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[高考任务型阅读技巧指导与专项训练] 专项训练任务

时间:2019-01-18 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

  一、任务型阅读的命题设置与特点    任务型阅读是短文加结构图表或方框图表。要求考生根据一篇短文所提供的信息用恰当的单词或词语完成与短文相关的表格,每空一词。参考时间为15分钟。其特点是考查考生对文中有效信息进行二次加工,归纳要点、整合零散信息,并根据表格的形式或图标形式把加工后的信息准确、有序地表达出来。具体考查考生三个方面的能力:捕捉信息能力;组织信息能力;综合概括信息能力。虽然说明中给出的图表形式和答题要求不同,但是从近几年的高考题中可以发现在所给出的10个空格中,捕捉信息题 (即细节和词法等) 占5个左右,组织信息题 (语境、句法) 3个左右,综合概括题2个左右。因此,信息的捕捉是重点。
  命题者在任务型阅读题型设置时,对于图表中所缺的单词,往往重动词和名词的考查。实际上信息捕捉题是基础题,要求考生能快速在文章中查找相关细节,锁定信息来源,并用文章中的词或其适当形式填空;信息转换题属于活用题,灵活考查考生在知识重组基础上,运用多种表达方式表意的能力,突显遣词造句能力的考查。比如,用意义相同或相反的词完成句子的能力。同时,在限定一空一词的要求下,更需要考生有逆向思维的能力。这种类型的题目一般不能直接在文章中找到题目给出的句子,需要考生在捕捉到相关信息之后,将捕捉到的信息进行加工转换;信息综合题是典型的综合概括题,要求考生能够准确无误地概括出文章的主题或行 (栏) 的标题,考查学生概括与推断的能力,归纳、抽象并提炼出文章主旨或者重要信息的能力,也就是在语篇结构解读基础上的信息转换能力。
  1. 审题、略读、理解。理解任务型阅读文章大意特别是审题是做题的第一步,也是关键的一步。因此,要快速浏览即略读全文,尤其是每段的第一句话,即Topic sentence和首尾段落,理清文章的写作思路和基本结构,以便加深对文章内容的了解。同时,文章的标题和结构往往也是很重要的设题线索。图表格式项目可能就是根据文章的结构而设计的。只有理解了文章,才能顺利地在图表空格中填出相应的信息。
  2. 观察、扫读、获取。通过观察任务型阅读题目,扫读图表,分析表格结构,考生可以快速、清楚地获取任务型阅读主干标题、分支结构等信息。对于大多数考生来说,要在15分钟之内完成这样一个“读写型”综合能力考查题还是有一定困难的。因此,考生一定要注意提高答题效率。有了这些有效信息和对文章整体结构和中心思想的了解,剩下的只要根据每个空格所在句子中的关键词,有的放矢地到原文找答案就是了。
  3. 复查、精读、完善。深入理解复查任务型阅读文章内容,精读与空格中要填的信息有关的文段,寻找确定答案的关键词语,或从文中进行概括,同时仔细斟酌用词,确保填的是最恰当词的最恰当形式,进一步完善题目要求。如填写时要注意所填单词的结构和形式,看是否与图表中所给的格式相同,同时注意单词的拼写、短语的搭配、所填词汇的词性、所填单词是否符合题目要求,还要注意字母的大小写。
  (1) 拓展词汇、过语法关。掌握扎实的英语语言知识是顺利完成阅读任务的基础,特别是有些英语表达与中国人的思维习惯不相同。因此,只有真正掌握了阅读材料中的字、词、句式以及一些字词句的背景知识,才能灵活运用到阅读材料中,才能做到成竹于胸。
  (2) 扩大阅读、培养习惯。为了拓展阅读面,养成英语阅读的习惯,可以读一些英文小故事、幽默、笑话,或者篇幅较长的简易英文读物;如果条件允许的话,还可开展一些读书活动,如介绍英语时事新闻、朗诵会、戏剧表演、英文故事会等。
  (3) 巧记下列任务型阅读中常出现的高频词。
  名词:cause 原因;effect结果,影响,效果;process过程;attitude态度;instruction 介绍;conclusion结论;proof证据;analysis分析;equipment设备;course课程,经过;tips建议;direction方向;structure结构;explanation解释;comparison比较;example例子;step步骤;fact事实;measure措施;information信息;advantage优势,长处,有利条件;disadvantage不利条件;interest兴趣;hobbies业余爱好;experience经历;strategy策略;range范围,(价格,气温等变化) 幅度
  形容词或者副词:natural自然的;man?made人造的;imaginary想象的;possible可能的;potential潜在的;positive积极的,正面的;negative消极的,负面的;modern现代的; historical历史的
  短语词汇:advertising agent广告代理商;application form申请表;national economy国民经济;the personal market人才市场;white paper白皮书;space tourism太空游;viewing rate收视率;generation gap代沟
  The legal limit for drunk driving is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0?08. A 120?pound woman can reach a 0?08 BAC level after only two drinks and a 180?pound man can be at 0?08 after only four drinks.
