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篇一:雅思口语话题之 法律

雅思口语话题之 法律

最近经常被学生问到的题目是Describe a piece of interesting law. 很多刚到朗阁上课的学员对这种题目并没有什么思路,大多数考生反映都会去说一些针对杀人,偷盗等犯罪行为的法律。其实,这并不能够给考生赢得什么分数。首先,这方面法律的专业术语性很强,考生并不知道这方面的词汇,这对学生的表达产生了很大的障碍。其次,这种serious offenses 其实并不能称为interesting, 恰恰相反的,这种法律反而是thought-provoking和引起ethical implications. 针对这类题目,给各位烤鸭们的建议谈论的法律,比如说Intellectual Property Rights Law, 即知识产权法。我们可以展开讲解虽然有知识产权法,但人们并不遵守这样的法律,很多人还是会选择去下载电影,在线听音乐,而不是去购买正版。学生还可以去探讨一些其他的法律,比如说行人不遵守交通规则,闯红灯,或者说随地吐痰等等。这些minor offenses其实并没有得到人们的遵守。

Describe a law in your country.

You should say

what the law is

what type of law it is (or, what kind of behaviour this law seeks to regulate)

how good (how necessary or effective or how suitable) you think this law is

And explain how this law affects people.

Restricting the use of plastic packaging限制塑料袋的使用

塑料袋(plastic bags or plastic packaging)

白色污染 (white pollution)

环保袋(environment-friendly bags)

生物可降解 (biodegradable)

能源消耗(energy consumption)

不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources)

出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)

Intellectual Property Right Law知识产权法

正版(authentic/real/genuine copy)

盗版 (pirated/fake copy)


下载文件链接 (download link)

打击(crack down on/stamp out)

在线观看 (online video streaming)

睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to)

What the law is?

New Labour law 新劳动法

Traffic Laws 交通法

Environmental Protection law 环境保护法

Taxation law 税务法New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定

One Child Policy 独生子女政策

When it into effect?

Come into force

Go into effect

Become effective

Take effect

New Labour law 新劳动法:Jan, 2008

New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定: June, 2008

What contents?

第几章第几条:chapter, article规定,说明:states...says... New labour law The new law greatly limits the use of short-term contracts. The new law allows employers to assign only two consecutive fixed-term contracts. After that the employer must offer the employee an open-ended contract. The LCL imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Probationary periods are permitted, but the length is limited. Furthermore, an employee can only be subject to a single probationary period by a single employer. Wages during the probationary period must also be no less than 80% of the contract wage. New plastic-bags standards New standards forbid supermarkets and shops from handing out colorized plastic bags. Authorities say those bags are mainly made of wasted plastics which will pollute the environment. The standards also have other industrial requirements. For example, plastic bags should have a thickness of no less than 0.025 millimeter, so that they can be reused. Enterprises fail to conform to standards will face severe punishment.

And explain how good you think this law is.

New labour law

Chinese workers are increasingly aware of their rights these laws seem more favorable to workers The LCL has been actively publicized and employees are well informed about their rights under the new law.

try to redress the balance of power between workers and employers. For example, mines and construction sites have been getting a lot of attention for several years now. workers were clearly being abused. All of this represented a source of social instability, and I think they just decided they couldn't afford it. So they decided to get at one root cause: the lack of contracts. Implementation and enforcement are traditionally the weakest points of labor law in China.

New plastic-bags standards

China's new standard is to change consumers' shopping habits. If everyone can use just one plastic bag a day, he or she can save around 300 bags a year. And that would mean as much as a 2-thirds reduction in the use of plastic bags for the entire country. Mainly aimed at protecting the environment. Stop the "White pollution".

One Child Policy

reward of only child policy 独生子女的政策奖励 force implement 强制执行 impose a penalty on sth 超生罚款

Reducing the population 减少人口favorable to economic growth 有利于经济增长one-child policy has helped the fight against global warming by avoiding 300 million births. 独生子女政策减少了三亿人口的出生, 帮助阻止全球变暖。

Road Traffic Safety Law

It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. 有一种说法我认为是对的,每当人

们手握方向盘的时候,他们的个性就显露出来了。 Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents. 只有制定更严格的法律才能防止事故发生。 Creating a safe, harmonious, orderly and convenient traffic environment.

