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摘要: 剑桥雅思10是广大烤鸭最受关注的备考资料,今天小马小编带来剑桥雅思10全套PDF+音频下载,希望能帮到各位正在备考雅思的烤鸭们。烤鸭可立即下载所需内容。

剑桥 雅思 系列丛书由剑桥大学考试委员会编辑出版,目的在于让准备参加IELTS考试的学生知道自己是否达到所需的英语水平。技巧诚可贵,真题价更高!所有准备 雅思考试 的童鞋,请珍爱每套剑桥雅思系列真题!




Test1.pdf 下载地址: Test1.pdf 下载地址:

Test2.pdf 下载地址: Test2.pdf 下载地址:

Test3.pdf 下载地址: Test3.pdf 下载地址:

Test4.pdf 下载地址: Test4.pdf 下载地址:



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剑桥雅思真题集10今年已发布,难度比剑9提升了,听力选择题的比重上升,选择题和填空题的区别在于更注重理解和句子同义判断,雅思已经越来越注重对考生 英语能力的考察,淡化技巧,因为根据技巧考出的 雅思听力 8分,甚至9分,到国外听课和交流依然有困难,听力、阅读考到高分对于英语能力没有说服力,这和口 语、写作考到8分9分是两回事。


对于考生,尤其是经过 雅思培训 机构的考生,考生成绩有一个奇怪的规律,比如:听力8.5分,阅读9分,口语5.5分,写作6分,平均分7.5分。这个分数能 说明什么问题?这个分数代表这个考生英语能力强?这个分数只能是说明考生出国沟通交流还是有困难,课堂presentation准备费劲,甚至无法合格完 成paper,research等作业。可是考了7.5,所以不用出国读语言了,其实长远看也未必是好事,大一很吃力不说,没有时间过渡(如果读语言可 以),而且很容易挂科,交钱重过。听力8.5分听课没问题了?别忘了,那8.5一部分是靠技巧所实现的,或者是因为那次听力题相对简单所得(这个绝对是真 的,我的一个同学去澳洲悉尼大学学会计,第一次听力选择题多考了6.5,第二次听力填空题多考了9,中间只相差一个月,可是出国后听课还是费劲,注意:雅 思9分出国听课也不一定容易!),而且国外课堂老师的讲话语速比雅思听力快多了,考完 雅思考试 ,只是刚过了个出国的门槛,只是出国学习的第一步而已!


考 完试,在家用倍速听力法,即将录音调到1.5倍,每天听一小时。所以一个听力考了6.5和听力考了8.5的考生英语能力上没有本质差别,听力6.5如果再 考一次遇到相对简单的雅思听力考题,也是可以上8.5的!但一个口语或写作考了5.5和口语写作考了7的考生,英语能力是有很大差别的,不是随便遇到一次 简单的题就可以突破的,从5.5到7需要时间积累、老师训练。顺便说一下,今年的雅思考试听力题型分布,主要是两种。






从 难度上讲,第一种相对更难一些。很多同学对选择题和填空题的难度认知有误区,认为选择题应该更简单,其实听力做题有很重要的一项即读题,选择题往往题目 长,选项也长,选择题很多同学往往还有2、3个题目或选项都没来得及看,录音就开始了,可想而知,连题目都不知道问什么,谈何理解做题,如何同义判断。填 空题所填单词的难度虽然也在增加,但只要将听力核心词汇背熟,即使出现的1/2个难单词,放过也可,抓重点。





相关字搜索: 剑桥雅思



test 1

Section 1

(1) You will hear a woman and a man talking about the work of library. First, you have some time to look at the questions 1-5.

You will see that there's an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.

Hello, I'm Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, aren't you?

Yes, I'm Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob.

The woman introduces herself as the head librarian Mrs. Phillips, so the name Mrs. Phillips is been written in. Now, we should begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, because you will not hear the recording the second time.

Listen carefully and answer questions 1-5.

Hello, I'm Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, aren't you?

Yes, I'm Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob.

All right, Bob. Let me take a few minutes to explain how the library works and what your dutieswill be.

First, the library opens at 8:30 in the morning; so naturally, we expect you to be here and ready to work by then. Of course.

And you can go home at 4:30 when the library closes. Now let me explain where everything's kept. It looks like here on the ground floor is where the reference books are.

Yes, that's right. Upon the second floor is where the adult collection is, both fiction and non-fiction. And the children's books are there too, aren't they? I thought I saw them in the room by thestairway. No, those are magazines and newspapers for adults.

Children's books are up one more flight on the third floor, we'll take a look at them later.

Let me show you how we organize our work. Do you see that brown book cart over there?

The one at the door?

Yes, that one, those books have been shacked in and need to go back on the shelves.

Okay, so the brown book cart has books to re-shelve, what about the black cart by the desk?

Those books have torn pages or damaged covers; they're all books that need to be repaired.

Okay, I know how to do a lot of that and I'm very good at mending torn pages and covers.

That's great, because we really need help with that.

And the white cart over the corner, what are those books for?

Those were old books that we've taken off the shelves to make room for new ones.

We sell them as used books to raise money for the library.

