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时间:2019-11-23 07:14:25 来源:东星资源网


  The Miserable World is a historical culture legacy reflecting the tragic life and destiny of the human in the middle of nineteen century in France. The original indication of the name of this novel was people whore suffering from great difficulty, it attaches importance on the tragedy and position of the impoverished people, by doing this, Hugo was able to stress on the main idea of the novel, which is most exciting and attentive aspect, leading all of the readers to deep thinking.

  We notice that in the preface, Hugo pointed out As long as the social restrictions caused by laws and customs still exist, the human society would be turned to be a hell and people will suffer from inevitable disasters. If we couldnt get rid of the following three issues existing in this century – men are getting down because of poorness, women are turning to be degenerate because of starving, children are becoming weak and helpless because of pervasive darkness of the world. In a boarder sense, if there are still foolish and impoverish in this world, the books with the character similar to this book will be conductive. In the society of Hugos book, the labour are living the miserable life and exploited by the factories, the conscience of the human are disappearing because of the poverty, and peoples body and soul are distorted and afflicted by the prison. The misfortune of Valjean and Fantine is just the condensation of the destiny of the poor.

  The Miserable World reveals the sin and villainy of the vice aspects of capitalism institution by telling the stories of the tragic life of Valjean and Fantine who were persecuted by the cruel world. ...

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