创造安全、和谐、有序、方便的交通环境。 Drunken driving may cause traffic accident and death. Strictly abide by traffic law will guarantee a safe driving. 酒后驾车会导致交通事故及死亡,严格遵守交通法规保证驾驶安全。




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今年起雅思口语中纳入了新的法律性的话题,并且出现频率非常频繁。许多考生都对这个话题非常的怵,主要原因是因为超过90%的考生是大学生或高中生,所以大家可能对这个话题不是很熟悉,或者知之甚少。所以很多学生反映说当被问到此类的话题时,更多的是感觉内容上很空洞,并不知道该如何阐述这个论点。其次,法律这个话题涉及到很多的专业性词汇是很多学生所不清楚的。所以,考前做出充分的准备对于考生面临这种问题能够流利应答是很有必要的。我会就法律这个话题下相关的3个 sub-questions 展开分析,希望对广大考生们有用。

1. Describe a piece of interestinglaw


holistic的方法,讲一些大面上的东西,比如说刑法,宪法,或者是死刑。其实,这里我们在审题时就应该注意到题目要求你讲到一条法律,所以首先学生应该先把这条法律阐述清楚,然后详细解释这条法律所针对的某一项crime是什么。尽管这是一条问学生法律的题目,但是在回答时应该是回答某一种犯罪行为和针对此犯罪行为所制定的相关的法律。同时,学生还应该注意这个修饰词汇 “interesting”, 学生在第二部分的monologue 的部分就应该针对interesting 展开,解释它为什么interesting,这样答案才算完整。这个题目其实是具有很强的文化色彩的。与中国不同,外国有很多法律是非常新鲜有趣的,比如说在爱尔兰,离婚是非法的;在新加坡,不允许嚼口香糖。所以,考官也期望学生们给出类似的搞笑有趣的法律。鼓励学生们去多了解一下,或者借鉴一下国外的法律。

2. Do people often break the law?

这通常是第三部分中问的题目。对于这个问题,很多学生给出的答案的特点通常是想到什么说什么,没有什么逻辑性。其实,这里我们可以主要分为两类,一类是minor offense, 另一类是major offense. 对于minor

offense, 大体情况是很多人会不遵守法律。比如说闯红灯等等。学生们可以举一些例子。对于major offense, 也就是crime, 就包括抢劫,绑架等等。如果学生能够一开始就分成两类,并且针对不同的情况进行举例,分析,我相信这样的回答会帮助考生赢得一定的分数的。

3. Can capital punishment be ever justified?


到,学生很难当场给出一个令人满意的答案。所以提前的准备是很有必要的。是否应该有死刑的问题其实很早就受到广泛的关注。关于这个问题,主要有两点。Arguments against death pen(转载自:www.dXf5.cOm 东星资源网:雅思口语法律)alty: 1 没有人有权利去剥夺任何人的生命,这也就是为什么死刑在大多数欧洲国家是没有的。2 死刑并无法挽回受害人的生命,也并不能减轻受害人家里亲属的痛苦。 3 国家是否有权力决定如何处理死刑犯的尸体(比如说器官移植等) Arguments for death penalty: 1.具有很强的威慑力,是控制犯罪率的很好的方法。2 是对无辜受害人的一种尊重。只要广大考生们针对这些点慢慢的展开,就能够取得理想的成绩。




摘要: law这一话题被学生们戏称为杀手级别话题,因为大多数学生对这一话题的背景知识和相关材料准备的不足,导致在考场中发挥不出自己应有的水平.其实法律这一话题,只要掌握相关的



Describe a law in your country.

You should say

what the law is

what type of law it is (or, what kind of behaviour this law seeks to regulate)

how good (how necessary or effective or how suitable) you think this law is

And explain how this law affects people.


The law that I think is good is the plastic-bag usage law which took effect on June 1st 2008. Plastic bags are no longer offered for free when shopping. You now need to either bring your own bag or pay for a plastic bag. I think it is a great law because it aims to protect the environment by reducing white pollution.

