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时间:2017-03-22 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版



1. 教学目标:



2.教学方法: 老师讲解,分组训练,全班纠错,情景对话。


a. 独立口语题,学生就所熟悉的话题进行短暂的自由陈述,时间控制在45秒之内; b. 情景题,以听力和阅读材料为基础,学生回答相关内容,阅读材料只含一个自然段,

阅读时间为45秒,听力材料可能是对话,也可能是讲解,长度大约为1分半钟,考生有 30

秒准备时间,60秒回答问题时间。c. 学术题,以听力和阅读材料为基础,学生回答相关内容,阅读材料只含一个自然段,

阅读时间为45秒,听力材料可能是对话,也可能是讲解,长度大约为1分半钟,考生有 30

秒准备时间,60秒回答问题时间。d. 针对学生个人的特点,进行2人一组分组训练,学生自己选择熟悉的话题,进行对话,

互相计算时间,纠正错误,提高学生快速进入语境的能力。 e. 每次课程挑选2-3名同学到台前,由老师出题,当场测试学生口语水平,全班同学统



5. 考评内容:测试学生在不同语境下的口语反应能力,为托福口语考试取得优异成绩打

下 坚实的基础。

.篇三:托福两个月复习计划——完美 托福精英两个月复习计划

——致托福复习中一头雾水的小伙伴们作者:乐闻携尔托福综合教师 王壮一各位复习托福的小伙伴经常苦于没有计划,没有章程,自己复习的时候往往会一头雾水,


给摸索前进的小伙伴们指明方向,希望可以帮到大家 !




我们在第一阶段一定要把握好英语基础的三把利剑“词汇”、“语音”和“语法”。 词汇:




些教语音的视频或美式发音的材料跟读模仿一下,或者来乐闻携尔补一些语音课。 语法:如








1. 每套tpo的前两篇文章先精读一遍,查出不认识的单词并整理到笔记本上,背下来;

2. 找出文章的结构,即每段之间的联系,总结到笔记本上;

3. 做题,并校正答案;

4. 整理错题,如有需要,可以参考乐闻携尔出版的《新托福真题详解—阅读分卷》上面


5. 每套tpo的第三篇严格掐着时间上机练习20分钟内完成做题,然后校正答案并整 理错题。



1. 每天听背托福听力核心词汇150-200词(你所购买的单词书一定要带有音频, 听力词汇需要边听边背,一遍在听力中能够迅速识别听到的单词,来乐闻携尔,老师会提供独家听力词汇书)。

2. 老托听力材料听写:每天听写一篇老托,以句子为单位听,听完整句子,理解 意思之后再动笔写出完整的句子(具体操作方法,乐闻携尔托福监狱集训营会 提供神秘的听写训练)。

3. tpo1-10中,每天练习一个conversation和一篇lecture。练习记笔记,不需要做 题。


1. 大家在目前这个阶段,除了把语音知识巩固好之外,还需要花时间研究一下og 上关于口语的评分标准,了解各个分数档次对考生的要求以及达到good的水平。

2. tpo1-10中,每天练一套口语题,目的之一是1、2主观题,见识一下出题思路,以及拓展和积累一些答题素材;目的之二是3、4、5、6综合题,熟悉一下题型, 总结出自己的答题套路,并结合og上的评分标准,整理出每个题型的答题要素,并学会控制答题时间。


1. 写作和口语是同样的道理,知己知彼才能百战不殆。除了把语法知识巩固好之 外,还要明白og上关于综合写作和独立的评分标准,了解各个分数档次对考生的要求以及达到good的水平。

2. tpo1-10中,每天分析一套写作题。综合写作最好能总结出一个属于自己的答题模式;独立写作专注于行文思路和文章展开的结构。练习时,不需要严格按 照时间限制。


小伙伴们,开始第三阶段之前,老师建议最好先参加一次正式考试,看看自己辛苦一个月的成果差不多到什么程度,然后再展开第三阶段的复习:阅读: 在第二阶段的基础上,根据og,把tpo分题型进行汇总,总结出每个题型可以








