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时间:2017-05-23 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


1. 2010年全国大纲卷Ⅰ

假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest), 希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。

高分范文 Dear Ms. Smith,

This is Li Hua, president of the Students’ Union of Yucai Middle School, located just near the university where you are teaching. I am writing to see if we could have the honor to ask you to be the judge in our coming competition.

You see, to promote students’ interest in learning English, we’ve planned to hold an English speech competiton, the theme of which is Man and Nature. It will begin at two on the afternoon of June 15th, lasting three hours. There will be ten participants competing with each other in Classroom 501, and all the students of our school will be attending it.

We would feel much honored if you could join us and give us some instructions. You can reach me through my phone number 44876655 at your convenience.

I’m looking forward to your reply. With best wishes,



2. 2010年全国大纲卷Ⅱ


1. 教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英国等 2. 授课对象:高中生 (至少三年英语基础)

3. 工作量:一周12个学时,任选三门课;担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问 (advisor)

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 高分范文: Dear Peter,

I remember you told me you were interested in China. Our school is looking for an English teacher, whose mother tongue is English. You will teach some courses to senior high students. They, who have at least three years of English learning experience, are going to learn the following four courses: speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today. If you would come here, you have the chance to choose three of them for teaching. You need teach 12 hours a week. If you get the job, you are supposed to work as an advisor to our students’ English club or our school’s English newspaper. That is to say, in spare time you will select some articles, which are fit for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Internet, and edit the articles from students.

If you are interested in the job or have any question, please let me know. I look forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua

3. 2011年全国大纲卷Ⅱ

假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror 周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见。请你根据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:

1. 说明你是该报的忠实读者

2. 赞赏该报的优点:(1) 兼顾国内外新闻 (2) 介绍名人成功故事 3. 提出建议:刊登指导英语学习的文章 注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 高分范文

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror! Being a loyal reader of your newspaper for as long as 4 years, I benefit so much from the content and I owe my success in English to it. Its advantages have an edge

over others’ in the following aspects. First, its combination of domestic and foreign news keeps me informed of what happens anytime and is enough for me to keep pace with the times. In addition, many successful people’s stories are told which have a strong impression on readers and inspire them to overcome whatever difficulty they will meet with in their life.

Personally, it would be perfect if more articles about English study are published. As you know, many readers want to improve their English with the help of English newspaper, so why not have a try? Sincerely yours, Li Hua

4. 2011年浙江卷

假如你是高中生李越,有感于校园内存在的随意涂写(to scribble) 和乱丢垃圾(to litter) 的行为,请用英语给校长写一封100-120个词的信。信中应包括以下内容:

1. 说明写信的目的;2. 对这些行为进行批评;3. 提出建议。 高分范文

Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am Li Yue, a student from Class 1, Senior 2. I am writing to express my astonishment at such unfavorable phenomena as scribbling and littering and my suggestions about it.

Needless to say, scribbling and littering casually will surely ruin the environment of the campus. No one would feel comfortable when faced with a wall covered with ugly patterns and dirty words every day, let alone a world filled with rubbish.

Here are my pieces of advice. What comes first is that more practical and strict rules should be set and carried out seriously by school. Then, students themselves shall raise the awareness of responsibility and observe the restrictions in their daily life. Last but not least, we should do a complete cleaning on campus to have a neat start. Yours faithfully, Li Yue

4. 2011年江西卷

假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。 请撰写一份演讲稿。主要内容包括:

1. 目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞问题; 2. 骑自行车的益处,既能环保,有利健康等。

参考词汇: 低碳生活 (low-carbon life); 节能(energy saving)

Good morning, everyone,

I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”.

As is known to us all, there is an increasing number of cars on roads. We

can now drive to work, to go shopping, to visit friends and even to travel across the country. Though they bring about great convenience, cars also go hand in hand with air pollution as well as traffic jams.

How to solve these problems is a great challenge to everyone. My suggestion is that we should ride bicycles. There is no doubt that riding bicycles can surely do us good. Firstly, riding bicycles means using cars less, which is a good way to decrease traffic jams. Secondly, riding bikes is environmentally friendly, that is, it doesn’t cause air pollution and is beneficial to our health. What’s more, bicycles are so handy and convenient that you can go wherever you like and do not need to look for a large paring


Since there are so many advantages, why not join us and ride bicycles? Thank you! 5. 2011年北京卷

假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华。下面四幅图表述了近期发生在你们班的一个真实的故事,请根据图片先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,词数不少于60. 4. 2011年浙江卷


Mrs. Zhang is a good teacher. Last Monday, when giving us an English class, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell onto the ground. We carried her to our school clinic immediately. Her right foot was injured so terribly that she had to stay in hospital for several weeks. We all went to see her and tried to offer comfort. However, 3 days later, in a wheelchair, Mrs. Zhang came into our classroom and gave us lessons. Her unselfish affection touched us greatly, which becomes our example to follo(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:历年北京高考英语作文)w and encourages us to study hard to live up to her expectations. 6. 2012年全国大纲卷Ⅰ

