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时间:2017-05-30 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版






有些考生写GRE文章,喜欢用专业性的逻辑用语,其实没有必要,就事论事比较好。在批驳的时候为了显得有力,可以多用用for example、it is possible that、it is likely that之类的句型,因为Argument就是挑错与找茬的过程。如果实在觉得错误不好找,那么就根据每一句话批,基本上,每一个表示原因的句子中都可能存在逻辑错误。



篇二:新GRE Argument写作七大



新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误

新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误,主要包括:无因果联系、样本不足、错误类比、时地全等、二者择一、可以调查以及结论无据等。

新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误之无因果联系

The author commits a fallacy of causaloversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because

A occurred beforeB, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses thepositive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the factthat A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But thisis fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have beenconsidered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these eventsor perhaps B is caused by D.

新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误之样本不足(Insufficient-sample)

The evidence the author provides isinsufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logicallyunsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a fewrecent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless itcan be shown that A1 is representative of all A.

新GRE Argument写作七大误区之错误类比 (based on a false analogy ) <横向>

The argument rests on the assumptionthat A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, sincealthough there are points of comparison between A and B, there is muchdissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likelymuch more difficult for B to do....

新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误之时地全等 all thingsare equal <纵向>

The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact thathappened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that....The author assumes without justification that the background conditions haveremained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it isnot clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same asthey used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....

新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误之二者择一(Either-Orchoice)

The author assumes that AA and BB aremutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground.However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Commonsense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.

新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误之可疑调查(survey isdoubtful)

The poll cited by the author is toovague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll,who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking informationabout the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it isimpossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 personswere surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highlysuspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kindof interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of thesurvey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误之结论无据(gratuitous assumption)

The author falsely depends on gratuitousassumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to supportthis assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it ismore likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling outsuch possibility.上述就是对新GRE Argument写作七大典型错误的介绍,希望能够引起大家的关注,避免出现类似的错误。

篇三:新GRE写作 Issue及Argument备考要点


新GRE写作 Issue及Argument备考要点




Issue写作对于论据的要求是非常高的,因此你的名人事例的储备,相关知识量的积累是非常重要的。这一环节也正是GRE考生最为头疼的一部分,举不出支持自己的观点的例子,因此让自己的文章显得只有苍白的论证,缺乏说服力。因此要多读历史,积累例子,尤其关注那些重要的哲学家、科学家、艺术家、政治领袖等人的生平事迹、主要贡献。例如Issue里的这样一道真题:“Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。”(真正影响深远的思想家和具有高度创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会步伐不一致)。这个题目如果没有必备的那些思想家和艺术家的例子,文章必然缺乏说服力。因此读历史积累写作素材,具体说就是论据素材是拿高分的一个重要环节。




有些考生写GRE文章,喜欢用专业性的逻辑用语,其实没有必要,就事论事比较好。在批驳的时候为了显得有力,可以多用用for example、it is possible that、it is likely that之类的句型,因为Argument就是挑错与找茬的过程。如果实在觉得错误不好找,那么就根据每一句话批,基本上,每一个表示原因的句子中都可能存在逻辑错误。


难度: Issue>Argument




标签:分析 greargument 新greargument范文 gre argument 范文