  A “drink” is either one shot of liquor, a five?ounce glass of wine or one beer, all of which contain the same amount of alcohol.
  At a 0?08 BAC level, drivers are so impaired that they are 11 times more likely to have a single?vehicle crash than drivers with no alcohol in their system. But 25 years of research has shown that some impairment begins for both males and females even after one drink.
  At the 0.02 blood alcohol concentration level, experiments have demonstrated that people exhibit some loss of judgment, begin to relax and feel good. But tests have also shown that drivers at the 0.02 level experience a decline in visual functions, affecting their ?ability? to track a moving object, and experience a decline in the ability to perform two tasks at the same time.
  At the 0.05 BAC level, people begin to exhibit exaggerated behavior, experience loss of small?muscle control―such as being able to focus their eyes quickly―have impaired judgment, lowered alertness and a release of inhibition.
  If someone with a BAC level of 0.05 gets behind the wheel, they would be operating the vehicle with reduce coordination, a further diminished ability to track moving objects, more difficulty in steering and a markedly reduced response in emergency situations.
  When someone drinking is approaching the borderline of legal intoxication, studies show that he or she has poor muscle coordination―affecting their balance, speech, vision, reaction time and hearing―find it more difficult to detect danger, and exhibit impaired judgment, self?control, reasoning ability and memory.
  A driver with a BAC of 0.08 will find it more difficult to concentrate, judge the speed of the vehicle, experience reduced information processing capability and exhibit impaired perception.
  For this reason, in some states drivers can be arrested for driving while impaired even if their blood alcohol concentration is lower than the legal limit, if the law enforcement officer believes he has probable cause based on the behavior and reactions of the driver.
  It?s simply not a wise choice to get behind the wheel no matter how much you have had to drink. The only safe driving limit is 0.00 percent.
  Title: Why You Should ? 1 ? Drink and Drive
  The ? 2 ? LimitThe legal limit for drunk driving is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) ? 3 ? of 0.08.
  0.02 BAC LevelAt the 0.02 blood alcohol concentration level, experiments have demonstrated that people begin to ? 4 ? their abilities of judgment.
  0.05 BAC LevelAt the 0.05 BAC level, people will not completely control ? 5 ?.
  ? 6 ? BAC LevelStudies show that he or she who has 0?08 BAC level ? 7 ? their balance, speech, vision, reaction time and hearing and find it more difficult to detect danger, and exhibit impaired judgment, self?control, reasoning ability and ? 8 ?.
  The ? 9 ? LimitIn some places drivers can be arrested for driving while impaired even if their blood alcohol concentration is lower than the legal ? 10 ?.
  Many surveys have been done in the past to determine what employers are looking for in employees. Certain attributes show up consistently in these surveys. The number one trait that employers stated that they wanted in employees was:
  In this day of rush and hurry, and impoliteness, good people skills and the ability to communicate well with others is extremely valued in the workplace.
  Team players are needed, and employers are looking for those with the ability to work well with others. This means being able to work well with others and being supportive of co?workers, instead of sabotaging them or trying to make others “look bad” (often at the expense of the project or task). It also means respecting the thoughts and opinions of coworkers.
  Griping at others, criticizing, blaming, or being known as “difficult” is not okay in today?s workplace. Smiling, communicating well, and knowing how to be gracious and flexible is. Employers consider a positive outlook and enthusiasm for the job important, as well as taking responsibility for one?s actions and personal integrity. Employers are looking for employees that they can trust, and whom they believe will do a good job.
  Self?esteem and confidence are considered part of a positive outlook. Employees with a good attitude will contribute towards reaching the company?s goals, and adapt well to the culture of the workplace.
  This probably comes as no surprise, but the hard working and productive employee is highly valued by employers. This means being willing to do occasional ?overtime? when required, or doing your best work (and not taking frequent breaks or “goofing off”) when on the job.
  This trait is also related to self?motivation and the desire to succeed. Employers stated in surveys that the self?driven employee who wants to achieve success at work usually does.
  Employers value the employee who takes an interest in their company, and understands thoroughly the product or expertise that is the basis of company profits. They also consider enthusiasm and a high opinion of the company and the position positive qualities. Learning above and beyond the “minimum”, being able to help customers, and actively seeking to increase the company client base are other valued traits according to employers.
  The job seeker can demonstrate this enthusiasm and interest in the company by doing “homework” before a job interview, researching the company, its products, its client base, and possibly having ideas on marketing or increasing production.
  Title: What Employers Want
  Employees ? 1 ? Interview ? 2 ?
  A good attitude● Smiling, ? 3 ? well, and trusting, and doing a good job?
  ● Being self?esteem and confidence?
  ● having a good attitude and ? 4 ? oneself to his company
  The ? 5 ? to ?work hard
  ● Working hard, being ? 6 ? and doing the best work ?
  ● Being self?motivation and the desire to succeed?
  ● Being self?driven to achieve ? 7 ?
