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时间:2019-01-17 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

   The penguin went to a warm country      双语故事连载    这是一个关于勇气和智慧的故事。勇敢的小企鹅平平的冒险之旅开始喽!
   Pingping is a penguin that lives in the south pole.
   Pingping could not play with the other penguins because Pingping always had a cold.
   "Pingping,Let"s play."
   "Cough,cough,I can"t. It"s too cold outside." “咳咳咳,不行,外面太冷了。”
   Pingping"s mother and father worried.
   "What should we do? Pingping is so weak."
   "He"ll get better." father said.
   Pingping"s feelings were hurt. "Why am I so cold?"
   “为什么我这么怕冷呢?” 平平很难过。
  After mother and father went to bed,Pingping snuck out of the house.爸爸妈妈都睡着了,平平蹑手蹑脚地走出房门。
   He walked for a long time and discovered a shabby boat. 他走了好长一段时间,发现了一只破破烂烂的小船。
   I"ll take this boat and go far away. I"m going to get strong.我要乘这只小船远走高飞。我会变得强壮的。

标签:国度 小企鹅 温暖