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英语优质课竞赛教案--Asking the Way
英语优质课竞赛教案--Asking the Way
I.Teaching Content
Asking the Way
A: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?
B: Sure. You can go there by bus.
A: Is it a long way from here?
B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.
A: Which bus can I take?
B: You can take a No. 2 bus.
A: Where is the bus stop?
B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.

II. Teaching procedures
Step 1. Warming-up
T: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.
Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"?
Step 2. Presentation
T: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?
S: "起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning".
T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go.
S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.
S2: Fisher Girl.
S3: Jiuzhou Town.
T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city?
S1: 2000 Hotel.
S2: Yindu Hotel.
S3: Bihai Hotel.
(The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.)
Step 3. New structures learning
T: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?
S: By bus.
T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybe
fifteen minutes is enough.
(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)
1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence:
"It'll take someone some time to do something."
2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence.
3) A guessing game:
T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"
T: How long will it take me to have a football match?
S1: It'll take you ninety minutes.
T: Yes.
4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order to introduce the new sentence: "Just go straight."
5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence "Go straight."
6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence: "Just go straight."
Step 4. Practice
1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then in pairs.
2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.
Step 5. Consolidation
T: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, so I've prepared some photographs for you.
1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "Pudong New Area" and "the Bund" to the students.
2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don't know, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.
3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.
上海参赛选手祁承辉老师所做的课 Asking the Way 是一节理念、设计巧妙、活动的优秀参赛课。这堂课体现了以学生为主体的教学思想。本节课主要体现出几个特点:
教师以来自上海和对珠海不熟悉为由,请学生向他介绍当地的名胜,进而表示对地方很感兴趣,并询问去地方的和所需要的。由此自然而巧妙地展开本课的话题,使课堂教学从一开始就的交际场景,活跃的课堂气氛。学生为能够运用熟悉的内容与教师交流而感,并为能交流帮助了教师而感到兴奋,从而使学习的自信心倍增。也使课文对话变成交流中的表达和交流需求。在接下来的教学中,教师抓住师生之间的信息差,让学生问上海的情况。学生在教师的下 (教师询问问题),既信息差的交流,又练习和了问路与指路的语言结构和用法。
在本课中,该教师安排了多样的学生活动,有个人、两人、和全班性的,有教师性的,也有需学生独立或合作的。活动均有与要求,并能够安排在的语境和情景中了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语交流的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。评价一节课与否,主要应看学生在活动中的程度 (外显的语言和内部语言思维过程),学生言语交际的性,学生在学习中出的情感、合作精神和学习与交际策略等的发展情况。在本次课上,学生能够且活动量大,并有自由的空间,教学。教师在教学活动中,注意了角色的转换与控制,在启发与示范后,能够把足够的留给学生,让学生努力实践与展示,这节课的活动安排张弛有度,活而不乱;,教师能学生的能力和状况适时活动安排与教学要求,了该教师较强的教学能力和教学组织能力,体现了以学生为主体、教师为的教学原则。
授课教师在教学中出较高的教学素养。的教学语言表达能力,语音、语调自然,清晰,强调适度 (包括有时降低音量等手段的运用);是形体语言在教学中运用出色,能够吸引学生的注意力,辅助教学;还有特点是学生思维活跃,课堂教学容量;教学节奏得当。都离不开教师自身较高的素质和平时的努力与积累,教师的每一节课整体的综合展现。全国小学大面积开设英语课即将开始,这既给带来了机遇,也向了更高的要求和挑战,希望有更多的优秀小学英语教师脱颖而出。

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