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专题一 名 词


1. 名词单、复数的变化规律及其用法; 2. 不可数名词量的表达法;

3. 名词所有格的变化及其用法; 4. 名词作主语的一致问题;

5. 常用专有名词的表示法;6. 具体语境中名词的词义和一些常用易混淆名词的区别。 Ⅰ.名词的定义

名词是表示人、事物、现象和其他抽象概念的名称的词。 名词可分为专有名词和普通名词。


如:Yao Ming 姚明; China 中国;Christmas 圣诞节等。

Ⅱ. 可数名词和不可数名词普通名词按照其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和 不可数名词。

1.可数名词可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。如:an apple; two apples 。 ★ 注意: a 用于以辅音音素( 指音标) 开头的单数名词前;

an 用于以元音音素( 指音标) 开头的单数名词前。

如:a book/buk/, a useful/ju:sful/ book ,an apple/’aepl/ ,a red apple , an hour/’aua/


(1)物质名词。如: water; rice; tea; milk; food; fruit; meat; fish(鱼肉); chicken(鸡肉); beef; mutton; orange(橙汁);sugar; salt; paper(纸); porridge; bread; sand; juice等。 这类不可数名词需要计量时要在名词前加表示量的词。如:a cup of tea; two bags of rice; three bottles of water等。

(2)抽象名词。如: news; music; time(时间); information等。



如:fish; time; glass; orange; room; noise; chicken等。但使用时一定要区分它们表达的不同意义。 Ⅲ. 名词的数


如:man→men; woman→women; Frenchman→Frenchmen; tooth→teeth; foot→feet; child→children


如:sheep→sheep; fish→fish; Chinese→Chinese; Japanese→Japanese; yuan→yuan

(3)形式为单数意思为复数 如:people,police(集合名词)

(4)形式为复数意思为单数如:news, maths, physics, the United States等。

(5)只用复数形式如:pants, shorts, clothes,glasses(眼镜)等。

3. 不可数名词的量的表示:(不能直接用数字;不能直接加a。an;无复数形式)

(1)表不定数量时,一般用much,(a)little, a lot of/lots of, some, any等词修饰。


如:a piece of paper, a piece of news, a bag of rice, two glasses of milk, four bottles of water


1. 有生命的名词所有格

(1) 单数名词后加’s 。如:my brother’s book

(2) 不以s 结尾的复数名词后加’s 。如:the children’s football

(3) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加’ 。如:the boys’ game

(4) 以s 结尾的专有名词后直接加’ 。如:Dickens’ novels

(5) 某物为两个名词共有时,在第二个名词后加’s : 如:Tom and David’s room.

(6) 表示两个名词各自拥有的东西,在两个名词后都加’s:如:Tom’s and David’s rooms.

2. 无生命的事物的名词所有格(of所有格)

(1)of+名词。如:a photo of my family, the door of the classroom

注意:“of+名词’s/名词性物主代词” 构成双重所有格 如:a friend of mine, a friend of Jim’s。

(2) 表示时间或距离,国家,城市的方法。也可用’s来构成所有格

▲如:ten minutes’ drive十分钟车程;a month’s holiday一个月的假期。China’s capital


如:at his brother’s; at the doctor’s; at the barker’s; at Mr Read’s

(4)用所有格表示节日的方法: 如:Teachers’ Day; Children’s Day

.(除了父亲节和母亲节其他节日我们都用名词复数的所有格表示。)如:Mother’s Day; Father’s Day.

▲(5).由some、any、no、every与one、body 结合的复合不定代词something 、anything 等和else 连用时,所有格应加在else的后面。This is _________________(somebody else ) pencil .



1).表示时间、金钱、距离作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 Two hours _______(be) enough for us to get there .

2).量词短语“数字+量词+ of +…”作主语时,谓语动词应与量词保持一致。

A pair of shoes _______(be) under the bed . Two pieces of paper _______(be) on the desk .

