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高三英语翻译专题 练习

一, not … until… / Not until… / It was not until… that…


2. 直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。 (prevent)

Not until thdid people learn how to prevent the disease from spreading.




( considerate 同义词

4. 可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。( take )

they didn’t take any measures to prevent the accident until it happened/not until the accident happened did they take some measures to….

5. 直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。 (relieve)

Not until we heard from you last weekend .

二, The more… the more…

1. 你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。 ( it )

The larger vocabulary you’ll feel it to write in


2. ( It )

3. 问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 ( solve )

The earlier the problem is found, the more easily it can be solved.

4. 问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。 (likely)

The more difficult the problems are, can solve them.



5. ( able )

we’ll be able to work for our country in the future.

6. 你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。 (do sb. good)

The more you practise speaking English, the more good it will do (to) you.

7. 我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。( whether )

The topic we often discuss is whether

8. 相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。 (suffer from)

Relatively speaking, the more children communicate with their parents, they will/are to suffer from depression.

三, No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V

1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。 (complicated)

No matter how complicated the new system is, we’ use it.

2.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。 (pass on)

However fast the society develops, this tradition should be passed on from generation to generation.

3.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 ( make ) however hard he learns physics, he can never make it.

4.不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。 (in honor of)

However busy we are, we will certainly give/hold/throw a farewell party in honor of those retired workers next week.

5.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。 (put off)

However late it is, he never puts off what must be done today till tomorrow.

6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。( overcome )

If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, however great it is.



1. 虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devote…to)

, he is not willing to his study.

2. 他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。 (work late )

, he still the midnight.


( know )



I admire him as a writer, I don’t like him as a man. =Though I admire him as a …

5. 尽管我一直支持他,但这次我并不赞成他说的。( agree )

6.虽然他们尝试了,然而却无法找到埋在山洞里的财宝。( Try )

Try as they did/might/could, they could not find the treasure buried in the cave.

Search as the police did, …


no sooner … than…


2. 他一到实验室,就开始做实验。 (set out)

No sooner

had he got to the lab(oratory) than

3. ( switch on )

do his homework.


六,where / wherever


2. 那些大学生在毕业之后会去任何他们被需要的地方。( graduate )

Those college students will go after graduation.

3. 众所周知,药品不应该放在孩子们可以拿到的地方。(accessible)

As we all know, medicine should not be kept/put where.

4. 我会把这本书放在你之前放的地方,并在我放它的地方做个记号。(make a mark)

I will put the book and make a mark where I put it.=make a mark in which/where I put it.


the first time = when … for the first time; every time / each time = whenever

the moment / the instant = as soon as

1. west.

The first time 后连接的是句子

2. 第一次坐飞机时,飞机起降时感到不舒服是很正常的。 (it is normal …)

, it is normal (for you) to feel uncomfortable while the plane is taking off or landing.

3. 每次他妈妈叫他帮助做家务,他总是假装在看书。( pretend )



Every time I see

5. 每次在阅览室看完杂志,请放回原处。(where)

Each time you finish reading the magazine in the reading room, please put it = please put it in the place where it was.

此句如果没有where这个关键词也可以转换成please put it back to its original place.

6. 虽然好几年没碰到他了,但昨天我一看到他就认出他了。( recognize )

Although I hadn’t met him for years, I recognized him I saw him yesterday.

八,This / It is the first / second time that …have done; It was the first time that…had done; It is (high/about) time that…did; It is time for sb. to do sth.

1. 这是他第一次独立解决这个问题。( on one’s own )

This he the problem on his own/alone/independently/by himself. 2. 这是他们第一次赢得一场正式比赛,因此每个人都欣喜若狂。( with joy )

they a formal/regulation game, so everyone

3. 这是我第三次没有通过驾驶考试。( pass ) I to pass the driving test.

九,It will (not) be …before… does (It won’t be long before…)

It was (not) …before… did

1. 不久我们就要从高中毕业了。( graduate )

we graduate from senior high school.

