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《Where Do They Live?》课堂教学实录
《Where Do They Live?》课堂教学实录

Where Do They Live?》课堂教学实录




Class Opening and Review

T: Hello,everyone! Nice to meet you!

C:Hello, teacher! Nice to meet you, too!

 (showing the situation on the courseware: Today is the little monkey’s birthday, all the animals who live in the forest come together to celebrate for him. )

T: Class, do you know what day is it? Hmmm…… Today is the little monkey’s birthday! Well, so many animals celebrate for him. Let’s look! Who are they?

(showing the picture on the courseware,and let students to say the names of the animals freely.)

S1: It’s a cat.

S2: It’s a dog.

S3: It is a mouse.

S4: It’s a rabbit.

New Concepts:

T: Now here are four new friends. They come to the birthday party, too. Let’s know them.OK?

C: OK!

(The teacher shows a snake to the students on the courseware. )

T: What is it?

C: 蛇

T: Right! In English, we call it “snake”. It looks like the letter “s”

C: snake, snake, snake

T: Try to spell!

C: S-N-A-K-E, snake.

T: What is it?

C: It’s a snake.

(The teacher shows a giraffe to the students on the courseware)

T: What is it?

C: 长颈鹿。

T: Right! In English, we call it “giraffe”.

C: giraffe, giraffe

T: What is it?

C: It’s a giraffe.

(The teacher shows a zebra to the students on the courseware. )

T: What is it?

C: 斑马.

T: Right! In English, we call it “zebra”.

C: zebra, zebra, zebra

T: Try to spell!

C: Z-E-B-R-A, zebra.

T: What is it?

C: It’s a zebra.

T: Yes, it has stripes.

(The teacher shows a panda to the students on the courseware. )

T: What is it?

C: 晶晶

T: Right! It’s a panda.

C: It’s a panda.

T: What is it?

C: It’s a panda.

T: Now, class! Let’s have some fun, OK?

C: OK!

T: It’s black and white, and very fat. Guess, what animal is it?

V1: A panda!

T: Is it a panda? Let’s see! (showing on the courseware)Great!

(students clap for him, the atmosphere of the class is very active )

T: This animal has stripes. It eats grass. What is it?

V2: It's a zebra.

T: Listen carefully! Guess, what animals is it? It hasn’t legs, and hasn’t arms, too.

V3: It’s a snake.

T: Hmmm! This animal is very special. It has long neck. It’s very tall.

V4: A giraffe.

T: A panda, a panda. It’s black and white, and very fat.

A zebra, a zebra. It has stripes, and eats grass.

A snake, a snake. It hasn’t legs, and hasn’t arms, too.

A giraffe, a giraffe. It has long neck, and it’s very tall.

C: A panda, a panda. It’s black and white, and very fat.

A zebra, a zebra. It has stripes, and eats grass.

A snake, a snake. It hasn’t legs, and hasn’t arms, too.

A giraffe, a giraffe. It has long neck, and it’s very tall.

T:It’ s dark,The animals will sleep. The little monkey wants to set places for them to live in. Where does a bird live? In a tree. Say it, please.

C:Where does a bird live? In a tree.

T:Where does a bird live?

S1:In a tree. Where does a bird live?

S2:In a tree. Where does a bird live?

S3:In a tree…

T:The little monkey wants everyone to help him .Can you set right places for the animals to live in?  Begin, please! 

S1:Where does a snake live?

S2:In a hole.

S3:Where does a panda live?

S4:In a forest.

T: Look, where do these animals live now?(showing the pictures on the courseware.)

C: In the cases.

T: They are very sad. The animals were closed in the cases by hunters, do you want to save them?

C: Yes.

T: If you want to save them, you have to answer the questions correctly. Do you have the confidence?

S1: It is a tiger. It sounds like “ao”. It likes to eats meat. It lives in a forest.

S2: It is a monkey. It sounds like “zhi zhi”. It likes to eats banana. It lives in a tree.

S3: It is a bird. It sounds like “ji”.It eats insects. It lives in a tree.

S4: It is a rabbit. It likes to eats grass. It lives in a hole.

T: Good work you have done. We should love the animals, ok?

T: What animal do you like? Choose anyone you like and then take the part of it. Please make dialogue with your partners.(students make dialogues in pairs)

S1: Hello, monkey.

S2: Hi, bird.

S1: How are you today?

S2: I’m not well. I’m hungry.

S1: Do you like to eat meat?

S2: No, I don’t.

S1: Do you like to eat hamburgers?

S2: No.

S1: What do you like to eat?

S2: I like to eat bananas and apples.

S1: I have some bananas and apples in my house. You can eat them.

S2: Thank you. Where do you live?

S1: I live in a tree. I can fly to my house. Can you fly?

S2: No, but I can climb the tree.

S1: That’s great. Let’s go.

S2: Let’s go.

T: Homework. Draw a picture about the animals. Talk about this picture with your friends.

T: Good-bye.

C: Good-bye.

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