3).名词+介词(with、except 、along with ….)+名词作主语时,谓语动词应与前面的名词保持一致。

The teacher with the students _________(be) planting trees on the hill .

4).短语“neither…nor…、either…or…、not only…but also …‖连接主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则。

Neither he nor I ______ (be) a Frenchman .



如:a banana tree→banana trees; a shoe factory→shoe factoriesThere is a shoe factory near the school .

2).名词作定语时,个别情况用复数形式。(sport )

The sports meeting will be held next week .

3).man、woman 作定语表示性别时,man、woman随后面的名词单复数而变。QQ378459309制作 one man teacher two women teachers

专题二冠 词



Ⅰ.冠词的定义 冠词是虚词。通常放在名词之前,用来说明名词所表示的人或事物。冠词分为不定冠词(a和an)和定冠词(the)两类。


1.不定冠词a, an的用法

(1)泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。A girl is waiting for you.

(2) 不定冠词a 用在以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前;a useful book; a desk;不定冠词an 用在以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。如: an old man; an actor; an “m” 。

(3) 第一次提到某人或某物而非特指时。如:There is a book on the desk, but the book isn’t mine.

(4) 表示人或事物的某一类。如:An elephant is bigger than a tiger.

(5) 用于表时间、速度、价格等意义的名词之前,有“ 每一” 的意思,相当every 如: three times a week.

(6) 表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。I have a computer.

(7)用在序数词前,表示“又一,再一”I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one.

(8)可视为一个整体的两个名词前 eg: a knife and fork 一副刀叉

(9)用在某些固定词组中:如:have a good time; have a swim ,have a cold , half an hour ,a lot(of), after a while , in a hurry , for a long time, a few ,a little ,at a time ,


(1)用来特指某人或某物,双方都知道的人或物的名词前如:Open the door, please.

(2) 用于上文提到的某人或某物。There is a kite on the wall. The kite is new.

(3)表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前如:the sun; the moon; the earth; the sky

(4) 用在序数词或形容词最高级前,如:March is the third month of a year. He is the cleverest boy in his class.

(5) 用在某些形容词前, 表示一类人。如:the rich; the poor; the young; the old等。

(6) 用在西洋乐器名词前。如:play the violin

(7) 用在表示方位的名词前。如:in the east/north/west/south

(8) 用在表示山脉、海洋、江河、湖泊、群岛、建筑物、名胜古迹等专有名词前或用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。如:the Yellow River; the Great Wall; the West Lake; the White House等

(9) 用在姓氏复数形式前,表示“全家人”或“夫妻俩”。eg:The Greens are watchingTV now

(10)用于形容词或副词比较级等构成“ the...the... ”的句式中,表示“越……越……”。如: The more, the better.

(11)用于固定搭配中。all the same仍然;all the time一直;at the moment此刻;at the same time同时;by the way顺便说;do the shopping/washing买东西/洗衣服;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上in the open air 在户外,在野外


(1)棋类活动,球类运动,一日三餐,学科名词前不用任何冠词 play chess play football 特例:当football,basketball指具体的某个球时,其前可以用冠词:I can see a football.我可以看到一只足球。Where’s the football?那只足球在哪儿?(指足球,并非“球类运动”)

(2)称呼语前不用冠词, 表示头衔和职务的名词前也不加冠词。

如:I don’t feel well today, Mum./ This is Professor Li/ /Hello, Lily.


如:Teachers’ Day; Mother’s Day; on Monday; in May; in summer

▲但若指某年的某月份或某年的某季节,需在月份或季节前加the,eg:The winter in 2008 was very cold.

(4)名词前已有物主代词(my,your,his,her等)、指示代词(this/these,that/those)、不定代词(some,any等)及名词所有格修饰时,不用冠词 my book(正);my the book(误)

(5)有些专有名词, 如人名,地名,国家名,抽象名词和物质名词前一般不用冠词。

如: China; Japanese; milk; love等。Jim lives in China.