假定你是李华,从互联网 (the Internet) 上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡(Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。

内容主要包括:1. 自我介绍 (包括英语能力);2. 参加意图(介绍中国,了解其他国家);3. 希望获准。

注意:1. 词数100字左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. I know that you welcome students from different countries and I’d like to take part in it. I’ve been learning English for ten years, and I speak fluent English. What’s more, I’ll be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp. I am looking forward to your reply. Regards, Li Hua

7. 2012年江苏卷

生活中冲突时有发生。假设你班同学苏华和李江打篮球时发生争执,导致关系紧张。请你结合此事,并根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英语报 “Happy Teens” 专栏投稿。


高三英语写作编写人:李新叶 审核人:高三英语组 2014-9-1




注意:1.词数不少于60词 2短文的开头已给出,不记入总词数



高三英语写作编写人:李新叶 审核人:高三英语组 2014-9-1



记。记述爸爸出 差期间,妈妈生病,你照顾她的过程。

注意: 1. 周记的开头已经为你写好。 2. 词数不少于 60.

. 修改后文章:


高三英语写作编写人:李新叶 审核人:高三英语组 2014-9-1








高三英语写作编写人:李新叶 审核人:高三英语组 2014-9-1






高三英语写作编写人:李新叶 审核人:高三英语组 2014-9-1




注意:1.周记的开头已为你写好。 2.词数不少于60。








第一节 (15分)

假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的班长李华, 你们班的外教Lisa已经结束本学期的教学工作回到美国,请代表你们班给她写一封邮件。邮件的内容包括:

1. 询问她的近况;

2. 回顾在外教课上的收获;

3. 表达对她的感谢和祝福。

注意:1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Lisa,





Li Hua

Dear Lisa,

How have you been? You must be enjoying your life back at home. We still miss the days we spent together.

In the last term, we all benefited a lot from your lessons. We improved our oral English and became more confident to express ourselves. In addition, we learned so much about western culture and tradition.

On behalf of my class, I would like to thank you for teaching us English! We wish you joy and happiness in the new stage of life!


Li Hua

第二节 (20分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“A visit to the Museum of the Anti-Japanese War”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍你们班同学参观抗日战争纪念馆的过程。



1.到达; 2.参观; 3.听故事; 4.合影。

One possible version:

Last Saturday, our class visited the Museum of the Anti-Japanese War. When our school bus arrived at the Museum, we got off and entered in line. The moment we went into the exhibition room, we were attracted by the pictures and descriptions about the war on the wall. Some students took notes while others had a little discussion. We were shocked at the cruelty of the war. Then we gathered in another room and listened to an old soldier telling the stories about the war. Therefore, we had a better understanding of the history.

Before we left, we all came to the front of the museum and took a picture with the old soldier in memory of our visit. We were very glad to meet such a true hero.

We hope by visiting the museum more people can remember what happened in the war and treasure the peaceful life.


第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,35分)



1. 集合时间、地点;

2. 活动内容(介绍美国文化、教英文歌等);

3. 活动意义。

注意: 1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

May I have your attention, please?

That’s all. Thank you.

One possible version:

May I have your attention, please?

This Friday you will visit Hong Xing Primary School as volunteers, which is a very important part of the exchange program. The school bus will pick you up at the school gate at 2 p.m. This trip aims to give the kids there a taste of American culture. You may prepare some mini lectures and teach the kids some simple but beautiful songs.

Through sharing your culture with them, you will know more about this country in return. We wish you all a good trip!

That’s all. Thank you.


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍你和家人在去年9月3日观看国庆阅兵活动的过程,并以“An Unforgettable Day”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿。

注意: 1. 词数不少于60;

2. 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:阳台 balcony

朋友圈 WeChat Moments

An Unforgettable Day

On September 3, a military parade was held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II.




One possible version:

An Unforgettable Day

On September 3, a military parade was held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II. Ten minutes before the big event, we seated ourselves in front of the TV, eager to watch the live broadcast.

Soon the parade started. Seeing the soldiers and military equipment proceed along Chang’an Street, past Tian’anmen Square, we couldn’t help cheering and applauding for our powerful country.

Then the roaring of military aircraft overhead caught our attention. We rushed to the balcony and took photos of the planes flying in formation. What an impressive scene!

I couldn’t wait to share my pictures and feelings with friends on WeChat Moments. To my surprise, WeChat was already flooded with numerous pictures and comments expressing love for our motherland. What an unforgettable day!




假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的外教Mr.Black写一封信,邀请他参加你们年级举行的英语读书会(reading circle)活动,邮件的内容包括:




注意:1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. Black,

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Hua

Dear Mr. Black,

I’m writing to invite you to take part in the reading circle in Grade 3. It will be held in the library next Monday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m .We are going to read some popular English stories. Could you come and give us some guidance?

We are looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua






标签:作文 北京 历年 2014北京高考英语作文 历年高考英语满分作文