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时间:2019-01-28 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

  中图分类号: I02 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 10012435(2012)01008510
  Missions and Strategies of Teaching Literary Theories in New Media Times
  CHEN Wenzhong,etc. (School of Chinese Literature and Language, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu Anhui 241003, China)
  Editor’s Notes: In the new media times when the net of films and videos play a dominant role in people’s life,
  literary research and the necessity of literary theories are continually questioned and challenged. The majority of students will not go in for literary teaching and research except the normal universities and those who intentionally seek further studies. Not a few students and teachers are bewildered about why to learn literary theories. Actually, in any times literary research is the core of humanity academy and cultural continuity. Besides, the knowledge of literary theories is modern people"s necessary human accomplishment to seek after refined aesthetic taste. The constructive team of Literary Theories, statelevel excellent course of Anhui Normal University, has done a deep reflection and constructive exploration on how to change partial usefulness to full usefulness in teaching theories and change tolerant teaching to entertaining teaching. Thus is a group of conversations by writing, analyzing missions and strategies of teaching Literary Theories in new media times. Which are of enlightenment to literary teaching and research in universities.

标签:笔谈 文学理论 使命 策略