(6)不可数名词和复数名词表泛指时前用零冠词 We can’t live without water./Horses are good animals.

(7)用在“专有名词+普通名词”构成的街名,路名,山名等名词前 Hainan Island / Nanjing Road

(8) by与火车等交通工具连用,用零冠词

eg:by bus/ by train/by car/ by bike 注意:take a bus/ on the bike/ in a boat

(9)在某些固定搭配里,名词之前常不用冠词. QQ378459309制作

如on foot; at home; at night; from morning till night, on time, in time, at first, at last等。


①in hospital住院 / in the hospital在医院里②in front of在?(外部的)前面 / in the front of在?(内部的)前面③at table进餐 / at the table在桌子旁 ④by sea乘船 / by the sea在海边

⑤go to school(church?)上学(做礼拜?) /go to the school(church?)到学校(教堂?)去

⑥two of us我们当中的两人 /the two of us我们两人(共计两人)

⑦a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家(一个人)/a teacher and a writer一位教师和一位作家(两个人)



1.主格作主语,宾格作表语或动词或介词的宾语. / I’介词的宾语) / It’宾格做表语)


单数:(二,三,一)——(You, she and I )复数:(一,二,三)——(we , you and they )


eg: (一般情况) Who broke the window ? (承担责任)

注:it 还有一些特别的用法。

1) 用在句型: “It seems that …”中.“看起来像。….”

2)用作形式主语,常用于 “It’s +adj +to do sth”句型中.“做什么事情怎么样” . QQ378459309制作

3) 用在句型: “It’s one’s turn to do sth”中.“轮到某人做sth”

4) 用在句型: “It’s time to do sth / for sth”中.“到了该做sth的时候”5) 用在句型: “It’s +adj +that 从句”中.

6) 用作用来代替动词不定式.

主语+make /think /feel/find + it + adj (名词)+ to do sth . I find it difficult to remember these wors.

2、名词性物主代词,后面不能加名词,名词性物主代词常与of 连用

我的一个朋友) eg:Our classroom is as big as ______(they) . / This is a friend of ______(my). 注: 1) 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+ 名词(上题中mine=my friends)



性物主代词与own 连用时,后面可跟名词也可不跟名词.My own house = a house of my own


enjoy oneself过得愉快 hurt oneself受伤 teach oneself = learn..by oneslf自学

help oneself to …随便吃/用 look after oneself leave sb by oneself 让某人独自留下

dress oneself某人自己穿衣服improve oneself提高某人自己


1、指示代词的用法: (1)this /these ①指较近的事和人: This is my pen. / These are my books.

②指下文提到的事eg:Please remember this:No pains,no gains.

(2) that /those①指较远的事和人: That is her sister. / Those are her sisters.

②指上面刚提到的事情eg:He was ill.That’s why he didn’t go to school.

2. 注意 that / those 常用来代替前面出现的人或物,以避免重复. That代替可数名词的单数或不可数名词. Those 代替复数名词. The weather in Guangdong is hotter than _____ in Qinghai . The books in that shop are cheaper than ___in this shop.A.thisB.that C.one D.those

3.在电话用语中,this 代替自己,而that 代替对方.

eg:This is Tom speaking . 我是汤姆 Who is that ?你是谁?


如:who 作主语,表语,宾语但不能放介词后Who wants to go with me?

whom who

的宾格形式,作宾语whose who的所有格形式,作定语Whose wallet is this? 这是谁的钱包?

what 可询问职业What’s your father? He is a teacher.

who可询问身份和姓名Who is the boy in red? He is Jim.

what 指不定数目中的那一个。“什么,哪一些,”无范围What would you like?

which “ 哪一个”指在一定范围内特指的人或物Which bike is yours? 哪辆自行车是你的


1.one与it 的区别: One 代替同类事物中的一种. 而it代替上文中出现的某事物. This book is a good one . May I borrow it ?

