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时间:2017-04-11 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别



之前学生中道听途说有很多猜测,说在留学大潮的当下,雅思考试为了选拔人才,会在2013年有所变革。纵观《剑九》中收录的四套高水准的剑桥真题,各位考生大可不必慌张,雅思考试在今年,乃至可预见的2014年,这两年题型上应该不会有新题型出现,依然会延续剑桥家族中的经典题型。雅思阅读总体上分为五种大题型,和五种小题型。前者分别是LIST OF HEADINGS 选段意题;MATCHING搭配题;TRUE,FALSE,NOT GIVEN OR

YES,NO,NOT GIVEN判断题,MULTIPLE CHOICE选择题 和SUMMARY填空题。那么五种小题型大部分是大题型SUMMARY的延续,比如填图表,填流程,看图填词,句子填空,和简答题。大题型不能存在侥幸心理,五个题型都应该将解题思路烂熟于心,以在考场上迅速切换思路,争取速度,力求准确。


《剑四》、《剑五》中的文章主要集中在2001-2003这三年;《剑六》主要来自2004-2005年,《剑七》多数是2006年和2007 年这两年,于是《剑八》中收录的文章,主要是考场上2008年考过的文章,部分来自2007年,个别来自2009年,这次《剑九》中收录的文章,比对了以 往的考题,主要来自2009年,个别来自2011年和2012年。其中有两篇文章在考场上考察了不下四次,这次也光荣退休到《剑九》的真题集中:IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE? (《搜索外星生物》 来自2002年,2004年6月26日,2007年1月20日,2009年12月19日),和另外一篇 Venus in transit 《金星凌日》来自2007年5月19日,2008年6月21日,2009年2月28

日和2012年4月28日)这就印证了我们一贯的猜测,考场上依然有很多旧题在用,有的甚至能用到4次才退休。虽然剑九中收录的文章较以往剑桥系列已经为最新的了(多为 2009年),但是很多不了解雅思出题动态的同学依然不满足,期待能多出现2012年或2011年的题目。其实这是并无意义的,在雅思考试中,文章文本只是依托,我们的任务是做题得分。结合了2012年全年47场考试141篇阅读文章,我们还是能够洞察出这次剑桥大学考试委员会在编篡剑九的时候还是用了心思的,他们侧重了题型的分配,对现在备考有很大的指导作用。


就大题型而言List of headings 题目数量骤降,与2012年全年的7%数字吻合,体现骤降。Matching题普遍上升,与2012年全年25%的数字,即每次考试近乎10道搭配题,数量一致,其中人名配理论为普通搭配型的重

中之重,《剑九》中一共有两道大题是普通型的搭配,通通都是人名配理论。另外搭配题中的段落配相关信息型飙升(即 如下几个信息在原文中哪个自然段有所提及型),请广大考生注意备考侧重。其它的题型,我稍作点评,判断题仍然占有绝对优势,Multiple choice 单多选题, 并无出众表现。SUMMARY 从数量上较以往剑桥系列有所下降,但是结合了它繁衍成的小题型来看一点都不少。

那么小题型中,《剑九》中虽没有出现表格题,但这对我们丝毫没有影响,因为表格题直接套用填空题的方法即可。不过有意思的是,简答题象一匹黑马 冲了出来,其它的剑桥系列都没怎么出题的简答题,在《剑九》中大量出现,有两点发现:第一,完善了剑桥系列的阅读题型,针对简答题让考生有题可练,有题能练,而且能够通过剑九练透。第二,让考生意识到,稍微方法不同与SUMMARY的小题型考察数量在增加,除了简答,完成句子中类似普通MATCHING题 的比重也有所增加。这个趋势已经从2013年的头几个月考试中能够显露出来。




做题顺序建议:按顺序即可:Test1- Test2-Test3-Test4 等级为: 中——难——难——中。解释一下,第一套用中等水平题目验证一下自己复习的是否充分有效,如果不如预期,停下来分析剑桥6,7,8做过的题目。。分析好了 以后再回来操作剑九第二套,而后第三套,经历了难度递增之后,最后临考前加强信心,做第四套。每每做完套题都不要立刻对答案,这样就不可避免的会对着答案 往文章里去思考,从而不能达到能力的提高。应该采取三步走,第一步,先严格计时做,第二步再可放松时间延时做,最后第三步翻着字典做。三遍都经历之后,才 可核对答案,记录下三次的答案是否有出入,找到自己的不足。延时后能多对几个的,说明语言还不错,可能方法上有漏洞,以至于一卡时间,语言就发挥不出来 了。查字典后能多对上几个的,说明内功不足,这样短时间大体上就可以找到自己的问题。然后需要静下心来,认真分析。错题对题都需要回原文,定位分析,推敲答案。




摘要: 雅思阅读,今天小马过河小编为大家带来关于雅思阅读一书的介绍,希望能对大家的雅思考试有所帮助,小编在此预祝大家都能取得成功,更多雅思考试相关资料、雅思考试机经尽在小马科技雅思频道官网。

雅思 阅读,以下内容是小编整理的关于 雅思阅读 一书的详细介绍,详情如下:



This set of course consists of four separate books, each providing specialized study activities for the four different areas of the IELTS test. You can focus on the areas where you need the most to help your preparation.

