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时间:2017-05-29 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


在线1对1 家教网 三好网中小学辅导




旧时高考时间(2003年前)为每年7月,2003年以后,新的高考时间改为每年6月。其统一考试为6月7日、8日。6月7日上午9:00-11:30 考语文;下午15:00-17:00 考数学。6月8日上午9:00-11:30 考综合(文科综合/理科综合);下午15:00-17:00 考外语(英语/日语/俄语/法语/德语/西班牙语,其中英语/日语/俄语有听力考试)。由于部分省(市、自治区)按新方案实施高考或科目设置不同,高考结束时间不一,上海、山东于9日上午结束,广东、海南、江苏于9日下午结束。



1对1 家教网 三好网中小学辅导



01、"3+文科综合/理科综合" (即"3+X")










经过教育部批准,从2014年起,山东省实行"3+综合1/综合2"高考方案。 具体考试时间:





【考试全过程均用广播指挥此信号指令仅为备用】 1、






入场钟:每科开考前40分钟(语文、英语科开考前50分钟) 每次三短声,连打3次; 启封试卷钟:每科开考前10分钟,每次一短声,连打3次; 发卷钟:每科开考前5分钟,每次一长一短声,连打3次; 开考钟:每次一长声,连打3次; 下堂钟:每次二短声,连打3次;



1. 6月7日上午8:10(语文)、下午14:20(数学),考生开始入场

2. 6月8日上午8:20(物理)、下午14:10(英语),考生开始入场

3. 6月9日上午8:20(化学)、下午14:20(生物), 考生开始入场

4. 开考15分钟起,迟到考生不得进入考点参加当科目考试(6月8日英语科的考试, 14:45起禁止迟到的考生进入考点参加考试)。














第一部分: 听力部分 ( 共一节,满分15分 )

Part B Role Play(共8小题,满分15分)

In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.





Now, please listen to the conversation carefully. (请注意做好笔记)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Now, please get ready to ask the following three questions in English .

Q1: 对于美国大学生来说兼职很普遍吗?(3分)

Listen to Answer 1.

Q2: 你们每周工作多少个小时?(2分)

Listen to Answer 2.

Q3: 你喜欢你的工作,是吗?(2分)

Listen to Answer 3.

Now, please get ready to answer the following five questions.

Listen to Question 1.(1分)

Listen to Question 2.(1分)

Listen to Question 3.(2.5分)

Listen to Question 4.(1分)

Listen to Question 5.(2.5分)


第二部分: 笔试部分 (共计135分)

I 语言知识及应用 ( 共两节, 满分45分 )

第一节:完形填空 ( 共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分 )


I read a piece of news today that the richest people were paying 736, 000 dollars for watches at present. As I was ___1___ my head at their craziness, I glanced at my own 8-dollar watch. It told me the time just fine. I guessed that about 735, 992 dollars were ___2___ from buying such a cheap watch. With that I could send 18 kids to college for four years each with the room, board, and books included. With that I could sponsor ___3___ 200 needy children overseas into adulthood. With that I could buy ___4___ for 2.5 million starving people around the world. With that money I could do so much good, help so many souls, and still know the ___5___ whenever I looked down at my wrist.

When did our society become so ___6___ that anyone would think they needed a 736, 000-dollar watch? When did people become so ___7___ that they would believe a one-million-dollar ___8___ is essential? My first car cost me only 500 dollars and it still gets me where I need to go. When did 50-million-dollar yachts (游艇) and 100-million-dollar houses become so ___9___ to a person's happiness? My tiny home has more ___10___ in it than the biggest mansion in the world and I can walk on the shore of the local lake here and ___11___ in its beauty for free.

I pray that at some point our society says "Enough!" and ___12___ from this horrible dream of materialism. Each of us only has one life. Let's not ___13___ it on the watches we wear and the cars we drive. Each of us only has one soul. Let's not ___14___ it trying to gain the whole world. Life puts us here to love each other, and to make this world a better place. Help others whenever you can. Life is brief and no watch will sell a(n) ___15___ second of it to you.

1. A. hiding B. nodding C. raising D. shaking

2. A. made up B. got back C. left overD. put off

3. A. nearly B. hardlyC. wisely D. easily

4. A. meals B. housesC. books D. clothes

5. A. watch B. world C. people D. time

6. A. richB. crazy C. generous D. prideful

7. A. shallow B. well-dressed C. annoying D. enthusiastic

8. A. watchB. boatC. flat D. car

9. A. accessibleB. vitalC. uncommonD. powerful

10. A. membersB. furniture C. joy D. sorrow

11. A. delight B. interestC. include D. fit

12. A. wakes upB. puts upC. comes out D. stands out

13. A. spendB. waste C. holdD. consume

14. A. own B. hurtC. ignore D. lose

15. A. quickB. precious C. extraD. simple

第二节:语法填空 ( 共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分 )


Experts say there are several ways to deal with stress. They include deep breathing and a method of guided thought called meditation. They also include exercise,eating healthy foods,getting enough rest and balancing the time ___16___(spend)working and playing.

Exercise is one of ___17___ most effective stress-reduction measures. Running,walking or playing sports causes physical changes ___18___ make you feel better. Exercise also improves the body's defense system ___19___ disease. And studies have found that ___20___ helps protect against a decrease in mental ability.

