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时间:2021-07-23 15:13:58 来源:东星资源网




  Maybe tomorrow that person will come back, maybe he will never come back.

  It was many years ago to read the book border town, and the beautiful picture depicted in the book has been weathered with the passage of time. The only thing that is still impressive is the last sentence of the article. Maybe the person will come back tomorrow, maybe he will never come back.

  Through Mr. Shen Congwen's article, you can almost imagine such a scene. The bamboo building looks more targeted under the misty and rainy background, and always occupies the most important figure on this canvas. A girl looks out from the fence with hope and waits for the safe return of the person who doesn't know when to return.

  The heroine Cuicui is still waiting after suffering from the departure of her relatives. What is she waiting for, her beloved boy, or a kind of hope. I prefer the latter. Life is a process of getting used to separation. The people who kiss and love will break up with us one day. It's better to try to wait than to be depressed all the time.

  Waiting for a long time, many years later, do you still remember what we were like?



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标签: 个人 边城 英语 读书笔记


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