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[warm,,cook,,fox,,present] cook keep warm

时间:2019-01-27 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

   美味的“串烧”当然少不了各种出色的配料!先来看看本期给出的是哪几种配料吧――   warm cook fox present       到底用这几种配料烤出的“串串”味道如何?快来品尝一下吧。
   Since(自从) the fox took the crow’s meat, he felt very sorry to the crow. Yesterday was a warm day. He cooked some delicious food and put them in a box. He took this present to the crow’s house. The crow was very happy. They ate a big lunch together.
  212411 江苏省句容市下蜀中心小学六(1)班 季 圆 指导老师 朱 弦
   Today is Christmas. It is sunny and warm. Mr Fox cooks a lot of nice food. He holds(举办) a Christmas party at home. Many friends come: Miss Cat, Mr Panda, Mr Rabbit... Everyone brings a present. They sing and dance together.
  215535 江苏省常熟市?市中心小学四(4)班 徐歆言 指导老师 沈红燕
   Yesterday was my birthday. It was warm and windy. My mother cooked noodles for me. My father gave me a present. It was a toy fox. I like it very much.
  312352 浙江省上虞市东关街道中心小学 朱乐冲
  指导老师 朱伟峰
  琪琪:乐冲好幸福,过生日能吃到妈妈做的面条,还能得到爸爸送的玩具狐狸。那我就代表编辑部送你一句生日祝福吧――Happy birthday to Zhu Lechong!
   A fox got a pot(锅), but he didn’t know how to cook. One day, he got a present. It was a cookbook(食谱). Now he can cook a lot of nice food with the pot. He pours(倒入) some warm water into the pot. He is going to cook some soup for his dad and mum.
  212400 江苏省句容市崇明小学六(3)班 骆希然
  指导老师 陈一叶

标签:cook warm present fox