2. (on the scene)

3. 很长一段时间之后他才意识到了他的错。(不久他就意识到了他的错。很快他就意识到了他的错。)

( realize )

he realized his mistake. he realized his mistake.

It was before long/soon that he realized his mistake.

4. 过了几分钟我才觉察到刚才发生的事。 (aware)

5. 20年后他的研究成果才最终得到承认。 (recognize)

the findings of his research were eventually recognized.

6. 过了一段时间我的眼睛才适应了黑暗,能够辨别出不同的动物。(make out)

my eyes the dark and could make out different animals.

十,It is (has been)…since …did; It was…before…did

1. 自从我们上次互相见面,几乎已经五年了。( meet ) we each other last time.

( seem )

3. 自她四岁以来,她一直每天练习弹钢琴。( practice )

She playing the piano every day since she was four.

十一,Never, Never before/ Nowhere else, Seldom, Little (倒装句)

1. 我从来没有意识到他有多幽默。( how )

Never before have I realized how humorous he is.

2. 我们从来没有比现在更为自己是中国人感到自豪。( proud )

Never before have we been prouder of being Chinese than (we are) now.

3. 上海市民的环保意识从来没有像今天这么强。(… before…)

Never before have the citizens of Shanghai had such a strong sense of environmental protection as it is today.

=Never before has Shanghai citizens’ environmental awareness been so strong as it is today.

4. 我很少见到像亨利这样考虑周到的人。( considerate )

Seldom have I seen such a considerate person as Hey.

5. 尽管他已经18岁了,但他很少意识到与别人交流的重要性。( communicate )

Seldom does he realize the importance of communicating with others though he is already 18 years old. 注意时态,前后没有时间先后。

6. 他几乎不知道所发生的事。( what )

Little did he know about what had happened.

十二, Only + 状语(介词、副词、从句), 倒装句

1. 只有在那时, Tom才承认他错了。( admit )

Only then did Tom admit that he was wrong.

Only at that time…

2. 只有在这家商店,我们才能买到如此好的家具。( such )

Only in this shop can we buy such good furniture.

3. 只有当战争在1949年结束后,他才开始了新的生活。( begin )


Freedom and Responsibility

Freedom’s challenge in the Digital Age is a serious topic. We are facing today a strange new world and we are all wondering what we are going to do with it.

Some 2,500 years ago Greece discovered freedom. Before that there was no freedom. There were great civilizations, splendid empires, but no freedom anywhere. Egypt and Babylon were bothIn Greece, in Athens (雅典), a little city in a little country, there were no helpless masses. And Athenians willingly obeyed the written laws which they themselves passed, and the unwritten, which must be obeyed if free men live together. They must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert.The Athenians never thought that a man was free if he could do what he wanted. A man was free if he was self-controlled. To make yourself obey what you approved was freedom. They were saved from looking at their lives as their own private affair. Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens, not because it was forced on him from the outside, but because the city was his pride and his safety. The essential belief of the first free government in the world was liberty for all men who could control themselves and would take responsibility for the state.

But discovering freedom is not like discovering computers. It cannot be discovered once for all. If people do not prize it, and work for it, it will go. Constant watch is its price. Athens changed. It was a change that took place without being noticed though it was of the extreme importance, a spiritual change which affected the whole state. It had been the Athenians pride and joy to give to their city. That they could get material benefits from her never entered their minds. There had to be a complete change of attitude before they could look at the city as an employer who paid her citizens for doing her work. Now instead of men giving to the state, the state was to give to them.What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them; and with this as the primary object, ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were neglected to the point of disappearing. Athens was more and more looked on as a cooperative business possessed of great wealth in which all citizens had a right to share.

Athens reached the point when the freedom she really wanted was freedom from responsibility.There could be only one result. If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free. Responsibility is the price every man must pay for freedom. It is to be had on no other terms. Athens, the Athens of Ancient Greece, refused responsibility; she reached the end of freedom and was never to have it again.

