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篇一:张伟明 从高考作文命题改革看中学作文教学思想转变

张伟明 从高考作文命题改革看中学


































1. bachelorn. ①未婚男子,单身汉

②获学士学位的人 E.g. a bachelor’s degree 学士学位

2. back 1 n.背部,背面

back 2adv.① 向后,往后② 到原处,回原处

back 3 adj. 后面的E.g. back door

3. backgroundn. 背景

4. backward(s)adv. 向后 E.g. It’s not easy to run backwards.倒着跑不容易

5. baconn. 熏猪肉

6. bacteria n.细菌(是bacterium的复数)

7. badadj.(worse, worst) 坏的, 不舒服的,严重的 短语: be bad at 不擅长 be bad for 对…有害 feel bad 不舒服

go bad 变质 E.g. The fish will go bad if you don’t put it in the fridge. 同根词: badly

① 不好 E.g. I play chess badly. 我棋下得不好. E.g. badly dressed 穿得不像样 ② 非常,在很大程度上E.g. badly in need of repair急待修理

8. badmintonn. 羽毛球

9. baggagen. 行李.

10.bakeryn. 面包厂 ,面包房 (动词bake)

11. balance n. 天平, 平衡 (反义词: imbalance) E.g. keep one’s balance 保持平衡 v. 保持平衡, 结算, 比较, 权衡

同根词: balancedadj. 平衡的

12. balconyn. 阳台

13. balletn. 芭雷舞

14. ballonn. 气球

15. bamboon. 竹子


16. ban 1 vt. 禁止

E.g. The government has banned the use of chemical weapons. 政府已经禁止使用化学武器.

ban 2 n. 禁令,禁止短语:ban on sb,/ sth.

E.g. put a ban on the import of alcohol 宣布禁止酒类进口

17. band n. 带子,镶边 , 乐队 vt. 在某物上加带或箍

18. bandage n. 绷带

19. bank n. 银行,河岸 vt. 将( 钱)存入银行 同根词: bankern. 银行家

20. barn. ① 棒,条E.g. a bar of chocolate②酒吧

21. barbecuen. 烧烤野餐

22. barbern. 理发师 同根词: barbershop 理发店

23. bareadj. 裸露的 E.g. bare feet

同根词: barelyadv. ① 几乎没有,仅够 ② 赤裸裸地,空空地

24. bargain1n. 廉价购买或出售之物 E.g. It’s a bargain. 这可是便宜货.

短语: bargain2v. 讨价还价, 谈判 bargain (with sb.)( about / over /for sth. )

E.g. Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee.


25. barkn. 树皮 v. (犬)吠

26. barriern. 关卡, 障碍

27. base 1v. base sth. on sth.(常用被动形式 be based on)以某事物作为另一事物的根据、证据 E.g. This novel is based on historical facts. 这部小说是以历史事实为根据的.

E.g. Now the public tends to base its consumption on the interest of celebrity attached to any given product. 如今,公众的消费往往以明星所做的产品广告为导向.

base2 n. 基地,根据地,底部,底座

同根词: basement n.地下室

28. basicadj. 基础的

同根词: basicsn. (pl.) 实质性的东西basis n. 基础

basicallyadv. 基本上,本质上

29. basinn. 盆

30. batn. 蝙蝠

31. bathn. 洗澡v. bath a baby 给婴儿洗澡

同根词: bathroomn. 浴室

32. bathtub n. 浴缸,澡盆

33. bathev. ① 用水浸泡, 用水洗 ② 去野外洗澡(以娱乐)

34. batteryn. 电池

35. battle 1n. 战役,战斗

battle 2 vi. 斗争,搏斗

短语: battle with / against sb./ sth.

E.g. I’m battling with my employer for a pat-rise. 我正向雇主力争增加工资.

battle to do sth. 争抢做某事

E.g. They battled to call a taxi or to get on a bus. 他们抢着打车或上公交车.

36. bayn. 海湾

37. beachn. 海滩

38. beann. 豆子,豆角 同根词: bean curd n. 豆腐

39. bear 1n. 熊

bear 2vt.

① 显示(某事物),明显地带有,具有

E.g. The vase bears his name.花瓶上刻着他的名字.

② 忍受,承受

E.g. The pain was almost more than he could bear. 这样的痛苦几乎使他受不了.

③ 生育,生产[bear, bore, born( 出身), borne(生育)] E.g. land which bears no crops不毛之地

短语: bear sth in mind = keep sth. in mind 记住

40. beardn. 胡子

41. beastn. 野兽,牲畜

42. beat 1v. (beat,beaten )

① 连续地敲/打, 连续地跳动、拍动

E.g. The bird was beating its wings. 鸟在拍动着翅膀.