So, they are all ready to sell.

Yes, that's right. So, now you know what to do with the books in the carts.

Let's talk about out activity schedule.

(2) Now listen and answer the questions 6-10.

I understand this library has a number of interesting activities every week.

Yes, our activities are quite popular; the most popular one is Story Time for the children.

Do a lot of children show up for that?

Yes, a good many. It takes place in children's room on Thursday mornings at 11:00.

Isn't there a family movie night too?

Yes, but it's not at night anymore.

We used to have family movies on Fridays when the library opened until nine.

But now, we have a different activity at that time.

So we have to switch family movies to the weekend, Saturday afternoon.

How much do you charge for the movies?

They are all free. The movie always starts at 2:30 in the reference room.

But you don't have to worry about that since you don't work on weekends.

And what takes place on Friday evenings?

We've just started our weekly lecture series.

We have a different speaker every week and the lectures cover all different kinds of topics.

That sounds like something I'll be interested in attending.

Good, because we'll need your help with that.

You' l be working Friday evenings and one of your duties would be to set up the meeting roomon first floor for the lecture.

What time will you need that done?

Let's say by 6:15, the lecture starts at 6:30 and the room needs to be ready well ahead oftime. A lot of people arrive early.

Maybe I should have the room ready by 6:00.

That wouldn't be a bad idea. Okay, why don't I take you upstairs and show you the rest of the collection.

Section 2

(1) You will hear a radio interview by Lakeside Resort.First you have some time to look at questions 11-15. As you listen to the first part of the talk, answerquestions 11-15.

Good afternoon, and welcome to Today Show. Thewarm months are with us and many of you are getting ready to plan vacation trips.

To help you with that, we have a special guest today, Robert Samson, director of the Golden Lake Resort. Robert, I understand Golden Lake is a popular place for families to spend their vacations.

Yes, families enjoy spending time at Golden Lake.

Many come back year after year. We have a spectacular location and fanatic activities for bothchildr(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:剑桥雅思10下载)en and adults. Could you describe for us some of the activities available at Golden Lake?

We have a lot of water activities of course, Central ride on the lake.

We have a pleasant sandy beach for swimming.

We also have canoes and sail boats available and many of our guests enjoy boating on thelake.

I image water skiing would be popular among your guests.

Actually, we don't promote water skiing in the resort area.

It can be dangerous for swimmers and for the canoers too.

We do have a great location for fishing though and you often see guests fishing from our dock or from the canoes. That sounds very relaxing. What about activities on land? Do you have facilities for tennis?

We had tennis in the past, but the courts failed up to repair since we found that most of our guests weren't interested in the game.

We closed the court down, so that's no longer our option.

And actually, because of location in the woods, we don't have another good area for a golf course.

But I'd like to let your listeners to know, there would be adding a new activity this year.

We've made an arrangement for a local stable, so now we are going to have horse-back riding available for our guests.

We've created several riding trails around the lake.

That sounds lovely. Now, what about rainy days? What can your guests do when the weather's bad?

We have a games room and a crafts room. When the weather's rainy, some of our very talented staff members offer art sand crafts classes for all ages.

What fun! Do you offer any other classes or activities?

(2) Now listen, and answer questions 16-20.

We have a weekly schedule of evening activities, which anyone can attend if they choose.

Every Sunday we show a film or something suitable for the whole family.

Monday is my favorite night because that's dessert night.

Our cook prepares variety of desserts and we get to taste them all.

Umm...I'd like to be there for that.

Yes, it's great. We get more serious toward the middle of the week, our discussion night on Tuesday.

Discussion night?

Yes, we discuss different current events depending on what's happening that week of news.

And on Wednesday, we have lectures. We invite different experts to talk about local history on nature topics.

This is actually one of our popular evening activities. We found that our guests are really interested in learning about the local areas.

It sounds quite interesting.

Yes, we have some excellent speakers. Thursday night is totally different, cause that when we play games. That's especially fun for the children. Children love Fridays too, because that's talent show night.

Everyone gets in on that (staff, guests, everyone) .

It looks like you have a lot of fun at Golden Lake Resort.

We do. And we end every week with big fun, with a dance on Saturday night.

Now, I understand a little more why Golden Lake is such a popular place for family vacations.

With such a variety of activities, there's something for every member of family there.

There is. And I hopeyour listeners will consider spending their next vacation with us.

That is the end of section 2. You now have half a minute to check your answers.

Section 3

(1) You will hear two students talking about the classassignment about wild bird rescue adrehabilitation. First, you have some time to look at the questions21-25.

As you listen to the first part of the conversation, answer questions 21-25.

Okay, let's go over the requirements and see what we have left to do.

Let's see. We have to give the professor a written summary for the information we've given on ourtopic wild bird rescue and rehabilitation.

The other written thing we have to turn in is thecase study of rehabilitation of one bird. We have information on that already.

Right. All we have to do is to write it up. What about charts and graphs. Do we need to enclose something like that?

I don't think so. They are rarely relevant, but we do have to turn in a list of resources we used.

Actually, what about videos? I heard some of the other students were doing that.

