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时间:2021-09-10 10:40:41 来源:东星资源网




  The annual Teacher's Day is coming. In the morning, the dream building team came to the class to organize the last activity of the team - making teacher's Day greeting cards.

  I made a three-dimensional love and a pair of blue wings. First cut off a colored paper vase and paste it on the front of love. Then cut off two pine trees with colored paper and paste them. The perseverance of the pine tree leads us to a better future on behalf of the teacher. The vase also made small yellow stars, and the reverse side also made several layers of love with colored paper and pasted them layer by layer. Looking at this love, I expressed my respect and gratitude to the teacher. My blessing to the teacher is also written in it.

  Teacher, you are a hard gardener. You taught me to read and read. You taught me the truth of being a man. I want to say: "teacher, you are working hard! I will not forget your teaching, study hard, and be a useful person in society to tha...

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标签: 学生 教师节 英语作文


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