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31. This may serve to explain, at least in part, the mirror image of the two lines.
32. Perhaps the most telling feature of the chart is the dominance of…
33. The graph relates the percentage of…
34. Rise gradually to about 10% .
35. After a silght drop around lunch time, audiences begin a fairly steady climb towards the peak viewership in the hours form 6pm to 10pm at some 40—45%.

36. A sharp decline follows to…
37. Listenership drops steadily from this peak, crossing the line for television views at around 2pm.
38. It continues to decline throughout the evening until reaching a low point at 2am.
39. The graph proves the dominance of…
40. During the peak period of…, But during the peak period of…

41. The diagram unfolds a clear comparison between…
42. The United States as a whole in four aspects,namely,…,…,…,…,
43. Obviously, in every aspect,
44. …had a much higher growth rate than… as a whole during that period.
45. The number of … increased by %

46. The most rapid increase of all the four aspects… As to the other three,though the growth rates were not so high ,they were indeed remarkable and impressive.
47. The number of… dropped by %
48. From the diagram it can be safely concluded that (in the years)…
49. There were many significant changes (in modes of transport)
50. The following paragraphs will identify and discuss the trends in the accompanying graph.

51. A very noticeable trend was the steady decrease in…
52. During the same period, there was a large increase…
53. This increased again…

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