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时间:2021-07-31 14:42:05 来源:东星资源网




  Its a moving story and a mixture of love,fear,guilty,atonement and so on.For a lont time,it makes the books we read lost their color.

  The first time I read a book written by an Afghan atuhor named Khaled Hosseini ,it told a story between two boys.A rich boy Amir at the age of 12 and his servant Hasan were brotherly loved.Nevertheless,afer a kite game,something miserable happened.Amir feel grievous and guilty for his cowardice and he cannot confront Hansan,using something contempitable to let Hansan and his father leave his home.Not long,Afghanistan broke ou a war,Amir and his father had to fled to America.After his grown- up,he cannot forgave what he had done to Hansan before.And to atone for himself,he returned his hometown,which was destoryed badly by the war

  Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before,we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into pieces.We may feel guilty and miserable for waht we have done.But there is no use to cry over spilt milk.What we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir,to atone for ourselves.


  This is a wonderful, beautiful epic...

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标签: 《追风筝的人》 英语 读后感


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