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篇一:2015年 河海大学研究生英语一 Unit 12Thanksgiving

ass="txt">Soon they will be together again, all the people who travel between their own lives and each other’s. The package tour of the season will lure them this week to the family table. 很快,所有在人生路途中漂泊的人们将相聚一堂。本周,回家是他们唯一能做的事,吸引着他们聚在家庭餐桌前。

By Thursday, feast day, family day, Thanksgiving day, Americans who value individualism like no other people will collect around a million tables in a ritual of belonging.


They will assemble their families the way they assemble dinner: each one bearing a personality as different as cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. For one dinner they will cook for each other, fuss for each other, feed each other and argue with each other. 家人聚在一起,就像他们张罗的晚餐一样:每个人有着不同的个性,就像蔓越橘沙拉不同于南瓜饼一样。晚餐中,他们煮给彼此吃,相互抱怨,相互喂食,相互争论。

They will nod at their common heritage, the craziness and caring of other generations. They will measure their common legacy … the children.


All these complex cells, these men and women, old and young, with different dreams and disappointments will give homage again to the group they are a part of and apart from: their family.


Families and individuals. The “we” and the “I”. As good Americans we all travel between these two ideals.


We take value trips from the great American notion of individualism to the great American vision of family. We wear our tires driving back and forth, using speed to shorten the distance between these two principles.


There has always been some pavement between a person and a family. From the first moment we recognize that we are separate we begin to wrestle with aloneness and togetherness.


Here and now these conflicts are especially acute. We are after all, raised in families… to be individuals. This double message follows us through life.


We are taught about the freedom of the “I” and the safety of the “we”. The loneliness of the “I” and the intrusiveness of the “we”. The selfishness of the “I” and the burdens of the “we”.


We are taught what Andre Malraux said: “Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.”

我们学到安德烈·马尔罗所说:“没有家的人,孤独于世,寒冷中瑟瑟发抖。” And taught what he said another day: “The denial of the supreme importance of the mind’s development accounts for many revolts against the family.


In theory, the world rewards “the supreme importance” of the individual, the ego. We think alone, inside our heads. We write music and literature with an enlarged sense of self. We are graded and paid, hired and fired, on our own merit.


The rank individualism is both exciting and cruel. Here is where the fittest survive.


The family, on the other hand, at its best, works very differently. We don’t have to achieve to be accepted by our families. We just have to be. Our membership is not based on credentials but birth. 另一方面,在最佳状态的家庭,是不同的。我们无需努力做到什么去被我们的家人接受。我们本来就是。我们的成员关系建立在我们出生的基础上,并非证书。

As Malraux put it, “A friend loves you for your intelligence, a mistress for your charm, but your family’s love is ueasoning. You were born into it and of its flesh and blood.”


The family is formed not for the survival of the fittest but for the weakest. It is not an economic unit but an emotional one. This is not the place where people ruthlessly compete with each other but where they work for each other.


Its business is taking care, and when it works, it is not callous but kind.


There are fewer heroes, fewer stars in family life. While the world may glorify the self, the family asks us, (转自:wWw.DXf5.Com 东星 资源网:感恩节南瓜饼做法英语作文)at one time or another, to submerge it. While the world may abandon us, the family promises, at one time or another, to protect us.


So we commute daily, weekly, yearly between one world and another. Between a life as a family member that can be nurturing or smothering. Between life as an individual that can free us or flatten us. We vacillate between two separate sets of demands and possibilities.


The people who will gather around this table Thursday live in both of these worlds, a part of and apart from each other. With any luck the territory they travel from one to another can be a fertile one, rich with care and space. It can be a place where the “I” and the “we” interact.


On this way at least, they will bring to each other something both special and something to be shared: these separate selves.




It’s not the turkey alone we’re grateful for. Not the cranberry sauce or the stuffing or even the pumpkin pie. Some of the people seated at the table are strangers—friends of friends, cousins of in-laws—and some are almost desperately familiar, faces we live and work with every day.


In any other week, today would merely be Thursday and the gathering of all these people—the cooking and serving and cleaning—a chore. But today it doesn’t feel that way. The host—perhaps it’s you—stands up and asks that we give thanks, and we do, each in our own way. And what we’re thankful for is simply this, the food, the shelter, the company and, above all, the sense of belonging.


As holidays go, Thanksgiving is in some ways the most philosophical. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always take for granted. We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. In other words, we try to understand how very rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. Today is one of the few times most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitude—not to mention the abundance—that Thanksgiving summons.


It’s tempting to think that one Thanksgiving is pretty much like another, except for differences in the guest list and the recipes. But it isn’t true. This is always a feast about where we are now. Thanksgiving reflects the complexion of the year we’re in. some years it feels buoyant, almost jubilant in nature. Other years it seems marked by a conspicuous humility uncommon in the calendar of American emotions.


And this year? We will probably remember this Thanksgiving as a banquet of mixed emotions. This is, after all, a profoundly American holiday. The undertow of business as usual seems especially strong this year. The shadow of a war and misgivings over the future loom in the minds of many of us. Most years we enjoy the

privacy of Thanksgiving, but this year, somehow, the holiday feels like part of a public effort to remember and reclaim for ourselves what it means to be American.


That means giving thanks for some fundamental principles that should be honored every day of the year in the life of this nation—principles of generosity, tolerance and inclusion. This is a feast that no one should be turned away from. The abundance of the food piled on the table should signify that there is plenty for all, plenty to be shared. The welcome we feel makes sense only if we also extend it to others.


The New York Times

纽约时报 November 25, 2004 2004年11月25日













备注: ☆幼儿园准备煮熟的土豆,南瓜饼,苹果,桔子,香蕉等水果

☆每个家庭带感恩节食品:感恩节美食(南瓜pumpkin、火鸡turkey、苹果apple、桔子orange、栗子chestnut、胡桃walnut、葡萄grape、以及碎肉馅饼mince pie、小红莓酱cranberry sauce等)



备注: ☆红地毯铺在舞蹈房门口





一. 活动流程:

1. 化妆舞会


(孩子化妆后喊着one two one 的节奏来到舞蹈房按秩序站好),


律动歌词:An Indian is coming .Where are the pumpkin pie and turkey?Sweet potatoes are yummy .Have a happy Thanks Giving!







2 教授单词turkey pumpkin

游戏名称1: 大小声

游戏名称2: 冰山一角

游戏名称3: 炸弹游戏



游戏规则:听音乐《good morning》边做动作边传球,当音乐停止时,球在谁手上,谁上来;






游戏3.亲子英语律动《I love you mommy》


4. 感恩的心(10)

u 手语《感恩的心》

u 赠送贺卡


请小朋友起立面朝爸爸妈妈赠送贺卡并说:" Thank you daddy&mummy, Thank you teacher, Thank you friends ..."。




Teacher says:" Let's go to the Thanks Giving party."在去班级的路上,让小孩子唱英文歌曲《Ten little Indian boys》,在进班级门口时,老师问kid密码是什么?幼儿和家长必须说出火鸡的叫声(gobble)才可以进去用餐。

备注: ☆老师要提前把英文歌曲《Ten little Indian boys》教会幼儿;☆ 感恩节宴会的食物建议让家长带。

《Ten little Indian boys》

1=f 4/4

one lit-tle, two lit-tle, three lit-tle in—dians ;

four lit-tle, five lit-tle, six lit-tle in---dians;

seven lit-tle,eight lit-tle nine lit-tle in---dians;

ten lit-tle in----dians,boys。

标签:作文 感恩节 英语 介绍感恩节的英语作文 有关感恩节的英语作文