②(指雨、日、风等)拍打、撞击、冲击某物/某人beat against/ on sb. / sth.

E.g. The hailstones beat against the window. 冰雹落在窗户上.

③ 打败,战胜,击败 E.g. Our team was easily beaten. 我对被对方轻易打败了.

短语:beat down (降低某物价格)

E.g. I beat down the price to $600. 我把价格压低到600英镑.

beat 2n. 敲击声,强节奏

43. beautifyvt. 美化, 使…美丽 同根词: beautyn. 美丽,每人

44. because conj. 因为,由于 短语: because of

45. bedn. 床 同根词: beddings n. 被褥,寝具bedroomn. 卧室

46. beefn. 牛肉

47. beern. 啤酒

48. beforeprep. 短语: before long 不久 long before 在…很久以前

49. begvi & vt. 乞求 E.g. beg for 乞求,请求

短语: beg the question 回避正题

E.g. Your proposal begs the question whether a change is needed at all.


50. beginv. (began,begun )开始

短语: to begin with 首先,第一,起初

E.g. I’m not going. To begin with I haven’t a ticket, and secondly I don’t like the play.


同根词: beginningn. 开始, 开端

短语: at/ in the beginning起初 from beginning to end 从头至尾

51. behalfn. 方面,利益

短语: on behalf of 代表

52. behavev. (举止或行为)表现 E.g. behave well/ badly 表现好/不好

同根词: behaviorn. 举止,行为方式

53. behind prep & adv. 在…后面,落后 短语: fall behind落后

54. beingn. [ U]

① 存在

E.g. What is the purpose of our being?我们生存的目的是什么?

② 生物 E.g. human beings 人

55. belief n. 信仰,信任 短语:belief in sb./ sth.

E.g. He had no great belief in his doctor. 他不太信任他的医生.

短语: beyond belief 难以置信

同根词: believevt.

短语: believe in sb. 相信某人believe in sth. 相信,信仰…

believe it or not 信不信由你

56. bellyn. 腹部,肚子

57. belongvi.

短语: belong to 属于, 是…成员

同根词: belongingsn. 所有物,财产

58. belowprep. 在…以下,低于 E.g. below zero 零下

59. beltn. 带,腰带, 地带,区 E.g. a green belt绿化地带

60. benchn. (尤指户外的)长凳

61. bend vt. & vi. 弯曲 (bent ,bent) n. 拐弯处

62. beneathprep. & adv. (fml) 在…下方, 在下面

E.g. They found the boy buried beneath a pile of leaves.


63. benefit n. 利益,好处,福利 v. 从…中获益短语: benefit from

同根词: beneficialadj. 有益的,有用的

64. besideprep.

① 在…旁边

② 与…相比 E.g. Beside his, my trouble is nothing. 跟他相比,我的困难不算一回事. 比较: besides 1prep. 除…以外(还)

E.g. Besides English I also like German.

besides 2adv. 此外,除此之外

E.g. I haven’t time to see the film—besides it has dreadful reviews.


65. best adj. & adv. & n. 最,非常 E.g. best-seller 畅销书

短语: at best充其量

E.g. We can’t arrive before Friday at best. 我们无论如何星期五以前也到不了。

at its/ one’s best 处于最佳状态

E.g. I wasn’t feeling at my best at the party so I didn’t enjoy it.


do/ try one’s best尽力

make the best use of 充分利用

66. betteradj. & adv.

短语: had better ( not) do sth.最好( 不) 做某事

no better than 几乎等于

E.g. He’s no better than a common thief. 他简直就是小偷.

67. betrayvt. 背叛同根词: betrayaln. 背叛

68. beyond prep.

① 在…那一边, 越过

E.g. What lies beyond the mountain?山的那一边有什么?


短语: beyond comprehension 无法理解

69. bid v & n. 出价,喊价,投标

70. big 1 adj.

① ( 在体积、面积、范围、程度、强度等方面) 大

② 重大的,重要的E.g. a big decision 一个重大决定

big 2 adv. (sl.俚语) 盛大的.宏大地 E.g. talk big 说大话

注: 人口众多用 a large population

71. bill n. 帐单, 海报, 节目单,钞票, 议案

vt. bill sb. 送交某人帐单

72. bingon. 一种赌博游戏

73. biochemistryn. 生物化学同根词: biochemistn. 生物化学家

74. biographyn. (由他人撰写的)传记

75. biologyn. 生物学

同根词: biological adj. 生物学的,生物的E.g. biological clock 生物钟

biologistn. 生物学家

76. birthn. 出生,生育,起源,开始婴儿出生时7磅重.

短语: give birth to sb./ sth. 生产/ 孕育了…

E.g. The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people’s lives.


by birth 生来,在血统上E.g. She can sing by birth. 她天生就会唱歌.