2.some与any 的区别①一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于否定,疑问句,

’②但在疑问句中,若要表示说话人希望得到肯定的回答或表示请求、建议时应用some。此类句型常以could, would开头

或what about /how about 的句中。 May I have some water ?( 希望得到肯定的回答)


Many+可数名词的复数 ;Much+不可数名词,都相当于 a lot of +复数名词/不可数名词

注:a lot of 常不用于否定句中. 否定句中用many /much .

4.a few /few /a little /little 的区别

例题:His story is easy to read,there are _____ new words in it .

Hurry up ! There is _____ time left . 5.each / every 的区别

★each 强调个体,表示两者或两者以上的人或物中的每一个.

every 强调整体,表示三者或三者以上的人或物中的每一个.

There are trees and frowers on _____ side of the street . / ____ student has read a story .

★:each 可以与of 连用, each of 作主语时,谓语动词用单数.

而every 不能与of 连用.只能放在名词前作定语. Each of us _______(study )hard .

6. no one 与none 的区别

no one 指人,表示没有人, 不能与of 连用, 谓语常用单数。

none of +复数名词/ 代词,作主语时,既指人又可指物,谓语常用单数。.

The boys were all tired , but _____ of them stopped to have a rest . . 更多资料QQ378459309制作:

7.both /neither /either /all / none / any 的区别

There are many trees on ____ side of the river . A. both B.any C.eitherD.all


1). both 的否定词是neither , all的否定词是none.

2).both of 作主语时,谓语动词用复数; neither of作主语时, 谓语动词用单数.

Neither of the answers ______(be) right . Both of my parents _______(be) workers.


A) both …and …连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数. 同义词组:

not only …but also … 反义词组: neither … nor …

Not only you but also she likes watching TV.= ____ you _____ she like watching TV .

B) either …or … 或者……或者…… , neither…nor… 既不……也不…… 连接两个主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则. Neither you nor he ______ (be ) right .

One of Lily and Lucy is going to the park. = _____ Lily _____Lucy _____ going to the park.

C) either 也可用于否定句中的 “也” He doesn’t like the book,either.

4) how many /how much 的回答:用none回答.

Who 的回答:用no one 回答. ; What 的回答: 用nothing 回答.

How many students are there in the classroom ? __________.

Who can answer the question ? _______. A. NoneB.No one C.Nothing

8.other /the other /others /the others 的区别

注释: 1) one …the other …表示两者之间的一个…另一个…… 2) some… others… 表示一些…… 另一些……

3) another 表示三者及三者以上的不确定数

目中的另一个. 只能修饰可数名词的单数. ★ another +数字+ 复数名词= 数字+ more

表示 “ 另外几个……”another ten teachers=ten more teachers

I have two brothers , one is a teacher , ______ is a worker .

Some are cleaning the classroom , ______ are sweeping the window



中考英语历年考点总结 捡起,挑选, 接某人pick up 挑选pick out =recognize

make a noise 制造噪音 =din

震惊 be shocked=amazed =surprised (at)

怕 be in fear= frightened / afraid (of)

满意be satisfied with =pleased

悲He was painful (in pain) =sad =unhappy

应该做某事.. be supposed to do sth =should =ought to

乐He was cheerful =happy =delighted= pleased

玩得高兴have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself have fun doing sth装扮、打扮dress up 给(某人)穿衣服dress sb (in)

穿着、戴着(表状态)wear 穿上(表动作put on

bring 拿来 take 带走 carry 携带,搭乘,运载,抬 fetch 取回=get

achieve =get / come true

I believe I will achieve my dream one day.

= I believe my dream will come true one day.

