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时间:2017-05-31 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




各位游客大家下午好,欢迎大家来到大唐芙蓉园。我是你们今天的导游——XXX,大家叫我胡导就可以啦。当然,胡导我是不会给大家胡乱讲解的,这一点请大家放心。 好啦,下面就让我带领大家踏上梦回大唐之旅吧~ 我们现在所看到的大唐芙蓉园,是在原唐代芙蓉园遗址以北,仿照唐代皇家园林式样建造的,是中国第一个全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园,占地面积一千亩,其中水域面积三百亩,总投资十三亿元人民币。园内建有紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、杏园、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、唐市等许多仿古建筑。其建筑是由中国著名的工程院院士张锦秋大师设计的。大唐芙蓉园于2005年4月11日(农历三月初三)正式对外开放,开园之初台湾前国民党主席连战、亲民党主席宋楚瑜等人也前来参观过。

我们现在位于的是大唐芙蓉园西门——御苑门,也是大唐芙蓉园的正门。它是由两层主门楼与左右紧接的三重阙组成,造型华丽,气势恢弘;之所以把西大门作为正门,有两种说法。第一种说法是说李唐王室来自陇西,所以门朝西开;第二种说法是,因为丝绸之路的起点在西方,象征着大唐王朝的兼容并蓄,贸易往来的兴盛发达和八方来朝的繁荣景象。 好啦,经过我的介绍相信大家已经迫不及待想要入园,









篇二:2.大雁塔及北广场大唐芙蓉园的导游词 (2)






今天的大雁塔之旅,就是想告诉大家唐僧玄奘西天取经的真实经历 让大家了解到玄奘法师是怎样一位佛学家、翻译家和旅行家。天下的名塔寺很多,历史上的高僧也不少,只因为玄奘法师,大雁塔闻名于世,我们今天参观的大雁塔就是以玄奘法师为中心的

首先我们来到大雁塔的南广场, 在这里我们可以看到一尊青铜塑像,这是玄奘法师在西天取经路上的生动描写 我们可以看到玄奘法师身披袈裟,左手立掌归依,右手执锡杖,两眼炯炯有神,步伐从容,动作坚毅,似乎正奔走在漫漫取经路上,这顿塑像高约5米,是由西安美术学院的晨起难教授设计的,跟随我的脚步, 我们现在来到山门,俗话说“天下名山,三将多” 许多寺院的大门也是山门 山门也称作三门它是指佛教中的三解脱门 中间是空门,两边分别是无相门,无做门,我们把出家叫做遁入空门从这里来说的

现在我们进入慈恩寺,慈恩 顾名思义为了纪念慈母的恩德当年唐高宗李治在做太子时,为了纪念早亡的母亲文德皇后而修建的。 初建于贞观22年占地398亩 楼阁茶坊十余园, 共计1897间,是当时唐朝长安城中最宏伟、最壮丽的皇家佛家寺庙。而玄奘法师受朝廷的授命就任为慈恩寺的首位主持,他这里继续佛学的翻译、佛学的研究,创立为师法相宗,对中国的佛教史、思想史都产生了深远的影响

接下来我们来看钟楼和鼓楼,钟和鼓是寺院的法器,用来报时、集合的。下面我们来看一下这口钟,建于明嘉靖27年,重达三万斤,上面刻有“雁塔晨钟”四个苍劲的大字。这口雁塔晨钟,自造成使用至今, 一直作为大慈恩寺的行依规范,是本寺佛教和僧侣们收获的重要组成部分。现在鼓楼里的大鼓称为暮鼓,寺院的僧人每天闻钟声而起,闻鼓声而眠。看完钟鼓楼后

寺院内的大雄宝殿可以是中心建筑了,大雄是对释迦摩尼的尊称,有大力及且无为,殿内供奉三身佛,中间是法身佛,两边是抱身佛、印身佛。在三身佛的两边 树立的 释迦摩尼的两大弟子东边是迦叶,西边阿南。

在大雄宝殿的西侧的墙壁上我们可以看到两块雁塔题名碑 ,始于唐中宗神龙年间,通常及第后,便来到慈恩塔下题名,通常推荐一位说法较好的进士记录下大家及第时间的以及进士们的姓名,籍贯 若以后成为将相后,还要朱笔描红。因此说雁塔题名是一件非常荣耀的事情。我国著名诗人白居易在27岁时,一举及第考中进士,他春风得意留下了“慈恩塔下题名处,十七人中最少年”的诗句。唐代以后的乡士举人仿照唐时进士题名雁塔,的现在大多是明清的进士题名碑