同根词: birthplacen. 出生地

77. biscuitn. 饼干

78. bishopn. 主教

79. bitn. 一点,少量

短语: a bit一点儿 not a bit = not at all 一点儿也不( not a little = very)

80. bite ( bit, bitten) vt. 叮, 咬

81. bitteradj. ① 苦的,有苦味的

② 引起悲伤的 ,难以接受的,另人憎恶/厌烦的E.g. bitter tears 悲伤的眼泪 短语: be/ feel bitter about 对…感到难过/厌烦等

③ 刺骨的E.g. bitter wind 刺骨的寒风

82. blackadj. 黑的, 污垢的 n. 黑人,黑色E.g. black sheep 害群之马

同根词: blacken vt. 使…变黑, 诋毁 E.g. blacken a person’s name 诋毁某人的名声

83. blame 1vt. blame sb. ( for sth. ) ; blame sth. on sb. 责备,谴责

短语: be to blame ( for sth. ) 对某坏事应付责任,应受责备

E.g. Which driver was to blame for the accident? 这事故是哪个司机的责任?

blame 2n. (对错事或坏事应付的)责任

84. blankadj. 空白的,茫然的,空虚的 n. 空

85. blanketn.

① 毛毯,

② 覆盖着厚厚的块/ 层 E.g. a blanket of snow/ fallen leaves 一层雪/ 落叶

86. bleedvi 流血

同根词:bloodn. 血 bloodyadj.流血的, 染上血的

87. blessvt. 求神赐福于某人/某物, 求神保佑

短语: be blessed with sb./ sth. 幸有…, 享有…, 拥有…

E.g. I’m blessed with excellent health and a very good son. 幸福的是,我有一副好身体,一个好儿子. 同根词: blissn. 洪福,极乐 E.g. a life of bliss 幸福的一生

88. blind 1 adj.

① 瞎的E.g. a blind school 盲人学校

② ( 对某事物)视而不见,不以为意,一无所知 E.g. He is completely blind to her faults. 他一点也觉察不到她的错误.


E.g. blind obedience 盲目顺从

短语: turn a blind eye ( to sth. )假装看不见

blind 2n. 窗帘,百叶窗

blind 3 vt. ① 使某人失明 ② 使某人丧失判断力

89. block1n.

① (木、石、金属等的) 大块E.g. a block of marble 一块大理石

③ 积木

③ 大建筑物E.g. an office block 办公大楼

④ 障碍, 障碍物,妨碍物 a block in the drain 下水道的污污 traffic block 交通阻塞

⑤[美] 街区(两条平行街道之间的距离)

E.g. Walk two blocks and you will be there. 走两个街区就到了.

block2v. 阻碍,堵塞

E.g. The accident blocked traffic in the town center. 事故阻塞了市中心的交通.

90. blousen. 女衬衫

91. blowvi & vt. ( blew , blown)

① ( 指风或气流) 吹,刮,流动

E.g. A cold wind blew across the river.河面刮过一阵冷风.

② (指人或动物) 吹,吐, 呼( 气,烟等)

E.g. He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke. 他吸了一口香烟,吐出来一股烟雾. ③ 吹奏( 乐器等)E.g. The referee blew his whistle. 裁判鸣笛.

短语: blow out ( 指火焰等)被风等熄灭

blow sth out 吹灭

blow up

① 爆炸,被炸坏 E.g. The bomb blew up . 炸弹爆炸了.

② (口语) 发脾气E.g. I’m sorry I blew up at you. 很抱歉,对你发火了.

③ blow sth. up 给某物冲气, 炸坏某物, 把(照片等)放大,夸大

E.g. The tire(= tyre) is a bit flat, it needs blowing up. 轮胎有点瘪了需要打气了.

篇三:选修 7 词汇讲解

选修 7 Unit 1 Living well


1. ambition

n. 雄心

Her ambition is the presidency.

她的抱负是成为一名总统。 After several hours’work, she had no ambition to go dancing.



ambitious adj. 志向远大的; 有雄心壮志的;有野心的

be ambitious for (power/social position, etc.)


be ambitious of success渴望成功

be ambitious to一心想……

The prince was attracted by the girl’s beauty, and ambitious to marry her.



翻译句子 (原创)



答案:①His ambition is to sail around the world.

②As an ambitious leader, he wants to guide the local people to lead a happy life.

2. beneficial

adj. 有益的;受益的


be beneficial to ... 对……有用/有好处/有益

A good diet is beneficial to one’s health.



benefit n.利益;实惠;未来的好处

vt. 有益于,有助于


I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent

last week.


It’s said that yoga is of great benefit to human health.


I did it for his benefit. 我做这个是为了帮助他。

The development of our country’s economy has benefited from the opening and

reform policy.




①The fall in prices will be beneficial small business.

