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总纲 (1.句子成分 2.句子种类 3.数词 4.主谓一致 5.插入语) (Page 1- Page 5) 专项一 冠词 (Page 5- Page 7) 专项二 代词 (Page 7- Page 10) 专项三 形容词与副词 (Page 10- Page 13) 专项四 名词与介词 (Page 13- Page 16) 专项五 动词 (Page 16- Page 18) 专项六 时态与语态 (Page 18- Page 20) 专项七 非谓(ing分词, ed分词, 不定式) (Page 20- Page 25) 专项八 情态动词与虚拟语气 (Page 25- Page 28) 专项九 名词从句和定语从句 (Page 29- Page 33) 专项十 连词 (Page 33- Page 36) 专项十一 特殊句型 (Page 36- Page39) 专项十二 交际 (Page 39- Page 40)


(一)Parts of sentences(句子成分)




5.补语(1)宾语补足语 (2)主语补足语 6.定语(定语从句)


8.同位语 (同位语从句)

9.插入语 (二)Kinds of sentences(句子种类)



2.主谓宾(主语+及物动词+宾语) 3.主系表(主语+连系动词+表语) (必须记住五组连系动词)


wish,offer,promise,owe, envy, teach,

give,lend,send,pay,cost,show, tell,buy,get,hand,write, pass,sing

(1)间接宾语后置,我们可以通过加入介词(to或for)来将间接宾语后置。 (2)当两个宾语都是代词时,通常将间接宾语后置。Give it to me.

(3)以下动词不跟双宾explain, complain, say, whisper, murmur to sb. sth.

(4) 以下动词不跟双宾,有of

rob sb. of sth.warn sb. of sth.remind sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth.

(5) 注意以下动词

sth. remains of sth.expect sth. of sb.

5.主谓宾宾补(主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 (宾语的动作或状态) )


make sb.ill, drive sb.mad, leave sth.open, cut sth.short, tear sth.open, keep sb. busy

find sth.beautiful, think sth.(to be)good , believe sb.(to be) honest,

He threw the fox to the ground dead.


make n. n, leave n. n, choose n. n., elect n. n, call n. n., name n. n.

I can’t understand why people elected him President.


(4)当宾语为动词不定式,从句或-ing结构并有宾语补足语时,常用it做形式宾语。 They found it impossible His parents thought it strange .

They found it interesting II.并列句:两个或以上简单句用分号, -- 或并列连词连接。必须记住七个并列连词(见33页)

(1)He is young, and he is good.

(2)He is young ;

(4)(Make) Greater efforts, and you will succeed


If it doesn’t rain, I’ll go to school tomorrow.

I made a promise that if he came, I would beat him.


He has to work hard, and if he doesn’t work hard, his parents will cry.



1.普通分数one third, two thirds, a half, a quarter, 3 quarters + of

2.百分数(1)thirty percent+ of百分之三十的 (2)the rest of其余的

3.具体分数one in four=one out of four四个中的一个


1.一般基数词one, two, three…

2.单位基数词dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion

用法 (1)three dozen eggs, many dozon eggs

(2)dozens of, scores of, tens of, millions of, billions of, tens of thousands of

(3)three of us, many of them

(4)two of those boys, three dozen of the eggs, a good many of their students


1.first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, hundredth…

2.用法the Second Lesson=Lesson Two


1.every few days 每几天

2.every other day=every two days=every second day每两天(每隔一天)

3.every three days=every third day每三天(每隔两天)

4.enough>plenty of + Ns/Nu 足够的,许多的

5.lots of=a lot of=a mass of=masses of=a quantity of=quantities of+ Ns/Nu 许多的

6.a number of=a good (great) many=many +Ns=many a + Nc许多的

7.a great deal of=a large amount of+ Nu许多的

8.a variety of=different kinds of 各种各样的

9.the majority of大多数的=most (of the), the minority of少数的

V.英语没有量词 (四)Agreement(主谓一致)


1.表示两个人或物 A and B +are, both A and B +are

2.表示一个人或物 is coming.

(2)Every (each/no) boy and every (each/no) girl is good.

3. one + n.+or two=one or two+ n.s +are

注意: n. 为时间, 距离是动词只用单数

one and a half+复数名词+is


He as well as his friends is going abroad.

1.指人 All but one were here just now.

2.指物 All he has done is right.

IV.集体名词audience, crew, crowd, population, family, class, group, team, staff

1.强调整体 My class is a good one.

2.强调人 My class are singing a song.

V.二合一名词compasses, trousers, glasses, scissors, chopsticks,

1.单独做主语 My trousers are new.

2.有a pair of 修饰,则以pair为主 A pair of new glasses is what I want for my birthday. VI.非谓或从句做主语时指一件事用单数,指两件事以上用复数

1.动名词are most difficult for students in learning English.

2.不定式is not decided.

3.主语从句are none of your business.

VII. the加形容词或分词表示一类 The old are wise.

the old, the(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:高考英语语法总结) dying垂死者, the employing雇佣者, the employed被雇佣者,

the police ,the Chinese , the English, the French

VIII.分数以中心名词为主 The rest of the students are fond of computer games.


1.There beThere is a book and two pens on the desk.

2.平行词组(见33页)Not only Tom but also his parants are kind to me.

