other stuff.

I’m not really sure, because I’ve deliberately refrained from watching TV for many years. But I trust most TV programs are good since the majority of people still love spending their prime time at night on watching TV.





相关字搜索: 剑桥雅思8口语答案Test4Part1



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1. 本段对话发生在两个学生之间。一开始 Nina 就冲 George 喊“你终于回来了呀,不知道多 少人打电话给你了”(Glad you’re back. Loads of people have phone you)。glad 之前省略 了 I am,口语一般不说 I am glad,比如“很高兴见到你”可以直接说 Glad to meet you。 loads of sth. 是英式英语,不太正式,口语中常用,相当于 a lot of sth.。

2. George 耐心给 Nina 解释说“我去图书馆看报纸了,回来的路上遇见了有趣的事情——夏 季节日演奏的西班牙音乐”。Nina 说“听起来不错哦(sounds great)”,George 建议说“要 不我们去看看,给自己放松一下(Shall we go then? Spoil ourselves?)”。spoil 一般意为“宠爱, 溺爱”,但是此处 spoil 意为“友好地对待”。spoil oneself 意为“善待自己”(to look after someone in a way that is very kind or too kind)。

3.Nina积极响应了George的提议,不过George又提出了一个问题,票价不便宜。于是Nina说“如果那样的话我们就坐在正前方,到时候就看得比较清楚(in that case we could sit right a 、t the corner— we’d have a really good view)”。In that case意为“在那种情况下”。case做名词,有“案件,事实,例子”之意,关于case的短语有:a case in point意为“例证,恰当的例子”;as is often the case意为“这是常有的事”;in any case意为“无论如何,总之”;in case意为“如果,万一,假如”;in case of意为“如果发生......”;in no case意为“绝不”;just incase意为“以防万一”。Have a good view意为“清楚地看到”,have a good view of sth. 还可表示“对......有很好的看法”的意思。

4. Nina 与 George 一起填表,George 说他不擅长数字(I’m really bad at numbers)。be bad at 意为“不擅长......”,而 be good at 意为“擅长......”。

5. George 问 Nina 对那些歌手的看法(how do you feel about the singer)。how do you feel about... 意为“认为......怎么样”,还有两个句型也表达同样的意思,用于征询别人的意见: How do you think of ... ? / How do you like... ?

6. Good heavens 意为“天哪”,感叹词,用于口语中,表示惊讶或生气。相似的短语有 : Heavens (above)。

7. $10.50 对 Nina 与 George 来说有点贵,所以 George 才会发出 Good heavens 的感叹。 Nina 说“真希望我们是学生,因为学生与老人是半价”。George 说“要是我们是学生多 好啊(if only...)”。if only 表示由于客观条件限制,为某事不太可能或完全不可能实现而 感到惋惜或遗憾的复杂情绪,常用虚拟语气。如 :If only I were as clever as you.(要是我 像你一样聪明该多好啊)。if only 还可引导条件句,通常用来表示说话人对某事所寄予的 某种强烈愿望,相当于 as long as。英语中还有 only if,一般用来引导条件状语从句,表示 ? “只有......才,唯一的条件是......”的意思。


答案 C

听前预测 :题干定位词为 lobby,特别要注意题干动词 saw 的时态(一般过去时);三个选项的 关键词分别为 group、display 和 video。?题目解析 :该题难度不大,video 属于原词重现。

Question 2

答案 B

听前预测 :题干定位词为 sit at the back,三个选项的关键词分别为 see、hear 和 pay。 题目解析 :该题难度不大,hear the whole thing better 和 hear clearly 的同义替换很容易就可 以听出来。

Question 3

答案 48 North Avenue

听前预测 :提示词为 address,此处应填数字 + 街道。?题目解析 :本题所填单词不难,但考查考生对 address 结构的熟悉程度以及对数字的敏感度, 由于地址为专有名词,故需要大写首字母。

Question 4

答案 WS6 2YH

听前预测 :提示词为 postcode,答案有两种可能性,即数字与字母混合或纯数字。?题目解析 :本题属于听觉难点,W 很容易听成 double u,从而造成失分 ;另外,在书写英国 邮政编码时,两个数字中间通常空一个格。

Question 5

答案 01674 553242

听前预测 :提示词为 telephone。?题目解析 :这是一道常规的电话号码题,总长度为 11 个数字,只读一遍,测试考生对数字的 敏感度和反应度。注意 :这里的 0 读成 zero ;两个 5 读成 double five。另外,雅思听力中电话 号码里的 0 通常还可以读成字母 O。

Question 6

答案 (free) drink(s) / refreshment(s)

听前预测 :定位词为 17 June、Singer,提示词为 Event、includes,此处应填名词。?题目解析 :本题根据题干 price includes 可以得知,该题的答案和 free 是有关系的。男生问 What’s that then? 女生回答 free refreshments,这里的 refreshments 相当于 snacks and drinks ;

剑 8 Test 1


同时,定位词 17 June、Singer 随后依次出现,includes drinks 很容易就听到了。 Question 7 答案 (the/a) pianist / piano player

