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时间:2017-04-12 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


2月13日小作文:柱形图Task two:教育类Many parents choose to teach their children at home rather than sending their children to school, do you think the benefits of home schooling outweigh its drawbacks? 很多家长选择让他们的孩子接受家庭教育而非课堂教育,你是否认为家庭教育利大于弊?(新题出现)

2月18日A类 写作:Task1 小作文折线图 日本工资和黑白电视价格的变化描述和说下关系; 日本从1953到1973之间平均月收入(上升先慢后快),黑白电视(下降先快后慢),彩色电视的价格变化(下降从1963开始才出现彩色电视)

Task2 大作文 Human activities have negative effect on plant and (本文来自:WwW.dXf5.coM 东星 资源网:2016年2月12日雅思)animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others think take effective action can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion. G类: 小作文 投诉信投诉电影院的;大作文是很多人想变得更年轻,reason是什么,是好是坏


Task2 Nowadays, there is a large amount of advertising aimed at children. Some people think they have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

2月27日【社会类】 In many countries women allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their babies. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? 很多女性在生产后一个月会休产假,是否利大于弊?

小作文线形图,关于Ireland unemployment level和number of people leaving the country between 1988 and 2008。

3月5日小作文线图大作文:We can get knowledge from news. But some people even think we should not trust the journalists. What do you think? And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?


In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or us animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Describe a place you visited that had been affected by pollution. 考生要注意这个题涉及到污染,我们可以从大气、土壤、水污染等入手,想答好这道题需广泛涉猎,比如首先答大气污染的实例与影响,再从水污染和土壤污染一一入手。拆分为多个角度作答,效果会事半功倍。

Well, the place severely contaminated for me would be Qinxi River, the major river of my hometown, a coastal city east in Shandong Province. Previously, this river was genial and cozy with the pride of offshore fishery.

It kept haze-free for 30 years or so until last year when I paid a visit. Anyone who passed by the river would cover their nose to abstain from the stink. Actually this formed a drastic contrast to what it used to be like---all drinkable water and vivacious aquatic creatures.

However, everything's been completely reversed at present. Foul air, filthy seaweeds and stinky sewage are all pervasive in the river. The sky which used to be crystal clear now turns misty and hazy. We wear masks every day and our skin sucks. The chief culprit from my viewpoint would go to overdue wastewater discharge, garbage emission and the uestricted animals' excrement.

Besides, the salinization of soil also comes to the spotlight. Previously we never saw acid rain in my hometown, but now it seems to be our monthly routine, especially during the rainy season.

Until now, I am one of the typical victims of the heavily polluted river. I believe, without due measures, anything that might have been better would only go from bad to worse. The river would have been the pride of my hometown if the local government had banned the access of industries to the river and fortified the overall administration.

That's pretty much. Thanks for listening.


IELTS Speaking2016. Feb话题解析

冬去春来又一年,丙申猴年的到来,不知是否让各位“烤鸭”童鞋在备考雅思的路上“猴赛雷”,在开始今天的解析之前,朗阁郑州雅思培训的专家Woody老师先给各位拜个晚年吧,祝愿各位“烤鸭”新年新气象,在考试和未来的留学道路上“猴赛雷”,赶紧坐上蹿天猴,各个都7 up~~

朗阁郑州雅思培训专家打算跟大家一起简单分析一下各位“烤鸭”们“猴”关心的Speaking Part 2话题。从上图的内容中,我们不难看出进入到2016年之后,两个月以来口语part 2话题比例的基本呈现,Events类话题的数量比例可谓是一枝独秀,这也是近期备考童鞋们所应该关注的重中之重,而除Place之外的其他包括People, Objects以及Media话题相关的比例则非常均衡。长期以来,很多雅思考试的直观感觉就是事件类及物品类类话题的描述难度要高于其他类别,看来,IELTS官方在中国大陆历经十几年来,还是很准确的把我到我朝教育体系下童鞋们的弱点,不知官方是否也是为接下来有可能实现的雅思机考在做准备。