我们在慈恩寺的背面看到的二层建筑,就是法堂和藏经楼,法堂佛教徒讲经说法的地方,相当于我们今天的课堂,法堂里供奉的是阿弥陀佛,他是西方极乐世界的教主,也是我们中国人最熟悉的佛了,只要念佛人一心念“阿弥陀佛”死后就可以到西方净土极乐世界中去,所以我们称“阿弥陀佛”也是谢顶佛。在法堂中间,我们可以看到三个拓片,你们看中间一张玄奘负笈图,玄奘法师背着称重的佛经,脚上穿一双草鞋,背上悬挂一盏油灯,手里拿着佛尘, 日夜兼程的赶回长安。现在我们简单介绍一下玄奘法师,姓陈名依,河南堰师人,13岁便到洛阳出家为僧,他天资聪慧,又勤奋好学,在全国各地访师求学后,发现很多疑难,决意到佛教的发源地印度探索佛教的真韵。贞观3年,从长安出发游学西域,违背了朝廷禁令,单人独行,穿过了上无飞鸟和下无走兽的大戈壁沙漠,翻越了火焰山和终年积雪的灵山,克服各种千难险阻到达印度。 此后他继续游学, 直至贞观19年,返回长安,历时17年,往返10万余里,经过100多个国家和地区,取回佛经657部。同时,玄奘法师在印度的最高学府大瀨托寺,获得极高的学术地位,被大乘佛教称为大乘天小乘佛教称为解脱天,玄奘学成回国后,开始翻译范文佛经,由于在唐皇主持下,建立了制度完备和方法科学的佛经议场,无论从质量和数量上翻译佛经的质量上,都远远超过前人。开辟我国翻译佛经的先河。







在大雁塔塔座,南门洞两个非常珍贵的碑石,我们看一下,西侧《大唐三藏圣教序》碑,唐太宗李世民为玄奘撰写的碑文,东侧是《大唐三藏圣教序记》碑,是当时太子李治,后来的唐高宗所撰写的碑文。两碑都是唐代著名书法家褚遂良书写,为唐代碑刻中的精品,在碑文中唐太宗高度赞扬玄奘法师,说有“玄奘法师者,法门之领袖也”这两块又被称作二圣三绝碑所谓二圣:两位皇帝(唐太宗李世民,唐高宗李治)亲自撰文 第一绝是两位皇帝亲自,第二褚遂良的书法,第三大唐玄奘法师西天取经的内容。


下面我们来到的是曲江新区,曲江形成于秦汉,繁盛于隋唐,历时千年,集中华古典园林之大成,大唐曲江不仅规模宏大气象万千、而且人文荟萃、繁盛开放 是盛唐长安最具有代表性的区域。而今的曲江是自然风光,人文景观和民俗风情及现代都市文化的荟萃之地。 旅游资源丰富十分丰富,区内有大唐芙蓉园、曲江海洋馆等国家4A级景区同时还有秦二世墓、寒窑和杜陵国家传统景点。

2005年4月11日,正值农历3月初三,大唐芙蓉园盛大开院将追梦大唐变成了现实 它是我国第一个全方位展示盛唐文化的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园。 被誉为盛唐文化主题 “天下第一园”,园内有紫云楼、侍女馆、秀园。 建筑规模全国第一,大唐芙蓉园自开元至今,曾成功接待了许多重要的来客,其中,最著名的就是连战和宋楚瑜来访了,2005年4月30日,国民党主席连战畅游芙蓉园后,留下了“芙蓉美景,大唐盛景”的佳评,好事成双,同年5月5日宋楚瑜“芙蓉天子芙蓉园,汉唐子孙汉唐心”题词,表达了他作为一个炎黄子孙的拳拳之心。













Tang Paradise

Originated in the period of the Qin (221--206BC) and Han (206 BC--220 AD)

Dynasties and experienced its heyday in the Sui (581--618AD) and Tang (618--907AD) Dynasties, Qujiang Lake culture has a very long history.

