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Oral Test

Part A

A. I am becoming exited as the weekend is coming near and near. I can’t wait going to the suburbs.

B. I feel the same. There is still one thing to decide. I mean how should we go to the suburbs?

A. oh, yes, that is a problem. Maybe we can take a bus to go there, since the bus station is near here.

B. But I am afraid we have no buses to go there directly. We would change buses for two or three times. That is very inconvenient and may take too much time on the way.

A. I can’t agree with you more. And the buses here are too crowded and stuffy. We have rare chances to go out to enjoy the holiday. I don’t want our trip spoiled.

B. What do you say if we take a taxi? Since it is a little far from here. What’s more, it is fast and comfortable.

A.It is wonderful. We can also talk with the driver on the way about the local places of interest. To talk with strangers always brings something unexpected. Don’t you think it could be an exciting experience?

B. I hope so. So …

A. Another good idea occurred to me suddenly. Why don’t we ride a bicycle?

B. Are you kidding? You must be crazy. It is far, and we don’t know about the way there. What if we get lost on the way?

A. Just a little far. Here is the map. Let’s see, I believe it is only two hours’ ride. And we can turn to others on the way for help. The most interesting is that we can take fresh air and to be so close to the nature.

B. Sounds good. But don’t you think we would be exhausted after when we arrive there?

A. So we can arrange our plan at any time if necessary. Maybe we could take缆车to the top of the mountain if we are too tired. We can spend a longer time on the boat in the lake. The local restaurant is not a bad choice, since they have many special dishes made of wild plants.

B. I am fascinated by your imagination. I believe it worth trying.

A. Now, let’s get down to preparation. The most important is to make sure the bicycle works well.


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