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teach sb to do 2017重庆中考英语复习:teach,sb,to,do,sth的引申翻译

时间:2018-11-25 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

中考网权威发布2017重庆中考英语复习:teach sb to do sth的引申翻译,更多2017重庆中考英语复习相关信息请访问中考网。 一、teach sb to do sth 的基本用法

  teach sb to do sth 是大家都很熟悉的语法结构,其意为“教某人做某事”,如:

  He promised to teach her to water-ski. 他答应教她滑水。

  You can teach some parrots to talk. 可以教某些鹦鹉说话。

  We should teach the children to know good from bad. 我们应教育儿童分辨是非。

  Parents ought to teach their children to behave themselves. 父母应教导子女举止得体。

  He taught me to obey all commands without asking questions. 他教我毫无疑义地服从命令。

  二、teach sb to do sth 的引申用法

  teach sb to do sth 有时可用于引申义,表示惩罚某人以使其不再敢做某事。这样用时主要用于以下几个句式:

  1. I’ll teach sb (not) to do sth


  I’ll teach you to call me a liar! 你说我说谎,我就要教训你!

  I’ll teach you to call him names! 如果你辱骂他,我就要对你不客气了。

  I’ll teach you to get smart with me. 你胆敢对我出口不逊,我要好好教训你。

  Where’s Jimmy? I’ll teach him to disobey me. 吉米在哪?他胆敢不听我的话,我要好好教训教训他。

  2. That’ll teach sb (not) to do sth


  That’ll teach you to be late! 这就是迟到给你的教训!

  So Roger spent the night in a freezing garage, did he? That’ll teach him to go out without his house keys! 罗杰在冷冰冰的车库里过了一晚是吗?那就是他不带房门钥匙出去的教训。

  So you lost all your money? That’ll teach you to gamble. 这么说,你把钱都输光了? 这就是赌博给你的教训。