人物及地点题目中,难度并不大,进入到新的一年中,官方在口语出题方面也乏善可陈,基本延续了去年下半年在People及Place方面的出题思路,数量未见比例性变化之外,无非在限定方面做出了些许文章,所以童鞋们在备考的过程中,更应该注重限定性成分的满足。以“a person in newsthat you want to meet”为例,乍一看,很多童鞋脑袋里估计只有“Duang”这个辞了,因为在我们个人生活中,很少童鞋会主动关注新闻类节目(即便有也应该是Gossip类的 -_-!!!!)所以在素材选择的时候,自然也就很难想得到“want to meet”的人物了,其实,有参加过Woody课程的各位应该还有印象在我们的课堂上重点有强调过“a person who influenced you very much”这个典型题目,从这个角度来出发,“you

want to meet”是否是因为“influenced you”,这样的逻辑关联才是合理的,那么最后要做的就是put him or her into news。同时,如果我们能利用好话题间的串联性,就不难发现,在媒体类题目中还存在“a piece of local news”,那么有没有可能把这样不同类别的题目串联起来。

地点题目方面,就出题本身而言,几乎都是比较简单的内容,noisy place也好,street 也好,a place nearby也好(Woody必须吐槽此题在实战中的存在时间了),基本上地点题目都可以通过设计来完成覆盖,同时,建议各位童鞋从地点出发,更多的试着关联到大量的事件题目,forgot taking something, apologize to others,waited for others, family event等大量的地点题目都可以吐过在陌生环境下发生的事件来完成题目信息的满足,而开篇所提到的高比例事件题目的解题重点,则应该是内容设计来满足题目中各种所谓“奇葩”的设置和限定,建议各位考生尽量不要在自己的经历中寻求,毕竟很多时间和所谓的经历在我们的现实生活中发生的可能性不大,避免在实战中出现无话可说的情况。

物品题和媒体题方面,也可以以事件发生为载体,进行设计如something you bought yourself, a piece of law about environment, a special music, a piece of handicraft等,其内容都可以和到陌生地方的旅游,访友等偶发事件为平台而实现。


最后,朗阁郑州雅思培训的专家必须要提醒大家,尽管Part 2的话题内容是整个口语考试的重要环节,但并不是全部,针对目前大部分考生在备考过程中只准备Part 2的现象,官方则会更看重考生结合不同环节,包括Part 1 & 3的综合表现,试想一下,如果我们在不同环节的表现有较大落差的话,考官必然会认为我们有所准备,并且以语言表达不佳的环节判断考生的真实语言能力,这样的话,我们所有考前的准备就显得毫无意义了。同时,IELTS考试的核心一定的language expression,所以各位一定要更加重视词汇,语法,语音等这些老生常谈,却又是语言表现方面核心体现的方面。


1.Describe a skill that you want to learn

2.Describe a dinner with friends

3.Describe a person in news that you want to meet

4.Describe a person who often takes flights

5.Describe a special short holiday

6.Describe a noisy place

7.Describe a law about environment

8.Describe an experience you watched the sky

9.Describe en experience that you forgot taking something

10.Describe something you bought yourself

11.Describe a target you want to achieve in the future

12.Describe a family you know well (not yours)

13.Describe a person whom you think is contributing to the society

14.Describe a foreign country that you want to go for a travel

15.Describe a plan that you’ve change because of the weather

16.Describe an article about health

17.Describe an experience that you apologize to others

18.Describe a special music

19.Describe an interesting novel/story that you have ever read

20.Describe a long journey that you’ve taken by car

21.Describe a street you like

22.Describe your first experience of speaking English

23.Describe a person you adore who is older than you

24.Describe a film that you like

25.Describe a piece of clothes that others gave you

26.Describe an experience that you waited for somebody/something

27.Describe a family member that you spend most time with

28.Describe an art activity

29.Describe a photo of yourself

30.Describe an interesting animal

31.Describe a recent event that made you feel happy

32.Describe a toy in your childhood

33.Describe a place nearby water

34.Describe a job that you want to do in the future

35.Describe a story you read from newspaper or magazine

36.Describe a piece of local news

37.Describe a festival

38.Describe a kind of sports that you want to learn

39.Describe a place you have ever been which is polluted

40.Describe a difficult decision that you made

41.Describe an old person that you respect

42.Describe a long walk

43.Describe a happy family event in your childhood

44.Describe a piece of handicraft

标签:雅思 2016年12月雅思口语 2016年12月雅思真题