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Part,2_Part 2云播

时间:2019-01-18 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

  Sandy和Nathan商量着要在阳光灿烂的周末,组织一次野餐活动,并在野餐中举行一个小小的音乐会……   Sandy: Nate! Over here!   Nathan: Wow, how great is this? The sun is shining the breeze is blowing; not too hot, not too cold. Like 1)Goldilocks said: just right!
  Sandy: Couldn’t have put it better myself. Fingers crossed that it stays this way.
  Nathan: Word is that it’s here to stay. I checked the forecast this morning―sunny skies for at least a week.
  Sandy: That’s the best news I’ve heard all winter. Now I just need to convince my boss that he doesn’t need me for overtime this weekend and I’m home free.
  Nathan: Will that be hard?
  Smart Sentences
  Sandy: Nah. Jason might be a workaholic, ①but he isn’t a slave driver. ②He’ll see the sun and find a reason to let us off the hook.
  Nathan: Wow, nice guy.
  Sandy: That’s the joy of working in the environmental field―most people are there because they’re actually good people.
  Nathan: Yeah, I think I need to get out of finance. The plus side is that I almost never have to work overtime, though. Not much you can do on the weekends if the market’s closed.
  Sandy: So wait, you’ve got the weekend off too?
  Nathan: For sure. I’ve always got weekends off.
  Sandy: Well, what would you think about getting a few people together for a little 2)shindig?
  Nathan: Like a party?
  Sandy: I was actually thinking more like a picnic.
  Nathan: Oh you mean a daytime thing. Hey, that’s a pretty 3)rad idea.
  Sandy: Yeah! We could get a lunch together, have some food, maybe bring a 4)Frisbee or volleyball. It’ll be a 5)blast!
  Nathan: Who would organize the food?
  Sandy: Easy. Just tell everyone to bring one kind of salad and we’ll have a 6)potluck.
  Nathan: Okay, that sounds like a lot of fun.
  Sandy: Oh and wait, don’t you have a couple of friends who are into music?
  Nathan: Yeah, Jord and Alex play guitar, and I think Kiera plays 7)djembe. Why?
  Sandy: Tell them to bring everything along. We can have a little sing-a-long.
  Nathan: That would be so cool. Music in the park. Which park by the way?
  Sandy: There’s that one near the river.
  Nathan: Mmm…that one doesn’t have much grass. Not much fun for 8)lazing about and tossing the disc around.
  Sandy: True. Oh, how about that one near the university campus? With the students gone over the weekend it should be dead. We’ll have tons of room.
  Nathan: Okay, I’ll send out the invites later today.
  Sandy: Great! I’ll 9)double-check with Jason this afternoon that I don’t have to work OT.
  Nathan: Cool. Just let me know once you’ve cleared it with him.③I’ll hold off on the invites till you know.
  Sandy: Perfect! See you this weekend.
