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格林童话英语读后感50字 [格林童话英语读后感]

时间:2019-11-23 07:07:08 来源:东星资源网


  After reading a story of the Grimms fairy tales, I cant help rethinking the laziness and sympathy of the human beings.

  Lazy Harry is definitely the laziest person I have ever read about. His wife is also influenced by him and becomes lazy too. Undoubtedly, living comfortably without working is absolutely what we expected, yet it is impossible. Society means competition, so that everyone needs to work hard and earn the pead for his family. Can you imagine that the whole world is full of lazy people who just wait for others food? How could the society progress? How could they live on? Thus, diligence is the essential factor which contributes to the development of the world. Its significant for us students to deal with laziness correctly.

  Above all,Grimms fairy tales shows us the goodness and badness of the world, every story has its own moral, what we can do is to realize the society and look ahead. Besides,it also helps a lot in English,especially in reading skill.


  Reading a few days before reading the book , feeling has returned to a teen. This book is the Green Fairy. In my opinion, It is not a mere imagination, It come from folk.

  In the other hand, some people say, only read out of childhood to be complete. I think so. From long time to now, He is the children of irrelevance,it is a legend.

  Among the students of popular stories include, such as: Cinderella, The princess and the frog and so on.

  Cinderella did not receive love, but Cinderella cherish their love, not because people can not give up his love became spiteful. She gave her the love of moth...

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《格林童话英语读后感50字 [格林童话英语读后感] .doc》


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