The imperial court of the Qin Dynasty established a famous royal garden by making full use of the low wetland, the beautiful mountain and the lake in Qujiang Area. Qujiang Area went into its prosperous period in the Tang Dynasty.It was cut out as the royal garden ——the Lotus Garden, was put up at the same time with Ziyun Tower Block and Caixia(Rosy Cloud) Pavilion inside. Emperor Minghuang of the Tang Dynasty would always go at the head of hundreds of officials and concubines to Ziyun Tower Block on the day of Qujiang Fair and enjoyed the fair with local people. All the streets in the Tang Chang'an city were vacant because people were all out in Qujiang indulged in wining and dining and looking for fun. This exemplified the great prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty Reconstruction Project is one of the largest tourist programs in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 1,000 mu (about 165 acres) and is established with an investment of 1.2 billion Yuan. Located to the north of the original Tang Dynasty Lotus Garden site, the present Tang Paradise is the first theme park fully demonstrating the charm and grandeur of the royal garden in Tang Dynasty. It includes

the attractions of Ziyun Tower Block, Elegant Lady Area, Imperial Banquet Hall, Fanglin Fragrant Garden, Phoenix Theater, Apricot Garden, Lu Yu Teahouse, Tang Marketplace and the Floating-drink at Qujiang Lake. The Tang Paradise boasts many new records: the largest show on water screen in the world; the first theme park of five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch and smell senses); the biggest out-door fragrance project in the world and the biggest reproduction of the Tang royal garden complex in China. Tang Paradise is a comprehensive resort center which attracts people from different walks of life. Withit’s surprising charm it has become a must see attraction in Xi’an.






一层由反映贞观之治的雕塑、壁画和大型唐长安城复原模型,国(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:大唐芙蓉园的导游词)家一级唐文物展等组成。 二层由唐明皇赐宴群臣,八方来朝、万邦来拜大型彩塑群雕,反映大唐盛世的壁画群组成。 三层为品茗观赏唐乐舞厅。


Ziyun Tower Block

According to the historical records, Ziyun Tower Block was built in the 14th year of the Kaiyuan period (726AD). At that time, Emperor Minghuang of the Tang Dynasty would always ascend the building on the day of Qujiang Fair. He enjoyed singing, dancing and bestowed banquet to his ministers in it. He also liked to take a look behind the rail at the boisterous locals outside the resort wall and enjoyed the festive atmosphere. At the same time, people outside were also eager to take the chance to see their emperor. Now Ziyun Tower Block is rebuilt in the center of the garden based on the description of it in the historical records. It is also the most important Tang Dynasty style complex in the garden. There are four stories in the main building with a floor space of 8,632 square meters.

Sculptures and mural paintings reflecting the prosperous time in the Zhenguan period (627--649AD), the model of Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty and the top-class cultural relics from Tang are displayed on the first floor of the building.

On the second floor is a large group of colorful sculptures depicting the scene of a royal banquet bestowed by the emperor for distinguished guests both from home and abroad. There are also some mural paintings displaying the great prosperity of the Tang Dynast on this floor.

On the third floor is a showroom where people can appreciate the singing and dancing of the Tang Dynasty while sipping the fragrant tea.

There is a copper Ruyi(as you wish)tower with the height of 8 meters in the center on the fourth floor. Here one can enjoy all sorts of entertainments featuring the culture of the Tang Dynasty.


唐诗峡是一组总长度为120米的,以表现唐代文化高峰—唐诗为主题的综合性文化景观。 将精选的唐诗,由著名书法大家书写,镌刻于诗峡摩崖之上,又辅之以相关大唐榜书、中国印、瓦当图案等多种文化形式补白和诗峡的山势奇峻完美结合,形成精神内涵丰富,人文与自然景观情景交融的独特境地。

Tang Poem Valley

The Tang Poem Valley with a total length of 120 meters is a comprehensive, poem-themed spot, manifesting the prime of the Tang Dynasty culture.

This is a unique dreamland of man-made and natural scenery, with rich spiritual connotations, where the famous calligraphists wrote them down and then had them inscribed on the cliff. Official documents, Chinese seals, tile patterns and other cultural forms also supplement it.



