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A,Little,Black,Sheep LittleBlack

时间:2019-01-27 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

   从前有座山,山里有座庙……噢,不对。应该是从前有个大草原,草原上有只小黑羊,小黑羊在做什么呢?看完潘秀编写的小黑羊的故事,你就知道了。       On a prairie(草原), there is a little black sheep. One day, all the little white sheep say to him, “Let’s play games together.” But he answers, “Sorry, I don’t want to.” His mother asks, “Why?” He says, “All the other sheep are white, but I am black.”
   Then the black sheep visits his friend, a white hen. He says to the hen, “Can you give me some white feather? I want to make a white coat.” The hen answers, “I’m sorry I can’t. But I don’t think you need a white coat. Black is nice.”
   The black sheep goes back home sadly(伤心地). All the white sheep are waiting for him. They say, “You’re the only black one. We all want to play with you.”
   The little black sheep smiles happily. All the sheep play games together.
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标签:Black Sheep