But, “the excellent becomes the permanent”, Aristotle said. Athens lost freedom forever, but freedom was not lost forever for the world. A great American, James Madison, referred to: “The capacity (能力) of mankind for self-government.” No doubt he had not an idea that he was speaking Greek. Athens was not in the farthest background of his mind, but once man has a great and good idea, it is never completely lost. The Digital Age cannot destroy it. Somehow in this or that man’s thought such an idea lives though unconsidered by the world of action. One can never be sure that it is not on the point of breaking out into action only sure that it will do so sometime.











2015高考英语满分作文范文及翻译(1) 假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。


Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.

Yours,Wang Ming









(1) 家乡的地理位置;

(2) 解放前的情况;

(3) 解放后的变化;

(4) 对家乡的感情。


My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it

still richer and more beautiful.
















Dear Dad(Mum),

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I’m worried about your health all the time. I’d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn’t far from home, is it? Why not walk to the office? You’d better take exercise at least once a week, such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice, too. What’s more, it’s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.

Dad, please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!

Your loving son (daughter)

Tom (Mary)






2015高考英语满分作文范文及翻译(4) 【例文】

Doing sport builds up our body strength and reduces diseases.

Though we lead a better life, our health is becoming worse now. So "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY,KEEP ILLNESS AWAY" has been raised by the government.

At noon or after school we play ball games, swimming and running. Look!The playground seems smaller because lots of students are playing on it.The school life has become colorful and we are energetic.As a result we study harder and better.

The Sunny Sports has brought an exciting change to us. Let’s keep on doing it.







Career or Family: which is more important?

When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.

It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income from a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will fee(转自:wWw.DXf5.Com 东星 资源网:英语翻译高考成绩)l lonely and desperate.In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. Therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.








【例文】Olympics and I

Dear friend,

I have a great news to inform here. Through long efforts, Beijing has been granted the right to host 2008 Olympic games. As a resident in Beijing, I feel quite excited and like to share with you my happiness.

This success means a lot more than a game to me. In the first place, this Games will definitely promote the development of our economy. According to a recent survey by some experts, this games will raise our GDP by about 3%, and offer about 10,000 jobs. What’s more, our culture will be widely recognized and accepted all over the world through the Games. People will come over from every corner of the world, and experience Chinese culture in every aspect. Besides, through the games, our living environment will be greatly improved. For example, the public transportation system will be up-dated. Moreover, it’s known that more trees will be planted, and grassland will be considerably expanded.

My friend, I really look forward to the coming of this great Games. As an individual, I’m all ready to offer my help in any way I can. I also hope to invite you all to come here, and watch the games in 2008.Sincerely yours,











Tourism in ChinaRecent years have seen a tendency in China that tourism is growing faster. According to a recent survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents travel regularly, and 28% rural residents also make their tour across the country. The survey also shows that more people are interested in tourism, and will join the army in the future.

Facing this tendency, we can’t help exploring some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place, with the policy of reform and opening up, Chinese people’s living standard has been greatly improved, and therefore, most of them can afford to travel around. What’s more, it is believed that people now take a more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a life style. In addition, tourism facilities are becoming better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, and many scenic spots are available now.







What a disaster(灾难)!So far,it's reported that more than 60,000 people died in the SiChuan earthquake.What's more, millions of people there have become homeless.And they are still in the danger of illness and other difficulties. Anyway, thanks to all the kind people, in and abroad,the situation has been changing well.But we still work hard at it,especially to build houses for those homeless people and cure the injured people.

What can we do now? Besides doing our own job well,we can donate money to them.We firmly believe that with the party and the government's strong leadership, and with the people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid,this earthquake relief will be a victory!




标签:高考成绩 英语翻译 高考英语翻译技巧 高考英语翻译题