出现、出席show up=be present at?=turn up 熬夜stay up

at times = sometimes有时 sometime 某时 in time on time

some times几次,几倍 =a few=several some time 一段时间

for the time being=at present目前 =now one at a time 一次

at one time=once曾经 for a time = moment

It's time for you to do it. =It's _____ ____ to do it.

take turns to do sth.=do sth. in turns 轮流做某事

the best way to do sth做某事的最好方法

be famous for 因??而出名 (跟出名的原因) be famous as以??而出名 (跟职业/身份/地位)well-known = famous

想做某事:want to do sth. = would like to do sth. feel like doing sth.?.much too + adj =very=a most beautiful girl =terribly=quite=rather=fairly=not ?a little =pretty (相当)

太多?.too much +不可数n too many + 可数n

by the way顺便说一下 in the way妨碍、挡路 on the way在途中

以这种方式(方法)in this way =by this means =with this method

Show (=tell) me the way to the shop

总是,一直all the time =always 仍然、还是all the same=still

How is the weather today?= What’s the weather like today?

有点儿a little = a bit =a little bit= kind of

What’s the matter= What’s the trouble?=What’s wrong? (with)=What’s up?Which is the way to?? How can I get to the ?? Is there a ? near here?Can you tell me the way to the ?? =show =nearby

He wasn not in =absent (from) Be in =wear =join =be at home

What good news / weather / information / work!

what else:别的什么 easily enough a house nearby the things alikeThe living people= The people alive something wrong nothing serioushave to :不得不=be forced to do = must = be sure to

in fact=actually=as a matter of fact:事实上;实际上 =really =trulyagree with sb.:同意某人意见 =agree with what one says

agree sb. to do sth.同意某人做某事 He nods =agree

He has the same idea as mine= He agree with me.

don’t mind(=care)/like:+doing不介意/喜欢 care about关心

care for=like =go in for=be keen on =enjoy=prefer=(be fond of)

常见动词:keep, mind, finish, enjoy, practice, advise.其他重要的动词:suggest:Jenny suggested leaving for Paris this afternoon.


只能跟ing形式 miss(What a miss doing sth.):He missed winning the first prize.(他错过获得第一名的机会。)

escape: escape being punished(逃避被惩罚)

admit: The thief admitted stealing the purse.(小偷承认偷了钱包。)risk: risk travelling to the unknown(冒险去没开发地带旅行)

ask for要求得到、要求见到=request Call for =require=need 需要

used to do sth. 过去经常? / be (get) used to (doing) sth.习惯于? / be used to do sth. / be used for doing sth.被用来做?

fall (fell/ fallen) down from?= fall off?从?摔下来 /fall over向前摔倒fall into?跌进? feel (felt / felt) drop =go down= fall rise=go up=stand upraise = put up one’s hand = lift = bring up养大= come up with提出how to deal with ?/ what to do with? 怎样处理?

◆perhaps / maybe . probably Maybe she is at home. = She may be at home.save (v.) 储蓄,节省, 挽救 save time / money save one’s life

own (vt.) =have owner(s) (n.)

I own the book.

=I am the owner of the book.=The book is mine= The book belongs to me.on one’s own = (all) by oneself = alone

(adj.) my own book / a book of my own

make a deal作成交易 make a face做鬼脸 make friends with与??交朋友make one’s living维持生活 make one’s way to前往某处 make use of利用make a fool of捉弄,使出洋相 =make fun of

make jokes about =play jokes (=tricks)on =make fun of取笑

make a note (notes) of注意,记下来=write down=take down

make?into把??作成,使变成 sth. be made into

make it成功,到达某处 succeed in doing sth = be successful in

make room腾出地方for =space leave room留出地方for

make up编造 be made up of = consist of

be made of be made from be made in be made by

make breakfast, make dinner, make tea do some cooking 做饭

make a list of 列出清单 make sb do be made to do make sth done

all over (=around/across) the world全世界,世界各地

a year or two 一两年=one or two years; a day or two=one or two days一两天an hour or two=one or two hours一两个小时