Well, I guess that must be optional, because I don't see it on the requirements list.

Okay, we should start planning our class presentation since that counts for half the grade.

We've looked at lots of sources and information, but I think our best source was the interviews we did with the wildlife rehabilitators.

Agreed. That and the journal articles. I think we have enough information from those two sources for the

Anyhow, the books we looked at weren't all that helpful.

I wonder if we should try to bring in some live birds for the presentation.

That would be too difficult, don't you think? But we have lots of photos of rehabilitated birds.We can show those.

(2) Now, listen and answer questions 26-30.

Right. Okay, I think we should start by talking about how to rescue a bird.

Probably first we should help people understand which birds need rescuing.

Yeah, that's really important because a lot of times people see a baby bird that's all alone orthey find a bird sitting on the ground and they think it needs to be rescued.

And usually, those are just baby birds learning to fly.

So we should emphasize that people should only attempt to rescue a bird that's clearly injured.

For certain kinds of birds, the rescuer needs to wear protective gloves because some of those birds have sharp claws and can tear your shirt or worse injure your faceor some other part of your body.

Yes, that's an important point. Okay, next, let's tell people to put the injured bird in a box, a box with good air circulation.

We should let them know that cages are necessary and a bag, especially a plastic one, could hurt the bird more. Another thing we need to say is that the best way to help the bird stay calm is not by patting it or talking to it, but by leaving it completely alone.

Then people should take the bird to the Bird Rescue Center as soon as possible.

Right. And we should also point out that when they're driving the bird to the Rescue Center, it's better not to play music on the radio or talk loudly.

Because those things just stress the bird.

Yes, it's better just to speak quietly while you have the bird in the car.

Okay, we're got that part covered. Next, we should talk about what happens at the RescueCenter.

That is the end of section 3. You now have half a minute to check your answers.

Section 4

(1) You'll hear a lecture about Great Barrier Reef. Firstyou have some time to look at the questions 31-33. Now listen carefully and answer questions 31-33.

Despite of its name, the Great Barrier Reef isn't just one large coral reef.

Rather, it's a system of coral reef that stretches along the east coast of Australia, covering an areaof around 300,000 square kilometers.

The Great Barrier Reef is composed of approximately 3000 individual reefs which range insize from one hectare to more than 10,000 hectareseach.

In addition, around 600 islands are scattered throughout the area, particularly at the northern and southern ends. The reefs themselves are composed of over 400 different kinds of coral, the largest variety of coral found anywhere in the world.

(2) Now, listen carefully and answer questions 34-40.

Thousands of species of sea animals live in and around the reefs.

All together, approximately 1500 species of fish inhabit the reef area, including a number ofdifferent kinds of sharks.

One of the more interesting mollusks to be found in the reefs is the giant clam.

These huge shelf fish can live for more than a hundred years and can weigh as much as 200 kilos.

Sea mammals are bound in the area, which serves as a breeding ground for certain types of whales, many of which

Over two hundred species of sea and shore birds fees, roost on nest among the reefs and islands.

Many types of reptiles can also be found living around and near the reefs.

Salt water crocodiles, for example, inhabit the marshes along coast or the area.

Amphibians include at least 7 species of fogs inhabit in the islands and reefs.

Unfortunately, this wondrous area of the world is threatened by climate change.

Rising sea temperatures have led to an effect called "coral bleaching", that is large numbers of corals dying off, especially in the shallower area of the reef.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is attempting to find effective ways to deal with this issue that threatens the reef.

One proposed solution involves shading the reef in certain areas to help keep thesurrounding water temperatures down.

That is the end of section 4. You now have half a minute to check your answers.

test 2

Section 1

(1) Global bicycle tours. May I help you?

Yes, thank you. I'd like to sign up for a bicycle tour.

Which tour will you be interested in? We have the River Valley tour coming up in June and the mountain tour in July.

The river valley tour was in June. I thought it was on May.

It actually takes place the first week of June.

Oh, I see. Well, I can still do that. The river valley tour is the one I want.

Splendid, Just let me take your information. May I have your name please?

Karla Schmidt. That's Karla with "K", not "C", K-A-R-L-A.

Thank you, Miss Schmidt. Address?

Do you need a street address? Or can I give you my post office box?

The post office box is fine.

It's P.O.Box, 257, Manchester.

Thank you. Okay, next, uld you bring in your own bicycle? Or do you want to rent one from us?

I'll bring my own.

Excellent. Now, we provide all the meals. So we need to know if you have any diet (dietary)restrictions. I don't think so. What do you mean?

I mean if there's any food you can't eat? Some people have food allergy (allergies) orvegetarian or have t avoid dairy products. Things like that.

Oh, I see. Yes, I'm a vegetarian and never eat meat.

(2) All right. I'll make a note of that. Now the total cost of the tour is $750.

That much?

The price includes everything: food, hotel, transportation. Everything.


Yes, everything. The only other thing is you have (want) to tip the tour guide. We usuallyrecommend 5% the total tour cost.

A five percent tip. I guess that's reasonable.

In order to reserve your space on the tour. I'll need a 30% deposit.

Do you need that right away?

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