时练习,主要记住答题思路,和答题要点,平时多注意积累素材。 写作:tpo11-30的写作部分分为综合写作阶段和独立写作阶段,前五天主攻综合写作,






悉自己找出来的出题点。还需要用tpo31.32做上机模考练习,保证答题速度。 口语和写作:市面上流行的机经数不胜数,选对机经也很关键,不过也不要过分依赖机






xt">文章摘要: 为帮助各位考生攻克托福口语,乐闻携尔网托福频道将持续更新TPO中托福口语部分的答案,其内容全部来自于乐闻携尔创始人刘文勇及口语老师张颖所编著的《新托福真题详解口语分卷





你认为好的父母需要具备怎样的特质?请解释为什么这些特质对你而言意义重大。 response 1 by native

While many people have different ideas about what a good parent is, everyone can agree that a good parent is loving and caring. While unconditional love is hard to find in life, a great parent always exhibits it for his or her child. No matter the circumstance, the good parent is always available to support the child. Loving parents must also be

on the table every night to big issues like helping their child deal with bad grades, the parent always supports.

response 2 by non-native

I think that the first characteristic that good parents should have is patience. It is inevitable that children will make some mistakes or cause some troubles, sometimes even on a daily basis. Parents have to be patient enough to correct and educate the children, instead of being angry with them. Another characteristic that is very important is a good sense of humor. The parents should be able to share fun with their children and should be able to laugh together. By doing so, the children can make friends with parents and share every step they take with parents.


有些学生倾向于独立完成课后作业;而另外一些学生则认为与小组成员合作完成课后 作业的效果更好。请阐述你倾向那种方式,并解释原因。

response 1 by native

When working on classwork or homework assignments, I

prefer to work in a group. While I am working, many of my thoughts begin as rough ideas that need more development. When I work in a group, I am able to tell my friends my ideas and receive their input. Through this method, I am able to easily refine my ideas and integrate my friends’ ideas

into my personal thoughts. In addition, working with friends makes assignments less tedious. While homework can sometimes feel like a chore, talking to friends while doing it makes the task more enjoyable.

response 2 by non-native

When I am preparing my class assignments, I prefer to work in a group. First of all, group work can develop my communication and cooperation skills, which are just as important as critical thinking-analytical skills. Secondly, in a group setting, we can brainstorm and reach a solid conclusion within shorter period of time and even deliver the task with better quality. Thirdly, in the brainstorm session, different opinions are voiced. We can gain new perspectives that we cannot get by ourselves.



从下个月开始,大学餐厅将停止供应热食早餐,取而代之的将是更为丰富多样的 冷食早餐。这些冷食,如面包、水果以及酸奶等,比以往供应的诸多热食更健康。因此,重视健康的同学可能会比较欢迎这样的调整。同时,学生也会从另一个方面获益,

因为将热食早餐变为冷食的举措会为学校节省开支,从而降低我们的“膳食计划”的 价格。 题目:对话中的女生对于公告中提到的早餐供应变化提出了自己的观点。请陈述她的 观点以及她所给出的原因。

response 1 by native

The woman disagrees strongly with the university ’s decision

to eliminate hot breakfasts from the dining halls. The university would

like to eliminate hot breakfasts from their menus because it will be healthier for the students and it will be cheaper. The woman claims that eliminating hot breakfasts isn’t as healthy as the university claims it is; she says that on cold mornings, cold cereal is far less healthy than a nice warm omelet or a bowl of oatmeal. Also, she says that the change will actually

cost students more money. Students will be forced to go off campus restaurants to get hot breakfast, and will have to pay “off campus prices” for breakfast. This will eventually cost the students more money

than what they spend at the dining halls.

response 2 by non-native

The university has decided to stop serving hot breakfast at the dining halls; instead, they will only serve cold breakfast because they believe, compared with the hot food, cold food is healthier and cheaper. The lady disagrees with the decision, because she believes that cold breakfast is

not necessarily healthier than hot breakfast. For example, on a cold morning, hot breakfast would definitely be better for you. Also, since the students cannot get what they want on campus, they have to go off-campus for hot food. And, surely, they need to pay off-campus prices which would be a lot higher. So the plan would not help students save money at all.