move somewhere= move to somewhere搬到(不具体的)某一地方

at the age of?在??年龄时 = when sb was ?years old

take part in参加、加入 =join the club

=attend the meeting

all day = all day long 整天 all night = all night long整夜

in (不用under) the sun在阳光下 with(不用under) the help of=with one’s helpin the rain在雨中 in the dark在黑暗中 in the snow在雪中

at the beginning of?在..开始的时候 at first = first of all

at the end of?在??结束的时候,在??的尽头 in the end= finallytake photos=take a photo=take pictures=take a picture照相

it’s easy to do sth. 做某事容易 =simple

it’s hard to do sth. 做某事难 =difficult

It’s essential to do sth. 做某事必要 =necessary

It’s helpful to do sth =useful

It’s nice of you =kind He is kind =friendly

It’s a fine day =nice He is fine. =well

put up举起,抬起,挂起,张贴,建造; put on穿上,戴上,上演(戏剧);put down=write down=copy down 写下来;put out 伸出,扑灭;

put away 收起来,收好; put off推迟;

put one’s heart into?全神贯注于??,全身心投入?

go to lots of parties经常参加聚会 =often go to the party

try to do sth. 努力(企图)做某事 try doing sth.试着做某事

try one’ best to do sth. 尽力做某事

Please keep quiet! 请保持安静 =remain calm


keep+(sb.)+doing 表示“(使某人)不停地做某事”

keep sth. 保存某物

use sth. to do sth.=do sth.. with sth. 使用?做?

区别:use?for? use?as?

给某人打电话的几种说法:call (up) = phone = ring

call sb. up, call sb. phone sb., phone to sb.

telephone sb. telephone to sb. phone sb. up,ring sb.

give sb. a ring, give sb. a phone

with the name= called = named call for=require=need

the number of?.的数量,谓语是单数 a number of=many 许多

number前可用large(=huge=big), great, small (=tiny)修饰其谓语是复数become a member of =be in=join

have a large / small population of 人口不能用:many/much/a few /a littlewhat is the population? 不能用: how many/how much

doing sth. takes sb. Some time/ money =It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.=sb. spends some time/money (on sth.)

=sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.

=sth. costs sb. some time/money

=sb. pay some money for sth.

take the subway 乘地铁 ride a bike 骑自行车 take the bus乘公共汽车

take the train乘火车 take a taxi乘坐出租车 go in a parent’s car 坐父母的车He went there by bus. =He a bus there

He went there by bike. =He a bike there

He went there by car. =He a car there

He went there by air . =He there

He went there on foot. =He there

He went by the shop. He went across the street.

He went into the classroom. He went down the street.

He went back there. My dog goes after me to school.

区别older / elder与farther / further



My ______ brother is ______ than me.

farther (指距离“较远的”)


He went abroad for ________ studies.

Tom is _________ from our school than Alice.

表示“是??几倍”时用“twice; three times等 + as?as”

This book costs twice as much as that one. 这本书的价钱是那本书的两倍。表示二者相差多少用 “具体数量 + 比较级”

My brother is two years older than me.

= My brother is two years as old as me.

= My brother is older than me by two years.

not as / so? as = less than 不及;不如

This book isn’t as interesting as that one

= This book is ___ ________ _____ that one


I picked more apples than Jim.我比你摘的苹果多。

Which is more interesting, this one or that one?

最高级:三者(或三者以上)进行比较(常与表范围的in , of短语连用)( 注意:of + 个体名词单数 in + 集合名词 )

He runs fastest in our class.

He is the tallest of the three boys.

Which is the easiest, Lesson1, Lesson2 or Lesson3 ?

表并列关系的and, both?and, not only?but also, neither?nor等。表选择关系的or, either?or等。

表转折关系的but, while(然而)等。

表因果关系的because,for, so等。

and: “和”在肯定句中表并列 另外:1)or “或者”用于选择疑问句or: “和”在否定句中表并列 2)or “否则”

①.Which do you like better, tea or milk?