3.A or B One boy or his friends are to come.

注意:Two hours or more is enough.


1.One hundred years is a long time.

2.One million dollars is a large sum.

3.Two thousand miles is a long way.


1.Between the two windows hangs 2. Such areXII.固定词组

1.One of his books is very good. like English. (定语从句)likes English. (定语从句)

2.a quantity of Ns/Nu +is, large quantities of Ns/Nu +are

a number of+ Ns+ are, the number of +Ns +is

an amount of Nu+ is, large amounts of Nu+ are

3.one and a half apples +is=one apple and a half +is

4.more than one +is

5.many a boy +is

6.we each +are=each of us +is


8 The 2008 Olympic Games are to be held in Beijing.

9.This kind of man is good.= Men of this kind are good.

10.My collection of stamps is very wonderful.


1.(much) to one’s surprise=to one’s (great) surprise (delight /knowledge/excitement…)

2.otherwise=or else否则≠or


4.therefore=thus=as a result因此≠so=and so


so(as) far as sb./sth. is concerned就…而言

7.also=again=besides=in addition=what’s more=moreover=more than that另外

(in the) meanwhile(meantime)=at the same time同时

further more进一步(甚至)≠even甚至

8.on one hand…on the other hand=for one thing…for another (thing)=firstly…secondly (可互换)一方面,另一方面

9.instead=rather=in turn相反≠on the contrary从反方面看

10.as a matter of fact=in (actual) fact =actually实际上

11.to make matters worse= what’s worse still=what’s worse= worse still=worse than that更糟的

12.in that case在那种情况下≠in case以防万一≠in case (that)万一≠in case of万一under that condition在那种条件下≠on condition that如果

13.in general一般地-in particular特别地 on the whole整体上 in detail细节上

in common共同 in short简言之 in a word总而言之

14.after all毕竟(终究), at all(1)一点都不(2)究竟, above all最重要的是, first先(then然后) first of all=firstly第一(secondly…其次 ), at first起初, (all) in all=altogether=in total总共

15.finally=eventually =in the end<at last最后/终于

16.nowadays=for the time being=at present=presently现在

17.(ever)after (that)=afterwards=from then on=later(on)那以后 +did

(ever) since (then)那以后 +have(had) done

18.suddenly=all of a sudden=all at once突然≠in a flash刹那间(一瞬间)

19.on earth=in the world(1)究竟(2)在世界上, on the earth在地球上, in the earth在地里即≠

21.generally /frankly /honestly… (speaking)一般/坦白/诚实…(说)

22.as a saying goes有谚语说

23.more often (than not)=in most cases=for the most part多半/大多数情况下

24.for example=for instance例如

25.and so on=and so forth=etc.等等

专项一 Article(冠词)

I.灵活用法;冠词用法有 零冠词)三种;表类指,特指,泛指。


(1)可数名词有三种形式表示一类: the horse, a horse, horses

1) the指的是整个类别,这个类别是可以区别于另一个类别的。

The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.

2) a(n)侧重于指类别中任何一个的特点。

A tiger is a type of very large fierce wild cat that has yellow fur with black bands across.


Children usually start walking at around one year old.

(2)不可数名词的原形表示一类:weather绝对不可数, water物质名词, success抽象名词


The Chinese are a hard-working people.

The Americans are friendly. 2.特指和泛指: the 用于一切名词之前可表示特指


1) a +Nc: a telephone


e.g. Edison invented the phone (科技产品). I need a phone (一类), so I have bought a

phone(泛指), but the phone doesn’t work (特指).


1) the +Ns: the books这些书(特指)

2) x +Ns: books书(泛指)

e.g. I have bought books (泛指), and the books (特指) are very good.



2)抽象名词加a/an表具体一人一事: a success, a pleasure, a surprise, a shock

e.g. Our school is a success (一事), and our headmaster is a success (一人).



(1)in peace, in trouble, in office, in use, in power, by law, by nature, by habit, by letter… e(2)on (over) th radio, on TV, on the Internet, on (over) the phone, in newspapers, on posters



冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词。








I. 形容词


规则:限定语(The、A)+ 描绘性形容词 + size(小)+ shape(形状)+ age(年龄、时间)+ color(颜色)+ origin(国籍、来源)+ material

(材料)+ purpose(目的)+ 名词。

▲This ________ girl is Linda’s cousin. (05北京卷)

B. Spanish little prettyC. Spanish pretty littleD. little pretty Spanish


As he looked at the goat, it rolled over,当他看着山羊的时候,山羊翻了个身,死了。 由于害怕困难,他们宁愿走好走的路。 II.副词的分类:




冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词。








I. 形容词


规则:限定语(The、A)+ 描绘性形容词 + size(小)+ shape(形状)+ age(年龄、时间)+ color(颜色)+ origin(国籍、来源)+ material

(材料)+ purpose(目的)+ 名词。

▲This ________ girl is Linda’s cousin. (05北京卷)

B. Spanish little prettyC. Spanish pretty littleD. little pretty Spanish


As he looked at the goat, it rolled over,当他看着山羊的时候,山羊翻了个身,死了。 由于害怕困难,他们宁愿走好走的路。 II.副词的分类:


标签:高考 英语语法 2016高考英语语法总结 高考英语语法考点