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时间:2017-03-17 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


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The branch of psychology that deals with the relationships between physical stimuli and sensory response. 我们需要几个男子作心理学实验对象。

We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment. 大群体的心理学无可避免会堕落成为群众心理学。

The psychology of a large crowd inevitably sinks to the level of mob psychology. 宗教的心理学是心理学的一个重要的历史形态。

The religious psychology is an important historical fomration of psychology. 布伦塔诺将描述心理学和发生心理学区分开来。

Brentano distinguished descriptive psychology from genetic psychology. 完形心理学或格式塔心理学对环境做出了新的理解。

Gestalt psychology has arrived at a new understanding of it. 我对心理学很感兴趣,希望成为一位心理学家。

I am fond of psychology and hope to become a psychologist. 本文从歌唱心理学的相关角度,重点阐释了歌唱心理学在声乐教学中的运用。

This paper explains mainly singing psychology using in the vocal music psychology. 心理学中有一关于深层次心理学的分支,被称为心理治疗。

In psychology we hvae the branch of depth psychology which is called psychotherapy.





Functional psychology

机能心理学She held a BA in psychology.

她有心理学学士学位。Psychological methods,research

心理学的方法、研究.Associative mechanism

联合机制(心理学)Associative bond

联想结(心理学)Memory trace

记忆痕迹(心理学)Psychology is a science that studies law of human psychology activity technically.

心理学是专门研究人类心理活动规律的一门科学。We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment.

我们需要几个男子作心理学实验对象。The scientific psychology mainly has two philosophy methodology such as positivism and phenomenal methodology.

西方心理学主要有两大哲学方法论:实证主义和现象学。Blind spot;scotoma

盲点((本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:英文心理学)心理学):

n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态

psychological configuration

心理完形 social psychology of education.

教育社会心理学 。Quality is a term of psychology.

基本感官属性是一个心理学术语。It is a projection of your psychology.


She held a BA in psychology.



标签:英文心理学短文 短篇英文心理学论文 英文心理学