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Part B


I’m going to give each of you a picture and I’d like you to first briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see in the picture.

(put picture 1 in front of both candidates)

Candidate A, this is your picture. You have three minutes to talk about it.

Candidate B, listen carefully while Candidate A is speaking. When he/she has finished, I’d like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.

Candidate A, would you like to begin now, please?

Candidate A:(Three minutes)

on the top of the two pictures is the moon, which indicates it is late at night. The left picture shows what is going on in a karaoke club. The color lights above are shining and twinkling, and a crowd of young people are dancing with the music. In the middle of the picture, a man and a lady are standing in the front a video, singing happily. The man is laying his hand on the shoulder of the lady. They are enjoying themselves. Nowadays young people have more money and places to entertain themselves. After a whole day’s hard work, they go to various places to enjoy colorful nightlife, such as pubs, clubs, dancing parties and so on. While the picture on the right gives a strong contrast, an old lady sitting in sofa is watching TV. She wears a sad depressed expression. The room is so quiet that the cat lying on the ground has fallen to sleep. Her eyes are on the TV screen but her mind is far away. There is a picture on the wall-she once had a family of three. But now she can only live in the big house alone. Nowadays young people are busy with their own career and entertainment in the outside world away from the parents. Their parents are getting old and lonely since they are tired. For many reasons, the old are easily apt to depression. They are eager for mental comfort rather than money supply. They look forward to chances to get together with family members, to take care of their children, or just listen to them.

ok, Candidate B, here is your picture. You also have three minutes to talk about your picture.

Candidate A, listen carefully while Candidate B is speaking. When he/she is finished, I’d like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.

Candidate B, would you like to begin now, please?

Candidate B:(Three minutes)

The calendar on the wall shows that it is Saturday., but the mother is still sitting in the front of the computer doing her work. A little girl, about six to seven years old, is standing beside her mother. She is holding a doll in her one hand, which looks angry, and using the other hand pulling her mother’s sleeve, begging, “you promised me to take me to the Children’s palace this weekend, yes?” The little girl is sad with tears in her big eyes. The mother is worried and regretful, but still holding her work.

In the modern society, people have more and more pressure from many sides. We are trying our best to work, as if many people have been deprived of time to get together with families and children. But we should take a right attitude towards life and career. We can’t sacrifice entertainment to work. We can’t get the sense of achievement in our work at the price of being far away from family members. If we try, we can find we do have time to entertain ourselves. Actually, “all work without playing makes Jack a dull boy”. It is a great pleasure to enjoy the family life.


Thank you. Now, Candidate A, could you please ask your partner a question?

(Half a minute for asking and answering the question)

A. In your opinion, how should we do to keep the balance between work and family?

B.First, we should put the two in the right places. They are usually of the same importance for us, but they can nerve replace each other. The most important is that we should do the right things in the right time. Second, don’t take being together with the family as a waste of time. Realize the value of the pleasure of staying at home. Last but not the least, we should organize time efficiently. To make the most of your office time, and try to finish your work during your time if possible and don’t take work home. Even you have to do your work at home you should try your best to spare some time with your family.

Thank you. That is the end of the test.


Thank you. Now, candidate B, could you please ask your partner a question?

(Half a minute for asking and answering the question)

B.Do you have any idea what the young should do to alleviate loneliness of the old?

A. First, young people should spare some time to see their parents, and chat with them, and make them to know they are still of value for the family. Second, when at home, young people should try to create a warm atmosphere. Have a good time with the family to have a dinner together, or go to the park for a weekend. Third, if you are too busy to see them, at least you can give them a call, telling them what you are doing, and let them know they are still of importance for them. Forth, try to help them to take part in some social activities to make their life meaningful. In a word, young people should give their parents more attention and care.

(Take back picture 1 and put picture 2 in front of both candidates)


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