  Product ? knowledge
  ● Getting ? 8 ? in their company, understanding the product or expertise ?
  ● Having enthusiasm and a high ? 9 ? of the company?
  ● ? 10 ? customers, and seeking to increase the company client base
  Noise can be defined as an unwanted or undesired sound. In the following lines, we have provided some of the causes and effects of noise pollution.
  Traffic noise is the main source of noise pollution caused in urban areas. With the ever?increasing number of vehicles on road, the sound caused by the cars and exhaust system of autos, trucks, buses and motorcycles is the chief reason for noise pollution.
  With the low flying military aircrafts soaring over the national parks, wasteland and other vacant areas, the level of noise pollution has drastically increased in these previously unaffected zones.
  People living beside railway stations put up with a lot of noise from locomotive engines, horns and whistles and switching and shunting operation in rail yards. This is one of the major sources of noise pollution.
  To meet the demands of the basic necessity of living, the construction of buildings, highways and city streets causes a lot of noise. Pneumatic hammers, air compressors, bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks and pavement breakers are the major sources of noise pollution in construction sites.
  Though not a prime reason, industrial noise adds to the noise pollution. Machinery, motors and compressors used in the industries create a lot of noise which adds to the already detrimental state of noise pollution.
  The first and foremost effect of noise is a decrease in the efficiency in working. Research has proved the fact that human efficiency increases with noise reduction.
  Too much of noise disturbs the rhythms of working, thereby affecting the concentration required for doing a work. Noise of traffic or the loud speakers or different types of horns divert the attention, thus causing harm in the working standard.
  Noise pollution acts as a stress invigorator, increasing the stress levels among people.
  Sometimes, being surrounded by too much of noise, people can be victims of certain diseases like blood pressure, mental illness, etc.
  Noise pollution indirectly affects the vegetation. Plants require cool & peaceful environment to grow. Noise pollution causes poor quality of crops.
  Animals are susceptible to noise pollution as well. It damages the nervous system of the animals.
  Noise indirectly weakens the edifice of buildings, bridges and monuments. It creates waves, which can be very dangerous and harmful and put the building in danger condition.?
   Causes And ? 1 ? Of Noise Pollution
  Causes Of Noise PollutionEffects Of Noise Pollution
  In urban areas, traffic noise ? 2 ? causes noise pollution. ?
  The plane which ? 3 ? low can increase the noise pollution. ?
  People who live near to the railway stations ? 4 ? from locomotive engines, horns and whistles and switching and shunting operation in rail yards. ?
  The construction of buildings, highways and city streets can also ? 5 ? people a lot of noise. ?
  Machines ? 6 ? in the factory can add the noise pollution.
   Research has proved the fact that human efficiency increases with noise reduction. ?
  Noise of traffic or the loud speakers or different types of horns ? 7 ? noise pollution in working standard. ?
  Noise pollution indirectly affects the vegetation. Plants need to grow ? 8 ?. Noise pollution causes poor quality of crops. ?
  Noise pollution damages the nervous system of the animals as ? 9 ?. ?
  The ? 10 ? of edifice of buildings, bridges, monuments and buildings can make them very dangerous and harmful.
  A、 1. Never
  2. Legal
  3. level
  4. lose
  ?5. behavior?
  6. 0.08
  7. affects
  8. memory
  ?9. Safe?
  10. limit
  B、 1. needed
  4. contributing
  5. ability
  6. productive
  7. successfully
  8. interested
  9. opinion 10. Helping
  C、 1. Effects
  2. mainly
  3. flies
  4. suffer
  ?5. bring?
  6. used
  7. cause
  8. peacefully
  9. well
  ?10. waves???
  we first hit the air, the wind was so strong that I could hardly breathe. For a second I thought, “What have I gotten myself into? But then everything got calmer. 可推知作者刚跳出飞机的那一刻是非常后悔的。
  11. B。细节理解题。由文章Being up in the clouds and looking at the view below was unlike anything I have ever felt―much better than the hot air balloon. I was just enjoying it.可得出答案。
  12. C。推理判断题。文章是典型的议论说明文,是提出问题,分析问题的套路。第一段通过提出一系列关于太空探索利弊的问题引发讨论。并不是真的有这些怀疑,也没有鲜明的正反观点,所以A、B不对。D偏差较远。
  13. A。主旨题。第二段是典型的总分总结构,主旨句在段首段尾。Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup as human beings. 主要原因在于人类基因。Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible. 而B选项错在fight这个词。C、D没提及。
  14. C。词义猜测题。 根据spin off 前面的we have already benefited from other spin off 关键词 benefit,受益。而spin off后面的including ... 说的全是获得的利益,如improvements in earthquake prediction 地震预测的进步等等,而不是什么生存机会,或者潜在资源。所以选C。
  15. C。细节理解题。按照问题顺序一致原则,答案应当出现在最后两段。在最后一段的首句我们找到了一个极端词用以定位。While earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets. 人类的适应能力使我们在其他星球的居住成为可能。

标签:高考 专项 训练 指导