A. ToB. From C. OnD. for

②Who’s most likely to the old lady’s death?

A. Benefit B. benefit from

be beneficial D. be beneficial to

解析: ①选A。考查固定搭配。句意为:物价下跌将对小型企业有利。be beneficial to ...


②选B。句意为:谁最有可能从老妇人的死中得到好处?benefit from 从……中获益。

3. adapt

v. 使适应;改编


adapt (oneself) to sth. 适应某物

adapt ...to ...使……适应……

adapt sth. from sth.根据某事将……改编成……

be adapted from ... 由……改编

You should adapt yourself to the new environment.


The makers adapted the cartoons film for children from the Russian original.





adopt 指“采用,采取;收养;正式通过”。




①The new comers found it impossible to themselves to the climate

sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.

A. SuitB. Adapt C. Regulate D. relate

②Compared with adults, children the new surroundings better.

A. come to B. turn to

adapt toD. contribute to

解析: ①选B。考查词义辨析。句意为:这些新来者发现,在这个国家要完全适应这儿的

气候并永久定居下来是不可能的。adapt (oneself) to sth.适应某物;符合句意。suit

适合某人;regulate(用法律)管制;控制(机器,设备);调节;relate ... to ... 把……


②选C。考查短语辨析。句意为:和成年人相比,孩子们能更好地适应新环境。come to谈

到,提到;turn to转向,求助于;adapt to适应;contribute to有助于,促使。

4. conduct

n. 行为

v. 指挥

The chairperson conducted the hearing.


His conduct of the business was very successful.


The curator conducted the visitors around the museum.



a bad conduct 恶劣行为

under the conduct of 在……指导(管理)下


conductor n. 领导者, 经理






答案:①Under the conduct of the agricultural experts, local farmers had an

abundant year.

②The guider conducted the students in primary school around the museum this


5. absence

n. 缺席;不在

We did not receive any news during his long absence.



absence of mind心不在焉

in one’s absence (from)当某人不在的时候

in the absence of 缺乏……

I don’t agree to this decision as it was made in my absence.



absent adj. 不在的;缺席的

be absent from 缺席;不在;不存在;缺少

be present at 出席;到场

presence n. 出席;到场 He had to make up the lessons he had missed as he had been absent from class for

three weeks.


Absence from work leads to deduct of payment.




① (汤姆没有参加) her birthday party

made Sue very disappointed.

②There were so many people(缺席会议) that

the meeting had to be put off.

答案: ①Tom’s absence from

②absent from the meeting

6. resign

v. 辞职;委托;把……交托给(to, into)


resign one’s position (as secretary) 辞去(秘书)职务

resign office 辞职

resign oneself to 听任(某种影响);

只好(做某事) resign oneself to one’s fate 听天由命

resign ... to... 把……托付给

In order to look after her sick mother, Mary decided to resign her position as a

manager in the company.


I resign my children to your care.我把孩子们委托你来照顾。





答案:① In no situation, shall we resign ourselves to our fate.

②I resigned myself to a long wait in line.


7. in other words



in word 意为“在口头上”,置于句末或句中。

in words 意为“用语言(来表达)”,通常置于句末。

in a/one word意为“简言之,总之”,通常置于句首,有时也放在句中。

big words大话

break one’s word 失信;食言

eat one’s word收回前言

get in a word插话

have a word with 与……谈一谈

keep one’s word遵守诺言

leave word 留言

say a few words (即席)说几句话

upon one’s word一定

word by word 按词序排列;逐字逐句地

In a word, we must try our best to do the task.




—Would you like to help us?

— , no.

A. In a word B. In words

C. In wordD. In other words


①She has a good handwriting, and is good at writing articles. (总而言之), she is a qualified secretary.

②The beauty of sunset can not be described(用语言).

③The person who(同……讲话)

my father is one of my relatives.

④The couple (争吵) each other in the street

ignoring the eyes of passers-by.

解析:(1) 选A。in word 意为“在口头上”,置于句末或句中。in words意为“用语言(来

表达)”,通常置于句末。in a/one word意为“简言之,总之”,通常置于句首,有时也


(2)①In a word ②in words

③has a word with ④have words with

8. all in all


All in all, her condition is greatly improved.



above all首先;首要;最重要的

all through一直,在整个……期间

after all 终究,毕竟

all told总共,合计

all alone独自,独立地

all up 无望;结束;彻底完了

all along始终,一直,一向

and all 连同其他一切

all around( 在……)周围,各处

at all 根本不,一点也不

all at once 突然,忽然,同时,一下子

for all尽管



, he cried aloud.

A. All at once B. Once in a while

C. Generally D. All in all

解析:选A。all at once= suddenly突然,符合句意。

9. cut out


I cut this article out of the newspaper.

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