②.Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school.

but “但是”表转折: 注意:1)though(虽然), but(但是)不能连用

2)not ? but 不是?而是

I listened, but I heard nothing. =I listened, however, I heard nothing.=Though I listened, I heard nothing.

=didn’t hear anything.

This book isn’t mine but yours. =This book is yours mine.

both? and : 既?又(连接主语为复数)

neither?nor: 既不?也不 连接两主

either?or: 或者?或者 语后者决




中考考点 一、名词



1).一般情况下直接加s book------bookscup-----cups

2).以辅音字母+y结尾的,先变y为i再加es .

city-------cities family-----families

3).以s、x、sh、ch结尾的加es .


4).以o结尾的多数加S 初中阶段只有三个单词加es .


5).以f、fe 结尾的,先把f、fe变v 再加es .



man----menwoman---womenchild----childrenfoot-----feettooth----teeth mouse---mice


deer---deerfish----fishsheep----sheepChinese ----Chinese Japanese---Japanese


1). 中、日不变。Chinese----Chinese Japanese---Japanese

2). 英、法变。 Englishman----Englishmen Frenchman----Frenchmen

3). 其余s加后面。 American -----Americans German----Germans Australian---Australians




4).可用some、any 、lots of、plenty of 、much 修饰5).可用“量词短语”表示

2.不可数名词的数量的表示方法:a / 数字+ 量词 + of + 不可数名词

a piece of paper a cup of tea a glass of milk


1. ’s 所有格。

1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有关系时,这时只在最后一个名词后加“’s.”This is ____________________(Mary and Lily) bedroom .

2). 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示各有关系时,这时分别在每个名词后加“’s.”These are ________________(Tom and Jack ) school bags .

3).以s结尾的名词,变所有格时在s后加“’”,不以s 结尾的复数名词,仍加“’s”

Teachers’ DayChildren’s Day

4).表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加 ’s 代表全称。

at the doctor’s at the Bob’s

5).由some、any、no、every与one、body 结合的复合不定代词something 、anything 等和else 连用时,所有格应加在else的后面。

This is _________________(somebody else ) pencil .

6).表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加’s 来构成所有格。

an hour’s ride two weeks’ timeChina’s capital

2.of 所有格:

1).of 用来表示无生命的名词所有格。

the map of China the door of the room


of + 名词所有格 of + 名词性的物住代词

He is a friend of my _________(brother ) .

Is she a daughter of __________(you)?




Two hours ________(be) enough for us to get there .

2).量词短语“数字+量词+ of +?”作主语时,谓语动词应与量词保持一致。

A pair of shoes _______(be) under the bed .

Two pieces of paper _______(be) on the desk .

3).名词+介词(with、except 、along with ??.)+名词作主语时,谓语动词应与前面的名词保持一致。

The teacher with the students _________(be) planting trees on the hill .

4).短语“neither?nor?、either?or?、not only?but also ?”连接主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则。

Neither he nor I ______ (be) a Frenchman .



There is a shoe factory near the school .

2).名词作定语时,个别情况用复数形式。(sport )

The sports meeting will be held next week .

3).man、woman 作定语表示性别时,man、woman随后面的名词单复数而变。

one man teacher two women teachers

中考考点 二、冠词的用法





例如:a boy, a university, a European country; an hour, an honor, an island, an elephant, an umbrella, an honest man ,a useful book




A horst is an animal


A girl is waiting for you.


I have a computer.


I go to school five days a week.我一周上五天课。


I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one.


a lot(of), after a while ,a few ,a little ,at a time ,have a swim ,have a cold ,in a hurry ,for a long time,have a good time ,have a look



The book on the desk is mine


Open the window, please.


I have a car. The car is red.


Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?