Doctors say deep,slow breathing is also helpful. Many ___21___(medicine)studies have shown that clearing the mind through quiet meditation ___22___(help)you become calm. This causes lower blood pressure,reduces muscle tension ___23___ decreases heart rate.

Experts also say keeping stress to yourself can make problems ___24___(bad). Researchers have linked the ___25___ (fail) to identify and express emotions to many health conditions. These include eating disorders,fear disorders and high blood pressure.

II 阅读 ( 共两节;满分50分 )

第一节:阅读理解 ( 共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分 )



Born in 1936 in Oak Park, Illinois, the American Richard Bach is the direct descendant (后代) of J.S. Bach, the famous composer. He attended Long Beach State College in 1955.

As an airplane pilot, Bach got married to his first wife and had six children, but divorced later and then left his family because he didn’t believe in marriage. Everything concerning airplane was his field, including an aviation (航空) technical writer and flight instructor.

Though aviation was his true love, Bach always wanted to write. During his high school years, one of his teachers made him realize his potential. In 1959 he had this idea of a bird learning to pass beyond the walls of limitations—Jonathan Livingston Seagull. In almost all his books he used airplanes as a way to pass the message. In Running from Safety, Bach shares with us his childhood: at age 8, he lost one of his brothers: Bobby.

In 1970, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a story about a seagull who flew for the sake of flying rather than merely to catch food, was published by Macmillan Publishers after the manuscript (手稿) was turned down by many other publishers. The book, which included unique photos of seagulls in flight, became a best-seller. In 1973, the book was turned into a movie. It’s said that Bach charged the production with chang


ing the movie without his permission. In fact, those who saw the movie noticed that his name wasn’t mentioned.

26. About Richard Bach, we know from the passage that________.

A. his grandson was a famous composer

B. he stayed with his family all the time

C. he began to study in college at age 19

D. he majored in music in college

27. Bach used to be all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. a pilot B. a writer

C. an instructor D. a fighter

28. Who probably led Richard Bach to his writing career?

A. His family B. His teacher

C. His publisher D. His brother

29. What do we know about Jonathan Livingston Seagull?

A. It took Richard Bach a year to finish it.

B. It tells about Richard Bach’s childhood.

C. It is about a pilot’s experiences in flight.

D. The idea for the book dates back to 1959.

30. We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.

A. few publishers thought highly of the manuscript at first

B. Jonathan Livingston Seagull was turned into a movie five years after it was published

C. Bach didn’t agree to turn the book into a movie.

D. the movie Jonathan Livingston Seagull made Bach rich.


Texting long messages can be a pain in the neck. The repetitive action of working your fingers across the keyboard of your cell phone can cause some of the same chronic (慢性的) pain problems previously limited to those who’d spent a lifetime typing.

The possible connection is particularly worrying considering how much teens and young adults — and increasingly those in professional settings — are texting nowadays, said Judith Gold, who carried out one of the first studies on the potential connection.

Text messaging is a fairly new technology, Gold says, so this is a new area of research for those who study ergonomics (人类工程学). But ―considering the similarities in body position, findings from research on overuse injuries from computers could be applicable‖ to texting.

―The way the body is positioned for texting – fixed shoulders and back with rapidly moving fingers – is similar to the position for typing on a computer,‖ Gold explained. Previous research has found pain in the elbow connected with too much thumb texting.

To look for a broader link between texting and chronic pain, Gold and her colleagues sent a questionnaire to 138 college students, asking them to report the number of text messages they sent per day (in four categories: 0, 1-10, 11-20, 21+ messages) and to point out any discomfort they felt

on a body map.

The research showed an association between the number of text messages sent per day and shoulder discomfort. The effect seemed to be particularly pronounced in males, though Gold says she doesn’t know why―What we’ve seen so far is very similar to what we see with office workers who’ve spent most of their time at a computer,‖ Gold said. However, Gold’s study did not take account of the amount of time the people surveyed also spent typing on computers, which could be affecting the results.

31.In the past, who usually suffered from a pain in the neck according to the passage?

A. A writerB. A typistC. A teacherD. A doctor

32. The underlined word ―that‖ in Paragraph 6 refers to the fact that _______.

A. office workers easily suffer from the body discomfort

B. men like to text messages more

C. text messaging causes body discomfort

D. males have more shoulder discomfort

33. The passage mainly tells us _______.

A. what ergonomics is

B. texting too much causes a pain in the neck

C. whether texting is beneficial or not

D. the connection between texting and typing

34. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. the study was the first one carried out by Gold

B. one positions oneself differently from computer-users when texting

C. the amount of computer-use time was calculated in the survey

D. the result of the survey was not 100% convincing

35. In which column in the newspaper can you find the passage?

A. FashionB. EducationC. Health D. Entertainment


You know how wonderful you are, and you know that others know how wonderful you are, but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy? For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship. When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can do, but the good news is that there is. Don’t let jealousy spoil your relationships. Tacklebe back to normal much sooner than you think.

It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is, but if you want to save your friendship you’ll have to do just that. Don’t approach them and ask why they are jealous of you (unless of course you want to appear totally conceited), just take some time alone with them and let them know that you’ve been feeling like there’s been something coming between you. If they refuse to respond, then use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling. Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.

When you figure out what is annoying your friend, ask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better. If, for example, (s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn’t get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team then

标签:日高 时间 6月8日是什么星座 6月5日