人们有时会出现行为与理念上的矛盾,即他们所做的事情与他们认为应该去做的 事情之间有所出入。这种矛盾会导致一种心理层面上的不适感,被称为“认知失调”。 通常,人们在经历认知失调时并不愿改变他们一贯的行为,于是他们通过另一种方式 来缓解这种矛盾的状态。人们会对他们的矛盾情况作出解释,这种解释会使他们行为 和理念上的矛盾最小化。

题目:请用教授讨论的事例来解释认知失调这个概念以及人们通常是如何应对这种情 况的。

response 1 by native

Cognitive dissonance occurs when people find that their actions contradict their beliefs, or rather, that they are doing things they normally should not do. In this situation, they adjust their beliefs and thoughts to better match their actions, so that they lessen the disconnection between

their actions and beliefs. In the professor’s example, he explains

that he was playing too many video games when he was in high school, and it was costing his good grades in chemistry class. Instead of playing fewer video games and trying to do better in chemistry, he convinced himself

that he wanted to be a sociologist and his chemistry grade didn’t matter. He convinced himself that he only needed to do well in sociology-related classes, and that made him feel better about his video game habits.

response 2 by non-native

The reading material introduces the concept of cognitive dissonance, which means that individuals would experience a contradiction between

what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing.

The solution to cognitive dissonance is to re-interpret the situation they are in in a way that minimizes the contradiction. The professor

illustrates this by giving an example. When he was back in high school, he got addicted to video games and was about to fail chemistry class. He felt conflicted because he believed that he had to do well in every class in order to get a good career. However, he just couldn’t give up video games. So he reinterpreted his situation: he made himself believe that doing well in the classes related directly to his future career would be enough. And thus he did not have to do well in chemistry and this idea eliminated the conflict.


对话中,两人针对这个女生的问题讨论了两种可行的解决方案。请简要总结她所遇到 的问题并阐述你支持哪种解决方案及其原因。

response 1 by native

The woman in the example has been chosen to receive a creative writing award; however, the award ceremony is scheduled at the same time as a

biology exam she must take. She is talking to her friend about her problem, and they come up with two possible solutions. She can either write a

five-page essay in place of the final or have a friend receive the award for her. I believe that she should write the essay. This way, she completes the proper work for the biology course, which is the fair thing to do if she cannot take the exam. In addition, this allows her to attend the award

ceremony where her parents are really looking forward to seeing her receiving the award. Writing the paper is both the fair and the best option.

response 2 by non-native

The woman came across a time conflict. The award ceremony she needs to attend and her biology exam will take place at the same time.

There are two solutions: The first one is to write a five-page paper, instead of taking the biology exam. The second one is to ask someone else to receive the award for her. I prefer the first solution for the following reasons. To begin with, her parents are looking forward to seeing her receive the award

from the Institute, so she should go to the ceremony and make her parents proud. Furthermore, I believe that to write a five-page paper could

help her review the subject. It is a good alternative to the exam.



response 1 by native

The professor’s talk concerns marketing strategies that companies use to convince people to buy their goods. He says that companies

like to use either repetition or famous people to help sell their products. According to him, repetition makes us believe that things

have some truth even when they are completely false. For example, if a car commercial for a small car repeats that the car has a lot of space, we are more likely to believe that it is spacious, even if it is

not. The use of famous people or people we admire also makes products more appealing to us. Like one car commercial features a race car driver who claims the car is outstanding with high speed, we are more likely to believe the car is fast and want to buy it.

response 2 by non-native

The professor introduces two important advertising strategies to persuade people to buy things. The first strategy is repetition. A piece of message is repeated over and over again in a commercial to convince people.