Each book features:

Up-to-date and accurate information about IELTS test requirements. Strategies for test success.

Thorough and extensive coverage of topics which are commonly encountered in the iELTS test.

Exercises and activities which have been based on a close analysis of the language requirements of the IELTS test.

Extensive vocabulary exercises, closely related to the language you will need to read, listen to, speak in the test.

Well planned and designed materials to help you to understand common lan


guage for the listening and reading tests.

Carefulily guided and graded activities to help you to produce the English you will need in the writing and speaking tests.

小马 版2015年雅思高分学习资料直通车 免费索取


Unit1 Education

Unit2 Food

Unit3 Health

Unit4 Media

Unit5 Practice 1

Unit6 Advertising

Unit7 Learning to Speak

Unit8 The Environment

Unit9 Sponsorship

Unit10 Practice 2

Unit11 Transport

Unit12 Travel

Unit13 Technology

Unit14 Money

Unit15 Practice 3

以上就是 小马过河 小编整理汇总的关于雅思阅读一书的详细介绍,供大家参考,希望在小编的帮助下,考鸭们能早日通过 雅思考试 ,最后小编祝大家都能取得令人满意的成绩。

相关字搜索: 雅思阅读

篇三:雅思阅读真题文章-Choice and happiness_雅思阅读


雅思阅读真题文章:Choice and happiness_雅思阅读


A Americans today choose among more options in more parts of life than has ever been possible before. To an extent, the opportunity to choose enhances our lives. It is only logical to think that if some choice is good, more is better;

people who care about having infinite options will benefit from them, and those who do not can always just ignore the 273 versions of cereal they have never tried. Yet recent research strongly suggests that, psychologically, this

assumption is wrong. Although some choice is undoubtedly better than none, more is not always better than less.

B Recent research offers insight into why many people end up unhappy rather than pleased when their options expand. We began by making a distinction between "maximizers" (those who always aim to make the best possible choice) and "satisficers" (those who aim for "good enough," whether or not better selections might be out there).

C In particular, we composed a set of statements—the Maximization Scale—to diagnose people's propensity to maximize. Then we had several thousand people rate themselves from 1 to 7 (from "completely disagree" to

"completely agree") on such statements as "I never settle for second best." We also evaluated their sense, of

satisfaction with their decisions. We did not define a sharp cutoff to separate maximizers from satisficers, but in general, we think of individuals whose average scores are higher than 4 (the scale's midpoint) as maximizers and those whose scores are lower than the midpoint as satisficers. People who score highest on the test—the greatest maximizers—engage in more product comparisons than the lowest scorers, both before and after they make purchasing decisions, and they take longer to decide what to buy. When satisficers find an item that meets their standards, they stop looking. But maximizers exert enormous effort reading labels, checking out consumer magazines and trying new products. They also spend more time comparing their purchasing decisions with those of others.

D We found that the greatest maximizers are the least happy with the fruits of their efforts. When they compare themselves with others, they get little pleasure from finding out that they did better and substantial dissatisfaction from finding out that they did worse. They are more prone to experiencing regret after a purchase, and if their

acquisition disappoints them, their sense of well-being takes longer to recover. They also tend to brood or ruminate more than satisficers do.

E Does it follow that maximizers are less happy in general than satisficers? We tested this by having people fill out a variety of questionnaires known to be reliable indicators of well-being. As might be expected, individuals with high maximization scores experienced less satisfaction with life and were less happy, less optimistic and more depressed than people with low maximization scores. Indeed, those with extreme maximization ratings had depression scores that placed them in the borderline clinical range.

F Several factors explain why more choice is not always better than less, especially for maximizers. High among these are "opportunity costs." The quality of any given option cannot be assessed in isolation from its alternatives. One of the "costs" of making a selection is losing the opportunities that a different option would have afforded. Thus an

opportunity cost of vacationing on the beach in Cape Cod might be missing the fabulous restaurants in the Napa Valley. If we assume that opportunity costs reduce the overall desirability of the most preferred choice, then the more alternatives there are, the deeper our sense of loss will be and the less satisfaction we will derive from our ultimate decision. 来源:智课教育

标签:雅思 英语阅读 雅思英语阅读真题 雅思英语阅读文章