唐代都城长安是与西方罗马比肩而立的世界名城,它不仅是唐王朝的政治中心,也是唐代诗坛的中心,诗人荟萃,灿若群星。诗家两千三百多位,诗作四万八千余首,传诵不衰,脍炙人口,已与民族血肉相融,与民族精神同在,实属中外罕见,是中国诗歌艺术的巅峰时期。 诗魂是目前全国使用石材最多的大型群雕,占地约1480m2,最高立像高达九米。该雕塑群通过耸立的山峰形象,来表现唐诗在唐代文学中的重要地位和诸多唐代著名诗人创造的、后世所无法企及的文学艺术高度。

The Soul of Poetry

Poetry composed in the Tang Dynasty is the gem of classic poems in ancient China. It is also the shining pearl among the legacies of the world.

The capital city of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty was a popular international metropolis as attractive as Rome in the west at that time. Chang'an was not only the political center of the Tang Dynasty, but also the center of poetry at that time. Many poets gathered here like the glistening stars in the evening sky. Over two thousand three hundred poets composed more than forty-eight thousand poems in the Tang Dynasty. These poems are deeply loved by people in different periods of time and will continue to be appreciated by generations to come. They have already become part of the national characteristics and the national spirit. This cultural phenomenon is rarely seen in the history of other countries. Tang Dynasty is the climax of poetry composing in the history of Chinese poems.

This is a group of sculptures of famous poets from the Tang Dynasty. They are sculpted and arranged at different points on a man-made mountain that occupies an area of 1,480 square meters. This group of sculptures consumes the most stone among all the group sculptures in China so far. The biggest standing sculpture here is 9 meters high. The sculptures on the man-made mountain symbolize the significance of poetry in the literature of the Tang Dynasty and the unparalleled level of literature art approached by the famous poets of the Tang Dynasty.



重建的彩霞亭是与仕女馆相连而又相对独立的亭、廊结合式的仿唐建筑,沿湖而建,由北向东依水延伸,时而和湖畔接壤,时而宁立湖水之中,总体造型流线掠影,如一抹彩霞,总长度为270米,是仕女馆全面反映唐代空前开放的社会里自由女性精神风貌主题的延伸空间。 其以展示“大唐巾帼、风情万种”为主标题的,唐代百位杰出女性的诗画组成,亦是以唐代女性传奇故事为题材反映唐代女性生活百态的故事长廊。

Caixia (Rosy Cloud) Pavilion

According to the historical record, Caixia Pavilion and Ziyun Tower Block were originally built in the Lotus Garden in Kaiyuan period (713---741AD) of the Tang Dynasty.

The reconstructed pavilion is connected with the Elegant Lady Area and is joined with some pavilions and passageways; the whole area is quite outstanding at the same time. It starts from north and goes all the way to the east along the lake. For some sections, it runs along the lake; and for other sections, it runs across the lake right in the center. The whole area looks like a strip of colorful cloud. The total length of it is 270 meters. It is the extension of the theme of the Elegant Lady Area.

The fine poetry and true-to-life drawings about over one hundred prominent ladies of the Tang Dynasty in the passageways vividly expose the glamour of the women and their legendary experiences. It is indeed a legend passageway about the Tang Dynasty









Elegant Lady Area

The Elegant Lady Area consists of a group of Tang-style buildings with Wangchun (Fascinating Spring) Pavilion in the center. The theme of the show area fully demonstrates the unconstrained spirit of the women in the Tang Dynasty.

Women of the Tang Dynasty were active, progressive, optimistic and confident. They even put on man's attire and went out watching lantern-shows, going for spring outings, treading on the green, playing on the swing and playing polo game. They also pursued their loved ones actively and daringly. In terms of characteristics, women of the Tang Dynasty were very peculiar in women's history of China. Among them, Empress Wu Zetian, Lady Shangguan, and Princess Taiping are the most representative historical figures.

The main building of the show area has three stories and covers an area of 3,383 square meters.

The first floor is illustrated with mural paintings, models and exhibits that show the clothing culture of women in the Tang Dynasty.

On the second floor are some mural paintings; models and life-like sculptures that demonstrate how important women were in the Tang Dynasty political affairs.

In the showroom on the third floor are also some mural paintings and models that depict the theme of love of the Tang Dynasty through special technology of sound and light. Shows of different themes about the Tang Dynasty women will also be held occasionally here.


标签:大唐 芙蓉 导游词 西安大唐芙蓉园导游词 大唐芙蓉园景区导游词