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时间:2017-03-29 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版



内容要点:1.少上网,多读书、勤记笔记;2.养成练书写和写日记的习惯;3.自拟一项其他方面的倡议内容。 Dear friends,

In recent years, many of us spend a lot of time on the Internet with its popularity. As a result, our handwriting is not so good as it was in the past. In order to protect our Chinese characters and write both nicely and neatly, we’d like to offer some suggestions:

We should spend less time online so that we can have more time to read books and newspaper. We’d better form the habit of practicing calligraphy and keeping diaries every day. Besides, it is better to write letters to our relatives and friends by hand rather than send e-mails.

As the saying goes, “The style is the man.” Beautiful and neat handwriting is beneficial to us students. So please pay more attention to our handwriting in the future.

Let’s take action now!

Students’ Union

2015鹰潭二模英语作文 疾病捐款倡议书


Dear fellow students,

As we all know, Li Ping is a very excellent student in our school. He studies very hard and has been highly thought of by his teachers. Unfortunately, recently his mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

As far as I’m concerned, it will cost too much to recover herself from such a serious disease. What’s worse, his family isn’t a rich one. If too much money has been spent on cure, there’s no doubt that Li Ping will be forced to drop out of school.

As chairman of the Students’ Union of Xingguang Middle School, I’ll spare no efforts to give Li Ping a hand and donate some money to him. Here I also call on all of us to do the same to him. I just hope that our limited effort will make a difference to his family in need.


Wang Hua



Dear editor,

I am a student of Senior Tree in a middle school in FujianProvince. Yours sincerely,










1. 词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数)

2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear schoolmates,

Recently, a debate concerning whether we should cycle to school or not has appeared in our school._____________


The Students’ Union

July 13, 2011


1. 从写作内容上来说,一般倡议书中应该包括倡议原因、目的、具体内容和要求等。该写作内容包括 (1)观点:骑车上学回家。(to and from school) (2)原因:骑车大众化;好处。(common, easy and convenient) (3)注意问题: 安全。(keep a/an…speed; lock) (4) 建议。(Don’t hesitate ; Let’s ride…)

2. 从写作手法上来说,倡议书的措辞要贴切,情感要真挚,语言要富于号召性,可多用should,ought to,may,can等表示建议的情态动词;倡议书的篇幅不宜过长,开头要简单明了,吸引同学们的注意,结尾最好加上简洁有力的呼吁。

3. 从谋篇布局来说,倡议书写格式和一般书信大致相同,一般由称呼、正文、结尾、落款四部分组成,有些倡议书还根据需要加是了适当的标题。

(1)称呼。写称呼的目的是为了明确倡议的对象,一般要依据倡议的对象而选用适当的称呼,如:“Dear friends”,“Dear schoolmates”,“Dear editor”,“Dear students”等。





Dear schoolmates,

Recently, a debate concerning whether we should cycle to school or not has appeared in our school. As far as I am concerned, we should ride to and from school. Firstly, riding a bicycle to and from school is very common among the students, for buying or repairing a bicycle doesn’t cost a lot. Next, sparking a bicycle is easy and convenient in our school, no matter how busy the traffic could be. Actually, bicycle-riding is also a practical way to do exercise and protect the environment. What you should do carefully is just to keep an appropriate speed while riding and lock it after you are off it. In this way, you’ll feel it simple and relaxing to ride a bicycle while you are here. Don’t hesitate, everybody. Let’s ride to school.

The Students’ Union

June 13, 2011


短文较全面地反应了作者的语言组织能力、书面表达能力,以及思维能力。文中注意了上下文的连贯性,能有效地使用语句间的连接成份,使全文结构紧凑;同时文中也运用了较高级的词汇及语言结构,增强了文章的可读性。①Firstly…;Next…;Actually…also…;In this way…让文章浑然一体。②As far as I am concerned就我个人而言;…for buying or repairing a bicycle doesn’t cost a lot中for用做并列连词表示“原因”; …no matter how busy the traffic could be 中no matter how引导让步状语从句;What you should do carefully 中what引导主语从句,以上从句的灵活运用,表现作者的语言功底。③省略句while riding以及it做做形式定语,进一步丰富了文章的语言结构。④同时,文中也正确地运用了一些好词汇及短语,如:convenient, practical, appropriate, hesitate等。



1. 别乱扔垃圾,爱护花草树木;2. 不得高声喧哗;3. 循环使用资料; 4.保持教室整洁。 注意:1.词数120左右;

2. 注意文章连贯性。


Dear friends,

Do you want to study in a beautiful campus? So it is our duty to make our school comfortable to study in. To complete this task, we should keep the following rules in mind. First of all, don’t litter about in our school. It’s smelly and attracts flies, you know. And we should protect our school’s environment by


looking after flowers and trees around. Of course, don’t yell or shout out so that we can study in a quiet environment. It’s also suggested that we should reuse everything recyclable, which is money-saving and environmentally friendly. Finally, please keep classrooms clean, use the blackboard responsibly and remember there is no drinking or eating in the classrooms. Let’s all take action now and contribute to building a harmonious environment.

Thank you!

The Students’ Union

July 1, 2012


1. Please don’t smoke, spit or litter in public places.

2. Let’s make a good network environment. Let’s be civilized Netizen.

3. Hopefully you will join in the action and extend warm help to those needy persons.

4. We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

5. What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others.

6. We students should listen more to our classmates, thus we will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.

7. It is a good idea for us senior 3 students to have daily exercise, for taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind.

8. The Ministry of Education calls on students to exercise for an hour every day, in the hope that they will have good health to work fifty years and enjoy the whole life.



1. We should ________ (保持平衡饮食). For dinner, we’d better not eat too much.

2. As a student, I am _______ (强烈支持) the activity because it is very meaningful and helpful.

3. Let’s all_______ (采取行动) now and contribute to the prosperity of our mother—the earth.

4. It's a pleasure to thank you and let you know, too, your kindness __________ (长久被铭记).

5. To do a lot for our environment, we should try to use both sides of paper _______ (一有可能).

6. We should develop _________ (良好生活态度), for life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times.

7. It is obligatory that books borrowed from the library should be returned _______ (两周内).

8. In order to _______ (充分利用) learning materials, the Students’ Union of our school is organizing an instructive activity.


1. keep a balanced diet 2. strongly for 3. take action 4. will be long remembered 5. whenever (it is)possible 6. a good attitude to life 7. within two weeks 8. make the best use of















同学们:高考是人生最宝贵的财富,考场是人生特殊的殿堂。天生我材必有用。老师们相信你们一定能笑对高考,收获成功! 莒县二中全体教师




标签:倡议书 高中英语 高中英语倡议书模板 高中英语作文倡议书