听前预测 :定位词为 22 June,提示词为 Event,此处应填名词。?题目解析 :通过原文 How about the pianist on the 22nd of June 可知,该句型中的核心名词为 本题答案。

答案 10.50?听前预测 :定位词为 Spanish Dance & Guitar Concert,提示词为 Price 和 £,此处应填数字。

题目解析 :注意 £10.50 的读法为 ten pounds fifty。

Question 9

答案 4

听前预测 :提示词为 No. of tickets,定位词为上一题的英镑数,此处应填数字。?题目解析 :本题很简单,但需要集中注意力,否则 We’ll need to book four 很容易听丢了。

Question 10

答案 50%

听前预测 :定位词为 Children、Students 和 Senior Citizens,提示词为 discount,此处应填写 百分比。?题目解析 :本题难度不大,测试考生对 15 和 50 的辨别度。在书写时 percent 最好用 % 替代, 从而提高做题速度。



1.本段文章是独白形式,我们可以把说话人当做是博物馆的工作人员,他参加教师会议的目 的是介绍恐龙博物馆,便于老师安排学生参观。首先自然是介绍基本信息,博物馆的开放时 间具体是 :周二到周日,博物馆全天开放,从 9.00 am 到 8.00 pm ;周一的开放时间是 9.00 am 到 1.30 pm(in regard to opening hours, we’re open every day of the week from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm except on Monday when we close at 1.30 pm)。in regard to 意为“关于”,with re- gards to / regarding to 也表示“关于”的意思。

2.As far as the amount of time you’ll need goes ...(就时间而言......)。as far as sth. goes 意为 “就......而言”,相当于 as far as sth. is concerned。as far as 也可作短语介词或连词,后跟 从句或名词,意为“像......那样远,远到......,直到......”,如 :You can see as far as the coast.(极目远眺,你可以看到海岸)。

3.工作人员介绍说“博物馆里面有两个咖啡馆,可以容纳 80 人。如果想在那里吃饭,需要 预定座位,因为午餐时间那里很拥挤”(There are two cafes in the museum, with seating for 80 people. If you want to eat there you’ll need to reserve some seating, as they can get quite crowded at lunch time)。其中,第一个 seating 是 seat 的动名词形式,seat 在此处为 动词,意为“容纳”;第二个 seating 是名词,意为“座位”。as 在此处是引导词,意思是“因 为”,they 指代那两个咖啡馆(two cafes)。

4.For students who are doing projects it’s useful to make some kind of visual record of what they see that they can add to their reports.“对那些正在做项目的学生来说,用眼睛去记录那些可 以增加到他们报告的东西,这点很有用。”it 是形式主语,不定式 to 后面的部分才是真正的 主

语。what 引导宾语从句,在从句中做主语,that 引导定语从句,修饰 what they see。

5.In the theatrette on the ground floor there are continuous screenings of short documentaries about dinosaurs which they can see at any time.“在剧院的一楼,有银幕连续播放关于恐龙 的短小纪录片,供学生随时观看。”ground floor 意为“一楼”,这是英式英语,美式英语 中用 first floor 表示一楼,而 first floor 在英式英语中就是“二楼”。at any time 意为“随时, 在任何时候”。

6.在最后结尾之时,工作人员说“如果你们有什么不明白的地方可以随便提问,不需客气” (Please feel free to ask any questions if you would like to know anything else...)。feel free to do sth. 意为“可以随意做某事 ;准许做某事 ;做某事不要客气”。


Question 11

答案 1.30

听 前 预 测 :定 位 词 为 c l o s e s 、 M o n d a y s , 提 示 词 为 a t 、 p . m . , 本 题 应 填 数 字 ( 时 间 )。?题目解析 :本题难点在于原文中出现多个时间进行干扰,如 9.00 am、8.00 pm 等,考生要注 意这些时间之前的动词是 open,而非 close,所以不要急于下笔,待 close 和 Mondays 出现后, 1.30pm 才是本题真正的答案。

Question 12

答案 25 December / Christmas Day

听前预测 :定位词为 not open,提示词为 on,本题应填具体的时间(date)。?题目解析 :本题难度不大,题干中的 not open 在原文里替换成了 close,只要预测准确,后面 的答案一定能听到。

Question 13

答案 car-park / parking lot

听前预测 :定位词为 school groups、tour guides,提示词为 in the,本题应填地点名词。 题目解析 :本题考点设置干扰性不强、答案的难度也不大,而且题干和原文中的形式基本没有 太大变化,考生很容易听到本题的定位词 school groups、tour guides,以及点明答案的 in the car park。

Question 14

答案 45?听前预测 :定位词为 90 minutes、guided tour,提示词为 minutes,本题应填数字。 题目解析 :本题考点在于区分多个时间,如 15 minutes 是乘车时间、30 minutes 为参观之后的 活动时间,45 minutes 的参观时间才是本题的答案。

Question 15

答案 (some) tables

听前预测 :定位词为 behind the museum、have lunch,提示词为 there are,本题应填名词。 题目解析 :本题有一定难度,原文中与 lunch 相关之处提到了 cafés,但根据题干的 behind(在 原文中以 at the back 的形式出现),随后的名词 tables 才是本题答案。

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