The first lesson is the easiest one in this book.


the Great Wall 长城,the United States 美国


the poor穷人, the blind盲人


the Greens 格林一家或格林夫妻俩


on the left在左边,in the middle of在中间


She plays the piano every day.


the Black Sea黑海,the Yangzi River长江


all the same仍然;all the time一直;at the moment此刻;at the same time同时;by the way顺便说;do the shopping/washing买东西/洗衣服;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上;in the open air 在户外,在野外



Play chess play footballhave supper

特例:当football,basketball指具体的某个球时,其前可以用冠词:I can see a football.我可以看到一只足球。Where’s the football?那只足球在哪儿?(指足球,并非“球类运动”)


In Julyin summeron Mondayon Teachers’ Day


Beijing is the capital of China


Math is hard to learn


They are workersI like eating apples


my book(正);my the book(误)


No.25 Middle School


in hospital住院/in the hospital在医院里

in front of在?(外部的)前面/in the front of在?(内部的)前面

at table进餐 /at the table在桌子旁

by sea乘船 /by the sea在海边

go to school(church?)上学(做礼拜?) /go to the school(church?)到学校(教堂?)去

two of us我们当中的两人/the two of us我们两人(共计两人)

next year明年/the next year 第二年

a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家(一个人)

/a teacher and a writer一位教师和一位作家(两个人)

中考考点 三、代词


单数 复数

主格 宾格 主格 宾格

第一人称 I me we us

第二人称 you you you you

第三人称 it/she/he it/her/him they them


He teaches ______(we) Chinese .


单数:二,三,一 (You, she and I ) 复数:一,二,三 (we , you and they )


She and I have been to Beijing .

Who broke the window ? I and Mike .

注:it 还有一些特别的用法。

1)用作形式主语,常用于 “It’s +adj +to do sth”句型中.

2) 用在句型: “It seems that ?”中.

3) 用在句型: “It’s one’s turn to do sth”中.

4) 用在句型: “It’s time to do sth / for sth”中.

5) 用在句型: “It’s +adj +that 从句”中.

6) 用作形式宾语, 用来代替动词不定式. make /think /feel/find + it + adj (名词)+ to do sth .


第一人称 第二人称 第三人称

单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数

形容词性 my our your your its/his/her their

名词性 mineours yours yours its/his/hers theirs

1. 形容词性的物主代词作定语放在名词前,不能单独使用。

2. 名词性的物主代词,后面不能加名词。名词性的物主代词常与of 连用。

Our classroom is as big as ______(they) .

This is a friend of ______(my).

注: 1)名词性的物主代词相当于形容词性的物主代词加一个名词.

(名词性的物主代词=形容词性的物主代词+ 名词)

2)形容词性的物主代词与own 连用时,后面可跟名词也可不跟名词.

My own house = a house of my own


单数 复数

第一人称 myself ourselves

第二人称 yourself yourselves

第三人称 himself/herself/itself themselves




enjoy oneselfhurt oneselfteach oneself = learn…by oneslfall by oneself

help oneself to … look after oneself leave sb by oneselflose oneself in

say to oneself for oneself dress oneselfimprove oneselfsee oneself in the mirror


1.近指: this these 远指: thatthose


1)that those 常用来代替前面出现的人或物,以避免重复. That代替可数名词的单数或不可数名词. Those 代替复数名词.

The weather in Guangdong is hotter than _____ in Qinghai .

The books in that shop are cheaper than ______in this shop.

A.thisB.that C.one D.those

2)this ,that 可代替句子或句子的一个部分,that代替前面提到的句子而this代替下面提到的句子.He had a bad cold ,that is why he didn’t come .

3)在电话用语中,this 代替自己,而that 代替对方.

This is Tom speaking . Who is that ?


1.one与it 的区别

One 代替同类事物中的一种. 而it代替上文中出现的某事物.

This book is a good one . May I borrow it ?

2.some与any 的区别

一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于否定,疑问句,条件句中.但在表建议的疑问句中,仍用some 代any. 常用于could / would / May 开头或what about /how about ?. 的句中。

May I have some water ?

He asked me for some paper , but I didn’t have any .


标签:英语 考点 中考 初中英语中考考点 天津英语中考考点