The professor gives an example of a car commercial about a man boasting “plenty of room” many times by picking up many people. Though

the car actually is kind of small, people still get the feeling that it is pretty spacious. The second strategy is to get a celebrity to advertise a product. People tend to trust famous people. For example, in a commercial, if a famous race car driver is driving a car which actually performs not well enough, people will still get the wrong impression that the car is fast.




xt">文章摘要: 为帮助各位考生攻克托福口语,乐闻携尔网托福频道将持续更新TPO中托福口语部分的答案,其内容全部来自于《新托福真题详解——口语分卷》。



请叙述一次你曾经受到家人或者朋友们帮助的经历。请具体描述这个人是如何帮助你 的,并解释这对于你意义重大的原因。

response 1 by native

One time during finals week in college, I was very tired. I had been studying very hard for my finals, but not getting much sleep. The night before my last final, I fell asleep by accident really early without properly preparing for my final. The next morning when I woke up, I panicked. My friend David came to my room and helped me study more for my exam. He made sure I knew all of the important information, and because of him,I passed the exam. I was able to finish my semester happily and without worry, largely because of David’s kindness.

response 2 by non-native

Four years ago, I failed to gain admission into my dream college, which

devastated me. I felt lost and did not know how to get on with my life happily. After seeing this, my best friend Lin offered her sincere and powerful encouragement. She found inspiring autobiographies for me to read and made me see that I did not need a so-called best college to chase my dream. With her help, I pulled myself together and began to enjoy my college life. For the past four years, I have achieved a lot and my college life is definitely a treasured memory. I owe all of this to her generous help four years ago.


有些人喜欢冒险和尝试新鲜事物。而其他一些不喜欢冒险,他们非常小心谨慎,并且 尽量避免危险的事物。你更倾向于哪种行为?请解释原因。

response 1 by native

While it is difficult to say what is correct in every situation, I believe that being cautious is a better behavior than being daring and adventurous. The win-big or lose- big mentality of risky people is dangerous; if they win big a few times, they start to think that they can win more. This can continue until they lose big.

Cautious people are more stable in most areas of life. And cautious people are the ones who start the most stable families, and they are more reliable, etc. response 2 by non-native

I prefer trying new things and taking more risks in life. First of all, trying new things is refreshing and interesting to me. I felt it was one of the most effective ways to learn the unknown world. The excitement of trying new things makes energy flourish and allows me to become more creative. Besides, trying new things and taking risks mean exposing oneself to more opportunities. One can hardly achieve success if he or she does not pursue opportunities actively. In order to enjoy more of life and achieve more success, I choose to constantly try new things and take risks. 8—3


学生生活委员会主任,Mary Dixon,昨日宣布自下学期开始,学校餐厅将于就 餐时间播放古典音乐。“音乐会营造一种较为放松的氛围,”Dixon 说道,“学生生活紧张忙碌,利用就餐时间他们可以休息片刻,在学习下一门课程或者进行下一项作业之前,增进朋友们之间的感情。”Dixon 补充道,“我们同时也希望,在餐厅播放音乐, 可以使学生不再使用自己的音乐播放设备(他们的随身听、mp3 播放器等),这样他 们就会有更多的时间跟他人交谈。以往,学生们塞着耳机听歌的时候,他们就不会跟 其他人交流。”


response 1 by native

The university is introducing a plan to start playing classical music during mealtime, claiming that the music will encourage students to talk to each other instead of listening to mp3 players, and that the music will make for a more relaxed environment. However, the man disagrees with the school’s argument. According to him, many students want to study or do homework during mealtime, and the music would be a big distraction. Also, he says that most students don’t fancy classical music, and so the policy will only encourage them to bring their mp3 players to block the classical stuff, and it will make them socialize even less.

response 2 by non-native

The school has decided to play classical music during mealtime so as to relax students. And By doing so, they believe students can unplug their personal music devices and communicate with other students. The man cannot agree with this idea. First, he mentions that during mealtime, some students like to study for the upcoming exams or assignment and thus they don’t want to be disturbed by music. The second

reason is that not everyone enjoys classical music and they will be more likely to listen to their own mp3 players. He believes the university’s plan will not work the way the school’s management wanted it to.





