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[奥赛罗英文读后感] 奥赛罗英文读后感200字

时间:2019-11-23 07:10:08 来源:东星资源网


  Othello is a Venice duchy one Yong general. Moss silk Di dream Na loves his and daughter of the grand old man each other. Since but he is black,marriage has not been allowed. Two people is forced to get married in private. Othello has a sinister flag government official Yiagu, be bent on getting rid of Othello under the leadership of. He has given secret information to the grand old man first , has helped to ping about two people" marriage unexpectedly but. He incites the Othello affection with moss silk Di dream Na , says another assistant officer Jixiao common, and having fapicated so-called lover"s keepsake different from moss silk Di dream Na relation and so on. Othello has accepted sth. as true , has choked self wife to death in anger. Think that he is informed of the truth queen, spare time of regretting that draws self"s sword to slay self , but has been in moss silk Di dream Na at one"s side. The former Soviet Union makes an explanation to uniqueness having taken form in Shakespearean go into to "Othello", this make an explanation have revealed this one great tragic humanitarianism deeply essence. Family tragedy "Othello" is epitomized the traitor people stir up time to happen. Love loyal and steadfast and ruthless envying embody Yu Othello single person at the same time intensely. Ako capability of pretending to be honest , practising upon Othello"s credulity but benefiting oneself at other people"s cost extremely at the furthest end of but, is also one kind of typical character of primitive accumulation period. Character of leading character in a novel Othello , upright , pave , simple or easy to angry and be credulous of others. The sho...

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《[奥赛罗英文读后感] 奥赛罗英文读后感200字.doc》


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