I remember the day the law took effect. It was the weekend and I was at the supermarket buying food for the week. I normally try to do all my shopping during the weekend, because I don’t have time during the week to go to the

supermarket. I got to the check-out counter with a full basket of food. The check-out woman asked if I had a bag or if I wanted to purchase a bag. I had completely forgotten about the new law! I ended up having to purchase a bag, but instead of buying a plastic bag I opted to buy a reusable canvas bag. Though it was more expensive, I still use that same bag every time I go shopping.

It pleases me to see more and more people bringing their own shopping bags with them to the super market since the law took effect last year. It just goes to show that people really do care about our environment.


Restricting the use of plastic packaging限制塑料袋的使用

塑料袋 (plastic bags or plastic packaging) 白色污染 (white pollution)

环保袋 (environment-friendly bags) 生物可降解 (biodegradable)

能源消耗 (energy consumption) 不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources)

出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)

Intellectual Property Right Law知识产权法

正版 (authentic/real/genuine copy) 盗版 (pirated/fake copy)

下载 (download) 下载文件链接 (download link)

打击 (crack down on/stamp out) 在线观看 (online video streaming)

睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to)

What the law is?

New Labour law 新劳动法 Traffic Laws 交通法

Environmental Protection law 环境保护法 Taxation law 税务法

New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定 One Child Policy 独生子女政策

When it went into effect?

Come into force

Go into effect

Become effective

Take effect

New Labour law 新劳动法:Jan, 2008

New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定: June, 2008

What contents?

第几章第几条:chapter, article


New labour law

The new law greatly limits the use of short-term contracts. The new law allows employers to assign only two consecutive fixed-term contracts. After that the employer must offer the employee an open-ended contract.

The LCL imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Probationary periods are permitted, but the length is limited. Furthermore, an employee can only be subject to a single probationary period by a single employer. Wages during the probationary period must also be no less than 80% of the contract wage.

New plastic-bags standards

New standards forbid supermarkets and shops from handing out colorized plastic bags. Authorities say those bags are mainly made of wasted plastics which will pollute the environment. The standards also have other industrial

requirements. For example, plastic bags should have a thickness of no less than 0.025 millimeter, so that they can be reused. Enterprises fail to conform to standards will face severe punishment.

And explain how good you think this law is.

New labour law

Chinese workers are increasingly aware of their rights

these laws seem more favorable to workers

The LCL has been actively publicized and employees are well informed about their rights under the new law.

try to redress the balance of power between workers and employers.

For example, mines and construction sites have been getting a lot of attention for several years now. workers were clearly being abused. All of this represented a source of social instability, and I think they just decided they couldn't afford it. So they decided to get at one root cause: the lack of contracts.

Implementation and enforcement are traditionally the weakest points of labor law in China.

New plastic-bags standards :

China's new standard is to change consumers' shopping habits.

If everyone can use just one plastic bag a day, he or she can save around 300 bags a year. And that would mean as much as a 2-thirds reduction in the use of plastic bags for the entire country.

Mainly aimed at protecting the environment.

Stop the "White pollution".

One Child Policy

reward of only child policy 独生子女的政策奖励 force implement 强制执行

impose a penalty on sth 超生罚款

Reducing the population 减少人口

favorable to economic growth 有利于经济增长

one-child policy has helped the fight against global warming by avoiding 300 million births. 独生子女政策减少了三亿人口的出生, 帮助阻止全球变暖。

Road Traffic Safety Law

It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. 有一种说法我认为是对的,每当人们手握方向盘的时候,他们的个性就显露出来了。

Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents. 只有制定更严格的法律才能防止事故发生。

Creating a safe, harmonious, orderly and convenient traffic environment. 创造安全、和谐、有序、方便的交通环境。

Drunken driving may cause traffic accident and death. Strictly abide by traffic law will guarantee a safe driving. 酒后驾车会导致交通事故及死亡,严格遵守交通法规保证驾驶安全。

相关字搜索: 雅思口语

标签:雅思 口语 法律 雅思口语 雅思口语视频