种有关保护色应用的防御策 略被称为展示警戒色。使用这种策略的动物的身体常有一处或多处的颜色异常鲜艳;这些鲜艳的颜色平时会被隐藏起来。而当捕食者接近时,这些动物会突然展现出它们 身体上有鲜艳颜色的部分;这种预料之外的颜色展示会使捕食者惊愕或者困惑,这就给那些本应成为猎物的动物提供了逃跑的机会。

Using the examples of the peanut bug and the morpho butterfly, explain the concept of revealing coloration.


response 1 by native

Revealing coloration is a technique that many animals use when they are being preyed upon, as it helps them escape. These animals have a colorful or bright part of their body that usually remains hidden. When in danger, they reveal this part, which surprises the predator and allows them to escape. The examples the professor uses are of the Peanut Bug and the Morpho Butterfly. The Peanut Bug has bright, colorful back wings that it shows when it is attacked, and the bright colors distract long enough for the bug to escape. The Morpho Butterfly has very shiny wings, so when it is chased by birds, it reflects the sunlight and makes it hard for the birds to follow it.

response 2 by non-native

The reading passage is concerned with revealing coloration, which is a defensive strategy that many animals would use. Those animals would have a bright part on their body which is usually hidden from the predator’s view and would be revealed suddenly to scare nearby predators and provide an escape opportunity. The professor gives us two examples to illustrate it. The first one is the peanut bug. When they are attacked, they would suddenly pop out their back wings, which filled with big bright colors, to get a chance to run away. The second example is about the Morpho Butterfly. When a bird approaches, the Morpho flies away and flaps its wings which reflect a lot of sunlight. Those flashes of light make it very difficult for the bird to follow it and thus the Morpho can get away.


请简要总结对话中人们所讨论的问题,并陈述你支持哪种解决方案及其原因。 response 1 by native

The man is entering his final semester in college, but has a problem of the course selection. To graduate with a literature degree, he needs to take two more required courses; however, they meet at the same time. To solve this problem, he can either do an independent study for one of the courses or take a class at a nearby college. Since he would waste a lot of time driving back and forth between his college and the other college if he takes the class elsewhere, I suggest that he does the independent study. While motivation may be a problem, if he is able to finish the work and do a good job, it will help his discipline greatly. This solution allows him to finish his requirements and graduate on time, which is the solution he is looking for.

response 2 by non-native

The male has a time conflict between his history of the novel class and Shakespeare class. There are two solutions. The first solution is to do an independent study to fulfill the requirement instead of going to classes. The second solution is to take the course of Shakespeare at another university nearby. I think that the first solution is definitely better. First, by doing an independent study, he can have a one-on-one study with the professor. Second, going to another university would take too much time and all the student’s energy and time would be spent on it. And even if the student believes he can make it, one hour spent on the road is time wasted.



response 1 by native

The professor describes two opposite methods companies use to initially price their items. The first method involves initially setting the price high, and lowering it as time goes on. Since consumers believe that more expensive goods are of higher quality, they will believe that the product is of high quality. In this way, richer people buy the product first, and as the price goes down, more and more people buy. This method is seen in products with new technology, like iPods or cell phones. The other method is initially pricing low. In this way, companies can sell products for less money than their competitors, and will attract customers. It seems like they would lose profit, but they sell accessories and earn profit. This method is seen with things like computers, or things that the market already has a lot of.

response 2 by non-native

The professor talks about how companies determine the initial price for their products. She discusses two approaches. The first one is to set the price high first and then lower it later. Companies want to build a high quality image, and a high price can convince customers of that quality. High-tech products such as recorders, video cameras are good examples for such a strategy. Another strategy is to set the price low so that a newly-established company can enter a highly-competitive market. For example, the professor mentions the case of the unknown brand of computers which provides a low price to undercut its competitors. Furthermore, these companies can encourage consumers to buy accessories to meet their long-term earning goals. 版权声明:本文摘自刘文勇、张颖所著《新托福真题详解-口语分卷》,中国人民大学出版社出版,如需转载,请注明出处。


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