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10Inhalable Water Droplets 可吸入水滴

You think that the biggest threat to your health when taking a shower comes from slipping on a bar of soap? Well, guess again.

Preliminary studies by engineers at the University of Cincinnati and the Oak Ridge Institute for science and education, also in Cincinnati, indicate that some water-saving shower nozzles produce water droplets so small they can be inhaled, exposing anyone using the shower to several different health hazards.

Using a device called an optical particle counter the researchers tested a number of shower nozzles, both of adjustable and fix-spray styles. They found that some products create droplets less than 10 microns in diameter-small enough to be inhaled. That\'s problem, the researchers theorise,  because the water may contain trace of chemicals used by treatment facilities to kill microbes and bacteria in the water. These organic compounds are relatively safe to take in by drinking, but may not be safe to inhale.

Another threat may be possible as well. Previous research has shown that the droplets can contain microbes that live inside the warm, wet interior of shower nozzles. When the faucet is turn on, these microbes are swept out through the nozzles. If these droplets are inhaled, the microbes could pose a threat to people who are with asthma and other respiratory problems.

All of this doesn't mean you should skip your morning shower just yet. More research is needed, cautious oak ridge institute scientist Virendra Sethi says, before anyone can determine just how serious — or insignificant — these health risks may be. Moreover, not all water-conserving nozzles produce inhalable droplets. "It all depends on the design of the nozzle," says Sethi. Right now there is no way for consumers to know which nozzle produce these tiny drops. "We are working to develop specifications for shower head designs that would not generate droplets in the inhalable size range," he adds.







★1).The first paragraph is a question to which the author hopes to have a positive answer from the reader.-W

★2).Shower nozzles shower nozzles that produce water droplets, big and small, can expose anyone using the shower to health problems.-W

★3).The chemicals contained in water kill bacteria to make it safe for drinking.-R

★4).The problem that inhalable water droplets produce is that they may expose people with respiratory problems to health hazards.-R

★5).The adjustable type of nozzles are less dangerous than the fixed one.-W

★6).People with asthma and other respiratory problems should avoid taking showers.-N

★7).To overcome the problem caused by inhalable water droplets, Sethi, per haps with some other researchers, is drawing up standards for safe shower head designs.-R


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